This is a sample company social media policy.
This is a sample social media usage policy.
This resource covers important information to consider before investing in Indonesia.
This toolkit provides a guide to some of the basics of financial accounting terms and concepts that are key to in-house lawyers for understanding the company's financial statements as well as a guide to establishing a law department from scratch.
This is a sample two-party escrow service agreement where the company provides flexible, comprehensive escrow services that generate the type of agreement that gives customers the right level of protection in each unique situation.
Changing your governance strategy is hard, let alone adjusting it in the middle of a global pandemic. In this article, in-house counsel will learn how to navigate virtual board meetings and the legal context in which to analyze their governance plans. This article was originally published in May 2020.
This survey explores the areas of personal career history, personal demographics, profile of the corporate legal department and the use of legal research and other products and services.
Notice of the Texas Attorney General's intent to file administrative expense claim for post-petition civil fines and penalties
This Wisdom of the Crowd, compiled from questions and responses posted on the Intellectual Property, IT, Privacy & eCommerce, and Small Law Departments eGroups, addresses issues involving software license agreements and digital contracts in general. The issues discussed include acceptance of software license agreements, requirement of acceptance and click-wrap agreements.
This program will address key issues in contract drafting, negotiation, execution and management. Such issues will include the role of counsel in the drafting process, drafting techniques with regard to recitals, definitions, primary and economic operating provisions, representations and warranties, and convenants and conditions. A discussion will also be held on how a legal department can become a better facilitator in the contracting process. It is expected that the presenters will include both inside and outside counsel, and the attendees will be provided with realistic examples from which to develop additional skills.
No one can anticipate every bump in the road. If you take each crisis in stride, however, you can use the experience to prepare for the future. For instance, a career resilience plan can shorten recovery time and aid in transferring skill sets from one career path to another. Learn seven key components of any career resilience plan.
These are sample rules and guidelines for communicating company-related information via social networking forums whether used in or outside the workplace.
With the Dodd-Frank act in effect, employees now have greater incentive to call the SEC about potential violations. Companies must encourage their own employees to report any potential violations internally rather than to the SEC. Learn more about whistleblower provisions and their implications for your client.
In sports, failure to keep your eye on the ball can mean the difference between winning and losing. This expression captures the current predicament of the fantasy sports industry, an industry where bountiful venture capital funding and rapidly expanding revenue distracted from the legal complications descending on the industry and threatened to destroy it.
More than half of US citizens live in states where medical cannabis is legal, and a large majority support wholesale legalization, yet the cannabis industry faces significant federal obstacles. The 2013 Justice Department “Cole memo” established a formal policy of not prosecuting legitimate cannabis retailers, but later federal clarifications severely limited the access of the cannabis industry to conventional banking.
This is a two-party master escrow service agreement where the company provides flexible, comprehensive escrow services that generate the type of agreement that gives our customers the right level of protection in each unique situation.
Foley & Lardner’s Top Trends for 2024 publication unpacks key developments in an uncertain regulatory landscape.
The good, the bad and the strategy - IP in changing times - presentation held in Melbourne 22 February 2017.
The good, the bad and the strategy - IP in changing times - presentation held in Adelaide 28 February 2017.
The Good, the Bad and the Strategy - IP in Changing Times - presentation held in Brisbane 23 March 2017.
Drone Laws - presentation held in Sydney 30 March 2017.
This is an employee policy for appropriate use of social media and related rules and prohibitions.
This article talks about giving substance to implementing change and seeing that each process that a department takes on is an opportunity for improvement.
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