This Leading Practices Profile, an update to ACC’s 2010 piece, features law department leading practices for generating and demonstrating value through a number of value levers, as well as best practices for improving the bottom line and enhancing collation across business units. In wake of the economic downturn in the last decade and the increased pressure to “do more with less,” six participating corporations share their best value-sustaining practices in law department staffing, targeted practice areas, outside counsel management, strategic planning and the use of metrics to measure and track best practices.
This article is a practical cross-border insight into mergers and acquisitions.
This policy provides general guidance and references to other applicable policies regarding the practice for employee creation and use of web-based and multi-media communications tools for internal or external use, whether internally or externally hosted applications.
Informative resources for in-house lawyers on topics such as navigating employment and workplace considerations, geopolitical risks, business continuity, crisis response, and cybersecurity.
Union membership in the American workforce has dropped dramatically since the post-Depression era peak in 1945. But the potential passage of the Employee Free Choice Act may expose a new generation of laborers to the union influence — including yours.
This discussion aims to educate law department leaders on how to effectively communicate the value of strategic initiatives to the broader legal team to achieve buy in, including how to manage change, how to execute against plan, how to measure success, how to report on progress and demonstrate quantifiable outcomes.
Veera Rastogi, Worldwide VP of Law, Supply Chain, Real Estate, Procurement & Technology, J&J | |
Jen Warner, President, Raleys | |
Bill Casey, Global Lead Division Counsel, Harman Connected Services | |
Steve Harmon, COO and GC, Elevate | |
Devdeep Ghosh, Vice President, Consulting, Elevate |
This is a sample company employee handbook.
903 - Out of Sight, Out of Mind? Structuring Outsourcing Agreements in India & Asia-Pacific
A company negotiating an agreement to sell products to the government of a foreign country should consider a few steps for mitigating risk. Implementing these steps will be particularly important if the foreign country has had some prior political unrest and has insisted that any transaction must be handled in their judicial system.
At first glance, devising and negotiating payment term policies may appear to be a purely financial endeavor. However, a knowledgeable in-house counsel could craft these policies to help anticipate certain problems, while appeasing parties on both sides of the negotiation. Learn how different policies work and what terms are used to better meet the requirements
of your organization in the United States.
Settlements resolve nearly all legal disputes, but settlement remains an ad hoc event and is rarely treated as the defined process it should be. Settlement counsel are another tool in your arsenal
This InfoPAK (now known as ACC Guides) gives a succinct overview of merger control, regulatory framework and regulatory authorities in Canada.
This sample policy shows the need to have a policy which ensures that employees who use social media either as part of their job, or in a personal capacity, have guidance as to the company's expectations where the social media engagement is about the company, its products and services, its people, its competitors and/or other business related individuals or organisations.
Learn about the most important terms and phrases within the Social aspect of Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG).
Read this 2011 Tabbie Award-winning article!
Companies and employees might apply the “What happens in Vegas...” motto when using social media in the corporate environment; this mindset, however, could cause more than the proverbial hangover. From FLSA and NLRA violations to discrimination and harassment, many legal issues can potentially stem from unchecked social networking. Guide your client with a clear policy.
Top ten tips to illustrate how taking a holistic, enterprise-wide view of contract management will aid in striking the balance between risk and business objectives in a timely and efficient manner.
This material discusses why you need to market your law department, how to market your law department, positioning
Internal communication, and how to create and demonstrate added value.
This article will focus on those features of the EU merger control regime that are most important for corporate counsel who are responsible for managing different aspects of the deal and for serving as a liaison between management and outside counsel.
This is an Insights article provides a current outlook on real estate crowdfunding.
Ben Franklin knew a thing or two about inventions and money, though not so much about patent litigation. You can use his wisdom, though, to curb many of patent litigation's costs. Read how up-front investments in defining clear goals, selecting top-notch counsel, retaining the right experts, and realistically analyzing the merits and costs will save you money in the long run.
Some companies like Wal-Mart have signed “A Call to Action” in order to achieve diversity and this article takes a look at what signing this document means, the current state of the legal profession in terms of diversity, and what you can be doing in your own department.
An article, adapted from a presentation, regarding traits or actions of outside counsel that rub the average in-house attorney the wrong way.
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