Today’s heightened regulatory environment coincides with an exponential growth in data, creating new challenges for corporations operating in the international marketplace. Multinational corporations must employ innovative strategies that capitalize on expanding data. Learn how to leverage fact development organizations so that information gathered is lasting and useful.
Data risk was once thought of as a technical challenge. However, the onslaught of data breach and data privacy legislation, and subsequent litigation have changed this outlook. There is one activity that everyone is aware of which, if well-executed, can lower technical, legal, and privacy risks and increase compliance: a data retention/deletion program. Check out this whitepaper from Exterro to learn more about data retention programs.
Derivatives, or contracts based on the value of something else, have been receiving a lot of publicity, particularly with regard to their alleged abuse. This article sheds light on the many uses of derivatives, including their role in risk management. Learn more about derivatives, including how new regulation has affected their function.
This Top Ten addresses how activist investors have been utilizing the new inter partes review (IPR) process from the American Invents Act (AIA) to put pressure on stock prices of public companies that heavily rely on patent protection.
Discuss proxy season results and what is on the horizon for next season (including new proposals and proposals which have passed). Gain insight into and an understanding of the trends in proxy drafting. Examine new developments in proxy access. Analyze and understand ISS and Glass Lewis guidelines and trends. Receive practical guidance regarding managing shareholder engagement and shareholder activism. Review and explore other related items such as ways to increase quorum, European trends and environmental and social issues.
There are two kinds of companies: those that have had a security breach and those that will have a security breach. Security incidents present numerous significant risks to companies, including negative brand and reputation attention, loss of sales or customer churn, financial penalties and legal exposure. This session will provide practical guidance from an in-house perspective on the multiple challenges posed by cybersecurity issues, best practices for data protection and steps to take in the event of an information security breach. Topics will also include insurance and vetting third-party vendors.
Learn how to develop a strong training program that prevents misconduct, improves employee morale, strengthens alignment with core values and promotes ethical behavior.
Compile information from earlier sessions that will help convince your CEO that you need to implement an effective compliance program or revamp your current program; Understand how to manage your CEO’s expectations and deliver positive results; take away benchmarks and statistics that will help convince your executives to act before there’s a problem; and receive a pre-prepared PowerPoint presentation you can use to present your case for a new or revamped compliance programs to your CEO, complete with questions you should be prepared to answer.
Learn about Hong Kong current law, proposed law, risks, and law enforcement related to crowdfunding.
Understand what comprises an effective compliance program; Understand how organizations with international business units or markets may need to address language barriers and cultural issues when it comes to codes of conduct, compliance training, investigations and remedial actions; Learn to implement and maintain effective monitoring mechanisms and audit plans, which pose ongoing challenges for in-house counsel whose compliance hat is often one of many in their closet; Discuss the implications of compliance reporting channels, e.g., reports to the general counsel/chief legal officer vs. reports to the chief compliance officer; and Learn the nuts and bolts of rolling out and maintaining an effective global compliance program.
In this multi-country guide, learn about the transfer of IP rights in a wide range of jurisdictions.
This article offers a brief analysis of data privacy laws and regulations in some key Asia-Pacific jurisdictions, including China, Japan, Australia, South Korea, New Zealand, Taiwan, Singapore, Hong Kong, and India.
Compliance is difficult enough when a company operates in just one country. But difficulties become much greater when a company operates in many. Here are some resources for creating effective global compliance programs that support your company's business goals.
This publication focuses on pivotal legal and regulatory developments in and affecting Hong Kong and the region over the past year, and highlight what to watch out for in the coming lunar Year of the Rabbit.
As the commercial real estate market begins to recover, the current tenant-friendly environment may begin to shift. However, there is still time to maximize your economic position under the current market dynamics by understanding several basic key issues. Recognize how your company can fortify an advantageous position today, rather than wallow in regret tomorrow.
An effective corporate intellectual property program provides protection for valuable intangible assets, generates income, and enhances a company's value. It is one that protects both a company's rights and minimizes risk that the company may infringe on the rights of others. What's not to like? Yet too often, companies neglect doing an IP audit until there's a cease-and desist letter on the GC's desk. Learn how to perform an IP audit and find ways to maximize revenues while minimizing exposure. It's every in-house lawyer's dream, isn't it?
This InfoPAK (now known as ACC Guides) gives a succinct overview of restraints of trade, monopolies and abuses of market power in the European Union.
This article focuses on the third of the three principal types of transaction structures used in mergers and acquisitions (M&A), Mergers, which means not a generic kind of business combination, but “statutory Mergers” executed pursuant to one or more states’ merger statutes, in which one company merges into another. Following the discussion are “Deal Points” on important considerations in the purchase or sale of a business: what to do, and what at all costs not to do.
The aim of this study was to determine how new technologies have taken hold, where such technologies are going, and how such technologies may impact M&A in the coming years.
This article focuses on a shift in the billable hour paradigm and how law firms and clients must look forward and focus on the outcomes that are desired, rather than looking backwards at the cost of production. The billable hour has diametrically opposed functions for both sides in the relationship: (1) unit of production and (2) basis of profitability. Not until both sides understand that you can't have the same unit serving dual purposes, will they truly understand alternative fees and value-based relationships. This article delves into what is required to establish a new model for law firm economics.
<p/>This ACC Value Challenge resource is part 2 of a 3 part series. To view the other resources in this series, please click here:</p>
<p class=><a id=CP___PAGEID=1365185| href=/legalresources/resource.cfm?show=1365185>ACC Value Challenge: Facing Up to the Challenge - The Case for Change (Part 1)</a></p><p class=><a id=CP___PAGEID =1365213| href=/legalresources/resource.cfm?show=1365213>ACC Value Challenge: Facing Up to the Challenge - The Transition (Part 3)</a></p>
How "disruptive business models" affect competition and impact consumers and which regulation and regulatory regimes should apply to new entrants such as Uber, AirBnB etc?
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