This QuickCounsel intends to clarify the process of creation of a localor foreign legal entity in Brazil.
Between legislation and major court decisions, the patent landscape has changed drastically over the last several years. In light of this, companies should look at their patent strategies holistically, from all angles, including prosecution, licensing, litigation, and post grant procedures and the interplay among them. For instance, patents must have claims with detectable infringement and be capable of withstanding validity challenges in different forums. To obtain patents like these, it is necessary to understand every step of patent prosecution, how patents are enforced in federal court, and how patents are defended at the US Patent Trial and Appeal Board. Likewise, companies facing litigation or post-grant challenges, such as inter partes reviews, need the technical knowledge of patent prosecution that attorneys who have prosecuted patents possess. This program will provide a view from the trenches with a number of war stories and perspectives from the US Patent and Trademark Office’s Silicon Valley office and in-house and outside counsel alike.
The session will cover important recent US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) developments since the 2015 ACC Annual Meeting. The program will review significant enforcement actions and trends as well as recent SEC developments related to the Volcker Rule, shareholder proposals, and the rule for pay ratio disclosure. This program will also examine those sections of the Dodd-Frank Act that matter most to corporate and securities lawyers in their day-to-day practices, including providing advice to management and board members. The session will review the network of regulations that have been adopted pursuant to those sections and report on the status of regulations not yet adopted by the SEC. This will be a fast-moving program; come equipped with a working knowledge of the Securities Exchange Acts of 1933 and1934.
Canadian M&A activity was moderate in 2013. The weakened natural resources sector, which had helped Canada outperform other economies through the recession, contributed to an overall drop in M&A levels as the total number and aggregate value of Canadian deals, and Canada’s share of global M&A, decreased. However, powered by a strong domestic economy, Canadian companies’ outbound M&A strengthened relative to inbound acquisitions and the U.S. was again by far the most popular target country. Against that backdrop, we answer some frequently asked questions on Canadian M&A and discuss the trends that Blakes sees unfolding in 2014.
This guide provides a legal overview for companies doing business in Massachusetts (United States).
This Wisdom of the Crowd (ACC member discussion) addresses whether to include a written acknowledgment for the employee handbook, under US law. This resource was compiled from questions and responses posted on the forum of the Employment & Labor Law ACC Network.*
In this multi-jurisdictional guide, explore an overview of key legal issues, rules and developments regarding pharmaceutical advertising across a range of jurisdictions.
This Wisdom of the Crowd (ACC member discussion) addresses whether employers classify paralegals as exempt or non-exempt employees under US law. This resource was compiled from questions and responses posted on the forum of the Employment & Labor Law ACC Network.
This panel will focus on the first ninety days in-house as a model for
setting and achieving goals and measuring success that is applicable to
in-house counsel at any stage. Experts will address increasing
production in the counsel's office, managing outside projects, improving
value and reducing costs, engaging with client business groups to
identify important issues and benchmarking successes for those outside
the counsel's office.
In this article, learn more about the state of the legal profession in the Asia-Pacific region during 2016.
This InfoPAK (now known as ACC Guides) provides a Q&A which gives a high level overview of the key practical issues including the level of activity and recent trends in the German market.
This Wisdom of the Crowd (ACC member discussion) addresses battle of the form situations between a seller's standard terms and conditions, and terms mentioned on the buyer's purchase order. This resource was compiled from questions and responses posted on the forum of the IT, Privacy & eCommerce ACC Network.
A comparative global guide of foreign investment regimes in many jurisdictions.
This roundtable discussions of women in-house attorneys, representing a diverse range of seniority levels, industries and subject matter expertise, will discuss issues unique to women working in large corporations. Their insights will be of interest to a variety of ACC members, including women in-house attorneys seeking to climb the corporate ladder, in-house attorneys of both genders seeking to mentor women in their legal departments, women practitioners seeking to develop business with corporate clients, and male practitioners seeking to strengthen their relationships with the increasing number of female corporate executives.
This InfoPAK (now known as ACC Guides) provides a high level overview of matters relating to practical issues concerning oil and gas and power including, the domestic oil and gas and electricity sectors, rights to oil and gas, electricity generation and renewable energy, oil and gas health and safety and the environment, and electricity transmission, distribution and supply in the United States.
Learn about developments from 2021 in the Technology, Media and Telecom sector in the Asia and Asia-Pacific region (focus on Australia, China, Hong Kong, India, New Zealand, Singapore, Vietnam).
It seems to us that although the dizzying number of technology solutions entering the market daily (not to mention the avalanche of new AI possibilities that accompany them) are intended to make everyone’s life simpler, it’s more challenging than ever to cut through the noise and figure out how or where to start your journey to simplifying contracting for you and your organization. Read more.
This is a memorandum from the Deputy Attorney General concerning individual accountability for corporate wrongdoing.
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