Many legal departments may not have access to contract drafting software or seek reasonably priced alternatives. Learn about specific tools to improve contract drafting and negotiation (beyond form contracts) available from the Internet, ACC and other sources that are free or low-cost.
Last year, a Dallas federal jury cleared US billionaire entrepreneur Mark Cuban of allegations of insider trading. His trial lawyer and long-time counsel explain what made the case resonate with the jury. Among other things, jury research and selection play a critical role in any high-stakes trial.
In this updated infopak for 2018, we explore Canadian competition law, examining Canada’s Competition Act and appropriate case law. Canada’s Competition Act is similar in many respects to its U.S. counterpart, the Sherman Antitrust Act. However, there are important differences that American companies, doing business in Canada, must take into consideration.
In this Top Ten, in-house counsel can learn ten steps that your business can take to measure, mitigate, and monitor social risks across operations and supply chains.
This blog post focuses on health care companies who are increasingly using artificial intelligence (AI) to create innovations, set prices, and compete with rivals. At the same time, federal and state antitrust enforcers are finding new ways to apply antitrust law to the modern, data-driven economy. Amid these myriad changes in technology and the law, the time is ripe to consider what the growth of AI in health care means for antitrust compliance.
This program will explain the most common pitfalls that manufacturers and service providers face with uniform “global” warranty terms and conditions. The program will address aspects relating to public policy rules, choice of law issues and logistic problems of global warranties, as well as provide recommendations on how to draft global warranty terms and conditions.
Consider this checklist to help you assess compliance with the Personal Information Protection Law of China ("PIPL") adopted on 20 August 2021.
With the pandemic, there came a digital health explosion, with companies working swiftly to bring new technologies to light that would pave the way forward in telehealth and other critical areas. We saw an incredible interest in this space then, but what is the state of digital health now? This resource from Foley & Lardner LLP looks at data from public and private financing markets in the digital health space in 2022, and look forward to what to expect in 2023.
This article teaches you how to prepare for shareholder activists.
Reactive law departments respond ad hoc to requests and handle emergencies as they crop up. Proactive departments have processes, tools and cultural behaviors in place to deal with incoming requests efficiently, and thus are better able to strategically manage risk. Learn more about what how legal departments can stop constantly putting out fires and become proactive business partners.
In order to preserve an ethical environment at your company, your employees need to feel comfortable enough to come forward and discuss problems informally and confidentially. While formal channels like hotlines are good, they're not enough in today's corporate setting. Read on for tips on how to set up your own ombuds program and the advantages the informality of it will provide for everyone.
Get your pencils ready and don't be shy, because this program is not a panel of speakers telling you how to draft and negotiate a contract. Instead, you’ll get hands on experience with your peers on drafting those challenging provisions facing in-house counsel. Additionally, through interactive discussions, you will share and learn from your colleagues best practices on how a legal department can become a better facilitator in the contracting process within your organization.
Unitranche facilities, with or without accompanying super senior revolving facilities, have become a more prominent feature of the European market in recent years, driven in part by the growing number of credit funds looking to provide this product.
The tables are turned in the continuing dialogue between N. Side, general counsel for Federated Overseas Operations Logistics, Inc. (FOOLS, Inc.) and the firm of Oliver, Wendell & Holmes.
This InfoPAK (now known as ACC Guides) gives a succinct overview of merger control, regulatory framework and regulatory authorities in China.
In this primer, explore how courts and arbitral institutions are now offering new, faster ways to resolve protracted disputes which can be costly, drain management time and resources, jeopardise the success of projects, damage on-going business relationships and even undermine the operational and financial futures of the companies involved.
Your customers and fans can be your biggest assets when it comes to championing your brand or products, or they can be your harshest critics, infringe on your IP rights and damage your brand. How do you take advantage of positive content they create and share without putting your company at risk? How do you protect yourself from the negative content? This panel will address the liability concerns around the use of user-generated content, including IP protection and infringement, Federal Trade Commission guidelines, rights of publicity and defamation. It will provide insights into safe harbors of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act and Communications Decency Act, and ways to obtain consent. It will also address factors to consider based on the terms and conditions of the most popular social media sites (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram).
This article explains the nature of D&O coverage, outlines the effects of an insured's bankruptcy, and offers practical tips to help your company get the most out of its D&O policy in the event of bankruptcy, all while complying with the applicable law.
This article discusses the US Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) final rule amending Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) privacy regulations to provide significant additional protections for protected health information relating to reproductive health care.
This article discusses the nuts and bolts of developing an effective anti-harassment policy and properly implementing it in the workplace.
The current study is the result of the voluntary participation of Brazilian representatives of the legal departments of over one hundred national and international companies. This study covers the relationship between legal departments and law firms in Brazil.
This guide provides non-Canadians with an introduction to the laws and regulations that affect the conduct of business in the province of Quebec. Because of Canada’s federal structure, the authority to make laws and regulations is divided between the federal and provincial governments by the Canadian Constitution, although in some areas of divided authority both federal and provincial laws may apply.
508 How Far Will You Go to Do Business with the Government? A Primer on Government Contracting
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