This sample policy shows the need to have a policy which ensures that employees who use social media either as part of their job, or in a personal capacity, have guidance as to the company's expectations where the social media engagement is about the company, its products and services, its people, its competitors and/or other business related individuals or organisations.
Before you expand your business internationally, consider exactly what your expansion goals are -- and what the legal and business landscape holds for you abroad. You will need to know exactly what sort of candidates you are looking to head your new legal department, decide on a reporting structure, set the relevant expectations, and of course be aware of cross-cultural differences in education and training.
For a multinational company based in the United States, it’s essential that employers understand local employment laws when it comes to hiring, managing and terminating employees. After all, most of the basic US concepts of employment law do not translate internationally. Before drafting an international employment agreement, read this article and avoid the “tourist” traps.
Read this 2011 Tabbie Award-winning article!
Companies and employees might apply the “What happens in Vegas...” motto when using social media in the corporate environment; this mindset, however, could cause more than the proverbial hangover. From FLSA and NLRA violations to discrimination and harassment, many legal issues can potentially stem from unchecked social networking. Guide your client with a clear policy.
Provides key questions to ask yourself before embarking on an international transaction and discusses disclosure law in England and Wales, trademark and patent filings in Chile, and business visas for Australia.
This is an Insights article provides a current outlook on real estate crowdfunding.
This article offers practical tips on how to "flip the coin," suggesting that in-house counsel help outside counsel become genuinely more client-focused and thus better able to deliver value, not just time and effort.
Discuss recent international court decisions affecting in-house practice; Review recent Canadian court decisions affecting in-house practice; and learn how litigation tied to business practices, global change, social phenomena, regulatory goals, etc. are reshaping GCs’ focus.
This InfoPAK (now known as ACC Guides) provides a practical guide of data protection rules and principles, right to access personal data or object to its collection in France.
Despite your best efforts, there is always a possibility that an inspection from the US Occupational Safety and Health Administration will arrive on your company's doorstep. Don't be intimidated by the prospect. By having a pre-established understanding of OSHA and how its investigations impact company operations, legal departments can take preventative measures to mitigate the risk of a citation or subsequent litigation.
Some companies like Wal-Mart have signed “A Call to Action” in order to achieve diversity and this article takes a look at what signing this document means, the current state of the legal profession in terms of diversity, and what you can be doing in your own department.
A brief checklist of the more common topics covered in confidentiality agreements, followed by an analysis of the variations, considerations, and typical seller and buyer positions. Also includes sample language for use in drafting confidentiality agreements.
An article, adapted from a presentation, regarding traits or actions of outside counsel that rub the average in-house attorney the wrong way.
From Ontario to Dallas, ACC highlights the recent events from chapters across the globe.
Got employees? Then chances are they've got Facebook - and you've got a multitude of potential problems. As electronic communication continues to advance, employers are finding it more difficult to strike a balance between monitoring and restricting employees use of social monitoring and restricting employees use of social networking sites. This article focuses on using social networking sites at the pre-employment screening stage, and while monitoring and regulating their use by current employees.
This case law is on the issue of whether the equitable defenses of laches should apply in this case to bar the recovery of any pre-filing damages for infringement that NexTag might owe LendingTree and whether LendingTree should be equitably estopped from obtaining any relief on its infringement claims against NexTag.
Would you feel comfortable if your company outsourced its key technology, ecommerce, or information management-related functions using agreements that did not cover the most critical contractual issues? Of course not. This article provides a "Top 10" list of important legal issues that you should address in technology, ecommerce, and information management outsourcing agreements. The list includes some issues that, although not necessarily new or unique to outsourcing transactions, are at a premium in such agreements. The article also provides some sample contractual language that you can use as a starting point to address key legal issues specific to your company.
This primer considers in detail the use of English law in Belt & Road transactions.
Florida's "Stop WOKE Act” (HB7) restricts employers from requiring diversity training that “espouses, promotes, advances, inculcates, or compels [employees] to believe” certain prohibited concepts related to race, color, sex or national origin." While Florida's law is the first of its kind, there is speculation that other states could adopt similar legislation in the future.
Strict liability will be imposed by the UK’s Office of Financial Sanctions starting June 15, 2022, on individuals or companies for violations of the UK’s sanction measures, regardless of whether the individuals or companies knew or should have known they were violating the sanction measures. In this article, learn about the new strict liability offenses and what can be done to manage them.
Provides a list of circumstances commonly excluded from force majeure (FM) to assist in deciding whether they should be in or out of your list of FM triggers.
An intellectual property (IP) and information technology (IT) due diligence request list for use in connection with an M&A transaction. This request list is designed for IP specialists and is specific to IP and IT-related issues. This Standard Document has integrated notes<br />with important explanations and drafting tips.
This InfoPAK (now known as ACC Guides) gives a succinct overview of merger control, regulatory framework and regulatory authorities in Singapore.
Corporate counsel must understand the relevant technology and the risks that it poses, and create, adopt, and enforce a policy that minimizes the risks without causing bigger problems. This article will help you do just that.
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