Working with your marketing team to manage your company's brands - presentation held in Sydney 24 August 2017.
Learn about how to navigate uncertainties regarding the EU-US "agreement in principle" on the data privacy framework announced in March 2022.
Every year natural disasters, such as hurricanes, floods, fires, earthquakes, and tornadoes, impose significant environmental harms, and many of these impacts are projected to increase as climate change accelerates. The emerging field of “disaster law” has a significant overlap with environmental law, both in responding to and managing the environmental impacts of natural disasters, and in the role of insurance and compensation in managing risks. This panel will review the legal components of disaster planning and disaster response, focusing on legal challenges that companies face in planning for disasters, ensuring continuation of operations in the face of disasters, and securing government assistance, regulatory relief, and insurance recovery in the wake of such disasters.
This guide provides a legal overview for companies doing business in Massachusetts (United States).
Read about the current state of transfers of personal data out of the UK post-Brexit, and how they may or may not diverge from the EU GDPR.
Cyber-security Crisis Management - presentation held in Sydney 13 June 2017 and Melbourne 15 June 2017.
This QuickCounsel provides a brief overview of the Department of Justice and Securities and Exchange Commission's Resource Guide to the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act. Includes tips on the dangers of FCPA liability, the importance corruption due diligence, and various trends at the DOJ and SEC.
This Wisdom of the Crowd, compiled from questions and responses posted on the Employment & Labor Forum, addresses whether an employer needs consent from its employees to use employees' photos taken at the employer's offices or events.
Is Microsoft SharePoint for you? In this article, Nanci Tucker evaluates the strengths and weaknesses of the software, applying her firsthand experience as a means of providing valuable advice for in-house counsel.
In October's Careerparth, Bill Mordan reminds us of the shortcomings of the data that today's executives possess.
This training course provides an overview of OFAC sanctions and their key provisions. It will help you recognize situations presenting a risk of legal violations and deal with them properly.
This article addresses the new Australian foreign investment rules which came into force on 1 December 2015 following the passage of the Government’s Foreign Acquisitions and Takeovers Legislation Amendment Bill 2015.
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