With corporate legal departments taking on broader responsibilities - and often more in-house work - it's critical that they make plans to ensure the transfer of professional and institutional knowledge to a new generation of leaders. Learn how from this article.
This Top Ten provides an overview of the purpose, development, structure and implications of the the US National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) 2013 Preliminary Cybersecurity Framework.
When there is credible evidence that senior corporate management has engaged in illegal activity, what is the responsibility of the chief legal officer (CLO)? Congress, through its enactment of the Public Company Accounting Reform and Investor Protection Act of 2002 (SOX), has called upon CLOs in particular to be buffers against corporate abuse. This article addresses the limitations and failures of SOX, and suggests what can be done to empower CLOs.
Today’s data security environment is hostile. CLOs now supervise information security officers and compliance officers; therefore they must be aware of developing threats to cybersecurity. A new actor in this realm is the “Advanced Persistent Threat,” well-financed groups that may be sponsored by foreign governments, often carrying out strategic national objectives. From spear-phishing to zero day exploits, attempts to infiltrate corporate data are sophisticated and persistent.
This Leading Practices Profile, a supplement to ACC’s 2006 Leading Practices Profile, Contract Management for Small Law Departments, features law department leading contract management practices of seven entities. These entities provided background on databases and repository systems, as well as contract review, approval and archiving policies. In addition, participants shared key practices for successful program implementation and best contract administration practices. This supplement expands the scope of the 2006 Profile to include entities with medium and large law departments.
New advancements in the Federal Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA) have become an increasing liability for minority investors attempting to carry out a joint venture business transaction. Since even the smallest investments are under the scope, it is essential that in-house counsel take FCPA risks seriously and anticipate compliance as a necessary component to any global transaction.
Due diligence, choice of accounting and advisory firms, and banking and finance arrangements pose special challenges for in-house practitioners managing international mergers and acquisitions transactions. We will address how cross-cultural communication, ability to manage foreign outside counsel, knowledge of one’s company and understanding of M&A principles allows us to work across borders to achieve business objectives.
Learn how privacy in the workplace is addressed legally and in practice in Brazil.
Five thousand in-house counsel from 73 countries told the Association of Corporate Counsel what they thought about job satisfaction and career mobility in the recently published 2015 Global Census Report. As a member of the Brazilian corporate lawyers community for five years and an ACC member, I encouraged my compatriots to participate in the census.
This article introduces six strategies to expand the legal department's organizational impact.
Your company can use assets and preserve capital by leasing commercial equipment. Learn to identify an agreement that will deliver tangible benefits — secure warranties on the equipment, protect capital and credit lines, and give your client tax advantages, among others.
This article argues that the path of Chinese land reform better fits a “bundle of sticks” than “law of things” view of property rights. It also examines the recent policy developments following the third plenum of the 18th Congress of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and finds that policy makers have stuck to the stick by stick approach.
Learn about the continued increased enforcement activity combatting economic crime in Ireland.
This Top Ten shows how following the next ten points when on-boarding a new director will give both the company and the director the foundations on which to build a solid working relationship.
This toolkit provides a guide to some of the basics of financial accounting terms and concepts that are key to in-house lawyers for understanding the company's financial statements as well as a guide to establishing a law department from scratch.
309 Career Planning for the Legal Department
The Personalized Medicine Coalition (PMC) recently released its annual report on the progress of precision medicine as measured by precision medicine FDA approvals in 2022 (“Report”). As summarized in the Report, 2022 milestones include progress in diagnostics, therapeutics and new treatment modalities that are covered in this resource from Foley and Lardner LLP.
Although it may sound simple enough, transferring an employee to a company’s foreign office is a substantial undertaking for both offices involved. Drafting an effective secondment agreement can help you avoid potential disputes over any number of key terms. Learn to carefully prepare such an agreement, first, and have a successful secondment.
This guide covers key legal issues, rules, and developments regarding fraud and asset tracing across a range of jurisdictions.
Blockchain is an exciting new technology that can be utilized in the legal field. In this article, experts discuss how the application of this technology will benefit your in-house department as well as some basic ways to understand and engage with this exciting tech.
This article talks about giving substance to implementing change and seeing that each process that a department takes on is an opportunity for improvement.
Improve your work-life balance, and foster well-being in your team and organization with this ACC toolkit. Find practical strategies and information on work-life balance, time management, seeking help, helping others seek help, overcoming adversity, crises, and failure, and supporting your team's well-being.
Continue your exploration of value-based fee structure options - looking beyond what was covered in Session 301. We’ll walk through the considerations to weigh when deciding fee structures, focusing on three more popular approaches: portfolio retainers, success/incentive fees, and contingencies. We recommend that you combine this with session 301, to expand your toolkit of options.
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