This is a case law where the Plaintiff sought damages from defendant for not having given sufficient efforts in executing an exclusive distribution contract entered into between the parties.
A template social media policy that covers general guidelines, testimonials and endorsements, protection of trade secrets, and reporting requirements.
This code is designed to encourage continued high standards so that California wine advertising may increasingly be viewed as a positive contribution to society.
When hiring in-house counsel, make sure to share the "3 C's" with candidates during the interview process: compensation, culture, and career development.
This is a sample hotel guest commitment agreement.
This InfoPAK (now known as ACC Guides) provides a practical guide of data protection rules and principles, right to access personal data or object to its collection in Australia.
Tweet, tweet. Chances are, the development of social media has outpaced your client’s employee policy. Learn what to be cautious of, and how to address this trend reasonably and realistically. Create a policy that protects your company while still encouraging use to your company’s advantage.
This article identifies measures that you can take to confirm compliance and to minimize liability for your company in the event of a hazardous materials transportation release.
A discussion on subjects such as emissions, general guidelines for voluntary greenhouse gas reporting, proposed rules, and more.
This policy describes general social networking/media guidelines that are important for you to follow as you share your thoughts, views and perspectives-as a company representative-in the virtual world.
Five trends that may affect your career in 2013.
This is a sample escrow agreement between a Beneficiary and by an additional party enrolling as a "Depositor" upon execution of the Enrollment Form.
Learn about areas of consideration when preparing statutory filings in Ireland.
This course will help you understand and recognize the differences between (1) "independent contractors" and "employees" and (2) "exempt" and "non-exempt" employees. Classifying workers correctly in each of these respects is extremely important under both federal and state laws. (Licensed for use in classroom settings only and not for distribution in any form.)
Many in-house legal departments don’t have lawyers who can act as full-time managers of company litigation. You may have to do your regular job and manage litigation on a part-time basis. If your company isn’t regularly engaged in litigation, it can inadvertently fall into a number of traps when litigation does arise. Learn how to anticipate and avoid them.
An effective corporate intellectual property program provides protection for valuable intangible assets, generates income, and enhances a company's value. It is one that protects both a company's rights and minimizes risk that the company may infringe on the rights of others. What's not to like? Yet too often, companies neglect doing an IP audit until there's a cease-and desist letter on the GC's desk. Learn how to perform an IP audit and find ways to maximize revenues while minimizing exposure. It's every in-house lawyer's dream, isn't it?
It's pretty safe to say that most attorneys do not specialize in IT. Although technology makes the responsibilities of an in-house lawyer much easier, its implementation comes with a completely separate set of issues and concerns, including maintenance and support. Learn about the principal concepts that should be addressed, as well as their key terms and issues.
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