This is a template enterprise license agreement.
This issue of Canadian Briefings includes: Canadian Government Clarifies its Position on the Investment Canada Act by Dany Assaf, Jason McKenzie and Sarah McLean; International practice Almanac: British Columbia Canada Professional Regulation; Protocol Signed Amending the Canada-US Tax Treaty by Adrienne Oliver; Canada Shines Spotlight on World Stage by Carolyn Boyle; Canada Reconsiders Its Foreign Investment Policy by Terence Dobbin
This InfoPAK (now known as ACC Guides) provides a Q&A that gives a high level overview of the main trends and significant deals in the United Arab Emirates.
Reactive law departments respond ad hoc to requests and handle emergencies as they crop up. Proactive departments have processes, tools and cultural behaviors in place to deal with incoming requests efficiently, and thus are better able to strategically manage risk. Learn more about what how legal departments can stop constantly putting out fires and become proactive business partners.
Most companies create and store audio data. In the event of an investigation, audio evidence can be extremely compelling and can make or break a case. Organizations should recognize the risks and requirements associated with audio data. Because audio files pose unique discovery challenges, read this article to learn the best practices for handling audio evidence.
This article provides practical antitrust compliance tools for SMEs and larger companies.
This ACC Docket article is meant to spur dialogue and highlight possible changes to the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA)’s current model, including one that leverages new forms of corporate structure to create a distinct ethical framework for college athletics.
The negotiation of good IP agreements can be particularly thorny since the negotiator often doesn't understand the underlying IP. This session will discuss best practices and include practical checklists for would-be IP agreement negotiators.
This program will use humor, and chocolate, to provide an overview of equipment leasing from an accounting, tax and legal perspective and the ramifications thereof. There will also be a section discussing practical points (i.e., what to look for) when reviewing an equipment lease. Leave this session on a chocolate high with practical tips to negotiate into your next equipment lease.
Under the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, it is fundamental that a party may seek documents that are in the opposing party’s “possession, custody or control.” The same or similar standards are reflected in most state civil procedure rules. The corollary to these rules is that to avoid claims of spoliation and the severe sanctions that may follow, a party is obligated to ensure such records are preserved when litigation is reasonably anticipated.
Today’s government contractors, especially those just realizing that they are government contractors, face a compliance and ethics requirements environment significantly different from that of strictly commercial companies. To address the unique compliance and ethics needs of government contractors, panelists will provide an update on recent suspension and debarment matters, awards from the False Claims Act and the lessons government contractors can learn from those decisions. This session will review the Federal Acquisition Regulations on codes of conduct and compliance programs for government contractors. Panelists will also identify strategic ways to demonstrate due diligence in managing risk to government customers, regulators and the U.S. Department of Justice.
This InfoPAK (now known as an ACC Guide) provides a "question & answer" guide to corporate crime, fraud and investigations in China. This guide gives a high level overview of matters relating to corporate fraud, bribery and corruption, insider dealing and market abuse. In addition, it summarizes money laundering and terrorist financing, financial record keeping, due diligence, corporate liability, immunity and leniency, and whistleblowing.
The purpose of this Policy is to establish standards and expectations regarding any company-related use of Social Media.
This case law is Federal Trade Commission v., LLC.
Unitranche facilities, with or without accompanying super senior revolving facilities, have become a more prominent feature of the European market in recent years, driven in part by the growing number of credit funds looking to provide this product.
This article is a summary of major copyright developments between December 2014 and March 2015.
It's not just boiler plate! This program will help you negotiate important clauses even with the 800 pound gorillas that everyone says will not change their "standard" contract language. To do this, you need to get past the gatekeepers. Those gatekeepers are internal and the other side with whom you are negotiating. Build influence by choosing the important issues to negotiate and help your internal constituents understand the importance to gain momentum. The panel will present negotiation and drafting tips designed to complement and refine your approach based upon differing internal and external pressures to "get the deal done."
Because every business has employees, buy-sell agreements involve employees. This article provides a practical guide to the necessary, and not-so obvious, labor and employment issues that should be on in-house counsel’s “radar screen” when conducting merger and acquisition due diligence.
You’ve just been appointed general counsel of the company. Now what? The next 90 days are probably the most important of your career to date. From working with your assistant to partnering with the C-suite, this article provides suggestions on how to focus your time during the first three month in your new role. Spend your time wisely, or else it might be the beginning of the end.
The tables are turned in the continuing dialogue between N. Side, general counsel for Federated Overseas Operations Logistics, Inc. (FOOLS, Inc.) and the firm of Oliver, Wendell & Holmes.
This ACC guide provides a Q&A that gives a high level overview of board composition, the comply or explain approach, management rules and authority, directors' duties and liabilities, transactions with directors and conflicts, company meetings, internal controls, accounts and audit, institutional investors and reform proposals in Saudi Arabia.
In this multi-country guide, learn about the rules regarding whistleblower protection and reporting channels in a wide range of jurisdictions.
AMD v. Intel is a valuable reminder of the importance of data preservation and ediscovery. Avoid unintentional evidence spoliation by implementing an effective preservation program — although initial costs may seem high, the risks of doing without could cripple a corporation’s capital and reputation.
Tools & Solutions for Doing Your Job Better
Written Submission of the American Corporate Counsel Association to the ABA Task Force on Corporate Responsibility
(The"Cheek Commission?), November 11, 2002.
This brief resource (Top Ten) outlines the top considerations for existing ASTM standards for environmental due diligence, their intersection with the law and the advent of new standards.
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