Further advance your ability to practically apply financial decision-making practices to your everyday work; and Utilize the analytical tools that indicate whether a new project will create value, such as: Net Present Value (NPV), Internal Rate of Return (IRR), Payback Period and Economic Value Added (EVA).
This guide provides an overview of the key steps, legal issues and market practices involved in the IPO process by examining practices in 16 jurisdictions around the world.
Learn key developments regarding the private placement regimes of EU States and some non-EU States.
508 How Far Will You Go to Do Business with the Government? A Primer on Government Contracting
This resource is a sample checklist of items to consider when using social media to promote a contest or other event.
Review of antitrust risk related to competitor collaboration.
This resource is a comprehensive guide of anti-corruption conventions, regulations, and practices in Cameroon.
Examine the external and internal factors that affect the longer-term profitability of the organization, and understand the balance sheet, the income statement and the statement of cash flow.
This Wisdom of the Crowd (ACC member discussion) addresses how to negotiate a limitation of liability clause in a consulting agreement to sufficiently protect your company's confidential information and intellectual property, under US law. This resource was compiled from questions and responses posted on the forum of the Intellectual Property Committee and Corporate and Securities Law Committee ACC Networks.* Initially published March 11, 2015; republished March 30, 2023.
Attracting qualified professionals and motivating them to give their best are top concerns for today’s corporate legal departments. This InfoPAK offers tips on how in-house counsel can successfully recruit, hire, and manage employees.
309 Career Planning for the Legal Department
Although manufacturing medications in China might seem desirable, possible risks associated with production and importation of drugs and ingredients is cause for major concern. If your company lacks appropriate training and oversight, it could face civil and criminal penalties, and product liability litigation. This article analyzes current regulations, potential liability and the steps manufacturers should take to protect themselves.
If you want a diverse legal department, you must start at the source. Learn how to reach out to the children of your community, and give them a dream they can use to help themselves and strengthen society.
As of 1 November 2022 trusts and funds for joint account (fondsen voor gemene rekening) will be required to register an Ultimate Beneficial Owner (uiteindelijke belanghebbende) (UBO) with the Dutch UBO Register as managed by the Dutch Chamber of Commerce. The initial registration for existing trusts and funds for joint accounts with the UBO Register will need to be completed before 1 April 2023. A trust with a trustee located in the Netherlands must register its UBO. The same applies, for example, in case a fund for joint account is created under Dutch law. Note that the criteria that apply to determine whether a UBO of a trust or fund for joint account qualifies for registration are different from (and wide in scope) those applied to Dutch legal entities.
As of 1 November 2022 trusts and funds for joint account (fondsen voor gemene rekening) are required to register an Ultimate Beneficial Owner (uiteindelijke belanghebbende) (UBO) with the Dutch UBO Register as managed by the Dutch Chamber of Commerce. The initial registration for existing trusts and funds for joint accounts with the UBO Register had to be completed before 1 April 2023. A trust with a trustee located in the Netherlands must register its UBO. The same applies, for example, in case a fund for joint account is created under Dutch law. Note that the criteria that apply to determine whether a UBO of a trust or fund for joint account qualifies for registration are different from (and wide in cope) those applied to Dutch legal entities.
For those in the United States, the days are becoming shorter, and holiday stress hovers around the corner for some. Check out the list below to see some aspects of your wellbeing to keep an eye on through the next few months.
In-house counsel often express frustration with outside counsel. The relationship can be improved by rethinking your role from vendor manager, to team leader.
These days, it seems that everything from meat to movies gets a letter grade. So, what about law firms? CSX Corporation decided to use the system to its advantage. By implementing a variety of practices, including “scorecard” evaluations, CSX was able to redefine its relationship with outside counsel. After all, who doesn’t want an A+?
Read this 2009 Communicator Award-winning column!<br/>The Streisand Effect encapsulates a phenomenon that derives from a case that involved Barbra herself; by attempting to squelch information you can inadvertently make it wildly popular. In-house attorneys have been dealing with the Streisand Effect for years, and the introduction of the internet changed the venue.
This InfoPAK (now known as ACC Guides) gives a succinct overview of merger control, regulatory framework and regulatory authorities in Singapore.
Western companies entering Asia for business need not reinvent the wheel. This article is the accumulated wisdom from business leaders with over 25 years of experience in Asia. Read on to find a simple checklist of considerations and concerns that will allow you to learn from the errors and missteps of others.
Columnist Todd H. Silberman shares useful advice for job seekers based on past hiring experience.
Have you ever needed a technology tool that would make your practice more efficient but found that generic office products didn't deliver all that you needed? Read this article to learn how with a very modest budget you can rapidly develop technology tools targeted to support your legal practice and protect the intellectual property therein.
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