This handbook provides for an overview of the applicable privacy and data protection laws and regulations across 63 different jurisdictions and guides you through this complex area of compliance. It is an important source for information for legal departments of corporations, irrespective of the location of their headquarters.
As cost centers, law departments and their leaders frequently struggle to tangibly articulate their value to the business. This panel discussion will address the necessary information to clearly define and articulate your value and your department’s overall framework and operations to decision-makers including the CEO, CFO and board. The session will include: the benchmark information you need to clearly articulate value; how to present the case for hiring new resources, including how to optimize structure, align the department with the business goals, and assess optimal sourcing and staffing work within the department; and how to quantify the law department cost drivers that are impacted by decisions related to law department structure and staffing.
This check card is a printable resource with practical tips on what not to do with competitors.
Printable wallet sized cards with practical advise about antitrust.
Do the various companies in the United States stand together in terms of federal legislative and regulatory efforts to harness market forces in reducing carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions? The answer is not intuitive, primarily because of the enormous disparity in GHG emission inventories among companies. California utilities, for example, with one of the lowest CO2 inventories in the country, may find themselves on the short end if federal cap-and-trade policy allows tradable rights based on historic CO2 emissions — a starting point that would benefit utilities in coal-burning states. The panel will begin with a brief primer on cap-and-trade basics, and then launch into a debate on the key issues companies will have to work through as they help shape federal cap-and-trade policy for GHG emissions.
In October's Business Ethics column, James Nortz discusses conscious capitalism.
This resource presents ten key tips on educating and training employees about legal holds.
Panelists provide an overview of legal project management techniques and tools. They share war stories and engage you in a discussion about best practices for scoping projects, managing teams and budgets, communicating to stakeholders, addressing scope creep, and conducting post project reviews.
This program will explain the most common pitfalls that manufacturers and service providers face with uniform “global” warranty terms and conditions. The program will address aspects relating to public policy rules, choice of law issues and logistic problems of global warranties, as well as provide recommendations on how to draft global warranty terms and conditions.
How do corporate counsel successfully meet the challenges of the modern legal department? This article has an answer which comes in the form of change management. A successful change management effort challenges the what, why and how of the way the legal department conducts its business. Change is inevitable — process improvement, metrics and benchmarking, once seen as innovative, are the new norm. Don’t be left behind; learn what you can do to get on the change team.
Managing a business dispute in China requires foresight at the time of a deal; potential issues can often be spotted during initial negotiation meetings. Most important, the key for any foreigner doing business in china is to appreciate the cultural, historical and political differences that create a dynamic, if not challenging, business landscape. This article offers practical tips to assist you in preparing and executing a deal, avoiding dispute, and how to tackle a dispute should one arise.
This is a sample electricity supply contract (retail supplier form).
Check out this 2014 Communicator Award-winning article! Litametrics is the application of analytics in a range of areas. The use of analytics is not new territory for most law departments that dabble in ediscovery, applying analytics to perform searches for documents. Litametrics can also empower counsel to make better and more informed decisions on building a legal team, budgeting and predicting outcomes of cases so the best strategy can be developed. Learn what Litametrics can do for you.
Who knows better than we in the trenches the many tools and tips out there to manage a small department for maximum efficiency on a modest budget. This Town Hall meeting will share best practices and practical tips on the following subjects: the practical aspects of staffing (range of positions, non-legal positions, outsourcing); budgeting (templates, budgeting for litigation, cost allocation, common budget busters); research options (Westlaw, Practical Law, ACC, other knowledge management systems, good blogs and listservs) and technology tools (systems for small departments, cloud services, video conferencing, e-signature systems, systems that allow you to work from anywhere (phone tethering, Adobe, MiFis, FedEx Kinkos, Regus, etc.).
This policy establishes a set of rules and guidelines for any activity and participation in “social media” by all company “users.”
This InfoPAK (now known as ACC Guides) gives a succinct overview of merger control, regulatory framework and regulatory authorities in Australia.
Everyone should have a plan for when they pass away and that includes your digital assets. Read through this guide to gain tips and know-how for your next steps.
This check card is a printable resource with practical advice for the dos and don'ts of The Canadian Competition Act.
Learn how to develop a powerful, scalable, flexible, feature-rich policy management system enables organizations to manage policies throughout all of the stages of the policy life cycle.
Privacy on the Go recommends a “surprise minimization” approach. This approach means supplementing the general privacy policy with enhanced measures to alert users and give them control over data practices that are not related to an app’s basic functionality or that involve sensitive information.
In the wake of the US Supreme Court decision to legalize same-sex marriage and recent legislation surrounding transgender rights, in-house counsel must tune out the controversy and ensure that their company remains compliant with changing state and federal regulations.
In this publication, the details and secrets of excellent record retention programs are unlocked. Learn how to update traditional methods to better fit your modern workplace. Find a starting point, execute an effective and compliant schedule and evolve with new regulations.
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