The Guide to the ACC Value Challenge in Europe is a user-friendly resource designed for both those who are just beginning to look at value in the in-house legal function, and those who have already made progress in delivering value.
Each chapter provides basic guidelines and a few more advanced approaches. Some chapters may be more useful to those just starting out on the ACC Value Challenge, and other chapters may provide greater benefit to those who are already leading initiatives to increase value from external or internal resources. The case examples included in the guide provide a range of beginning to advanced steps as well. <br><br>Download the PDF, or view the interactive digital edition at <a href=""> </a>
A focus on efficiency and effectiveness—these were the strategic priorities for the majority of legal teams.
This was a consistent message from corporate law departments around the world. In Europe respondents placed particular emphasis on the drive for efficiency. In this report, in-house counsel will learn about the priorities and implementation strategies of European corporate departments.
This QuickCounsel provides a brief overview of the Department of Justice and Securities and Exchange Commission's Resource Guide to the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act. Includes tips on the dangers of FCPA liability, the importance corruption due diligence, and various trends at the DOJ and SEC.
Recently, the US, the EU, and the UK announced that they will exclude some Russian banks from the SWIFT global payment system, a move that is expected to have a significant impact on these banks’ ability to remain connected with the international financial system and operate globally. The EU also announced plans to restrict the activities of certain Russian media outlets.
Teaching law school is an exciting opportunity for in-house counsel to share their practical knowledge and help develop the next generation of lawyers. View a compilation of course proposals, syllabi, and exams, that have been created and used by members of the in-house community who have taught or are teaching a class in law school.
A perennial favorite. This session highlights the most important trends, legislation, regulation, and case law affecting labor and employment law changes over the past year, including what the activity at the US National Labor Relations Board means for unionized and nonunionized employers alike. Join an experienced panel of experts for insight and practical knowledge on the many developments in workplace law.
because distributors are located in the middle of the supply channel, they face demands from both ends: intellectual property protections from the makers of a product and requests from those reselling it. This article looks at the types of relationships distributors typically have with vendors and purchasers, and offers advice on how to successfully navigate the squeeze.
This multi-jurisdictional guide explores legal issues, rules, and developments related to real estate. Topic covered include leasing, investment, development, and financing.
Have you ever given any thought to the rubber band and how it’s a metaphor for life? Like us, rubber bands come in all shapes and sizes, and it can be used for a variety of different tasks. Regardless of what it is used for, in order for the rubber band to be effective, it needs to be able to stretch, twist, bind and adjust.
Employers are faced with adopting a more agile operational structure and managerial approach ready to respond to change, both medical and governmental, at a moment’s notice. While getting back to business will look different for each of us, learn more from this checklist in order to prepare, as best you can, for your business and its own situation.
This is the Fraud Sections' Foreign Corrupt Practices Act enforcement plan and guidance in the United States.
This QuickCounsel is intended to assist counsel and human resource professionals in quickly understanding the basic concepts of social media employment issues.
This Quick Counsel provides a high level overview of key aspects of Australian contract law for those doing business in Australia or entering into contracts governed by Australian law.
This briefing highlights some emerging legal risks associated with hybrid working and considers how employers should plan going forward.
Defending a patent infringement lawsuit can be an arduous and costly endeavor. Of course, there can be no infringement if the patent is invalid. One way to prove this is by producing prior art. Although the concept may not seem revolutionary, this article provides eight examples of resourceful patent lawyers in their search for prior art.
Discusses the spider web of regulations that vary across borders, subjecting multinational companies to conflicting standards and possible multiple prosecutions for the same acts.
Do you know where to start when seeking venture capital financing? There are a lot of key investment terms to consider, and some approaches to these terms favor the VC, while others favor the company. Before signing the dotted line, be sure to understand the expected timeline and your approach to the process.
Failure to discover that your company may have had insurance coverage could cost your company. You must make it clear who is responsible for seeking insurance coverage and dealing with your insurance coverage issues: in-house counsel, outside defense counsel, or outside coverage counsel. The best place to allocate those responsibilities is in your company's engagement letters and guidelines for working with outside counsel. Thus, in selecting a law firm to defend a case, it is critical to determine whether that firm has sufficient insurance coverage experience. If it does not, it is advisable to retain separate coverage counsel early on.
Fracking sits at the intersection between US energy and environmental policy. It offers both transformative economic opportunities and energy security, as well as novel environmental regulatory challenges. This program will provide an overview of the key subsurface environmental and land use issues, as well as the regulatory and legislative efforts being undertaken at the state and federal levels, along with related litigation. Faculty for this program will consist of in-house experts who are responsible for fracking projects, outside counsel who have litigated fracking matters, and government attorneys who help develop and enforce regulations related to fracking.
Discusses the typical coverage of D&O policies and the most common insurer defenses in situations involving allegations of financial misrepresentation.
This article was written after a mini roundtable where participants answered questions regarding D&O insurance for privately held companies, private equity and non-profits.
An interview with Nina Macpherson
About 85 percent of all corporate espionage incidents involve current or past employees. Use this article to implement your battle plan.
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