The concept of collecting legal team data is increasingly capturing the attention of General Counsel. In this article, learn some steps you and your team can take in order to use data to improve your performance.
In January 2023, the UK's Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) published its much awaited consultation on its Draft Guidance on Horizontal Agreements. The CMA clearly indicated that it proposes to take advantage of its post-Brexit freedom and to depart from the position on this issue taken by the European Commission as set out in its Draft Guidance on Horizontal Agreements, and to take a more radical and permissive approach to the role competition law has to play in supporting environmental sustainability initiatives.
On 16 December 2022, the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) published a notice confirming the Collective Investment Schemes (Individually Recognised Overseas Schemes and Miscellaneous Amendments) Instrument 2022 ("CIS 2022") became effective 1 January 2023. CIS 2022 introduces changes to the ‘s272 regime’ contained in Financial Services and Markets Act 2000 (“FSMA”) for recognising overseas collective investment funds. The Collective Investment Schemes sourcebook (“COLL”), the Decision Procedure and Penalties manual (“DEPP”) and the Glossary of definitions of the FCA Handbook are amended.
This guide provides comprehensive insight into banking regulation in 19 jurisdictions around the world.
This guide covers key topics including regulatory architecture, bank capital requirements, bank governance/internal controls, Fintech, and rules governing banks’ relationships with their customers and other third parties.
602 - Technology Tools for Small Departments-Beyond Email & Word
Without complicated stimulus bills or other governmental prodding of their economies, China and India stand to become the collective antithesis of American recession. How will their free markets play a part in the rebuilding of global finance? Readers of this article will better understand the present and predicted standings of these potential powerhouses.
Company-wide training: It sounds good on paper and is theoretically designed to improve your staff's knowledge and performance. But long after the hours are completed, the booklets are shelved and the notes are misplaced, how much will you and your colleagues be able to recall from that hour or so of company training? Find some realistic solutions to making that information stick.
Explore strategies for effective compliance with US sanctions and export controls affecting trade with China.
Provides a sense of the issues that you need to consider in a document retention policy and discusses the pitfalls associated with any document retention policy (or the absence of one) and some ideas of how to proceed.
The FTC will not hesitate to pursue companies that fail to implement reasonable security standards into their technology development cycle. This article reviews recent FTC settlements and offers in-house counsel and compliance officers some practical guidance on things to do to prevent an FTC investigation in their respective companies.
This Wisdom of the Crowd (ACC member discussion) addresses whether certain provisions that limit the parties' obligations to indemnify are enforceable under US law. This resource was compiled from questions and responses posted on the forum of the New To In-house ACC Network.
This Risk Alert provides summary observations from OCIE’s examinations of registered broker-dealers and investment advisers, conducted under the Cybersecurity Examination Initiative, announced April 15, 2014.
Until recently, document retention policies and advice by in-house counsel on their application were hardly front-page news. The unfolding events in the Enron/Andersen story illustrate how document retention policies and advice by in-house counsel concerning their application can become the subject of intense scrutiny if the destruction of documents and advice on the destruction occur when government investigations and litigation are either threatened or pending.
"the "Getting the Deal Through" reference guide for M&A professionals"
A presentation focusing on how cultural differences can make international business a challenge.
"the "Getting the Deal Through" reference guide for M&A professionals"
Five years into the highly touted DuPont Legal Model and its Convergence Program, DuPont’s primary law firms (PLFs) and suppliers reflect upon their experiences in working under the program.
Regulatory compliance continues to be a key issue for US energy companies. With an ever-changing regulatory landscape and stepped-up enforcement in some areas, it is more important than ever for in-house counsel to ensure proactive compliance with the various regulations governing the energy industry. This panel will provide timely updates, best practices, and advice from the experts on North American Electric Reliability Corporation, US Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, and US Commodity Futures Trading Commission compliance.
Three Party Escrow Service Agreement for the United Kingdom
Tools & Solutions for Doing Your Job Better in November 2007
This article encourages Boards and CEOs to raise awareness about how businesses can support the rule of law, and promote collective action in engaging governments to advance the rule of law.
This is a sample company privacy policy.
Learn about Dubai's new regulation of virtual assets, Law No. 4 of 2022 on the Regulation of Virtual Assets in the Emirate of Dubai (the “RVA”).
This survey addresses issues including staffing, departmental organization, hiring plans, cost accounting, expectations for the coming year, changes to the role of the CLO, managing outside counsel, and firm demographics. Additionally, the survey focused on the relationship of the CLOs and GCs with outside counsel through questions that explored alternative fee arrangements and challenges brought with the economic downturn.
Discusses how to maintain a company's financial integrity in a time of crisis by developing a strong FCPA compliance system, and analyzes the case of Monsanto Company that demonstrates how a company can use its financial predicament to ultimately build a best practices compliance program centered around meeting, and at times even exceeding, their legal obligations.
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