Getting the Deal Through is delighted to<br />publish the ninth edition of Arbitration, a<br />volume in our series of annual reports,<br />which provide international analysis in<br />key areas of law and policy for corporate<br />counsel, cross-border legal practitioners and<br />business people.
As the first in-house counsel for a business in Europe, you will face all of the same challenges a fully staffed legal department faces on a daily basis. You'll be required to be business expert, psychologist, strategist, educator, cultural translator, great communicator and legal advisor, all rolled into one. By focusing on a few major elements - expectations, routine, workplace and tools - you can minimize ramp-up time while keeping your eye on the end game.
As activist investors continue to have a significant impact in the market, two key questions are presented for consideration. The first is the question of the impact of activist investors on corporate performance and the overall economy. The second is a more general question on corporate governance and the proper role of the shareholder franchise in modern corporate management in the United States.
Although manufacturing medications in China might seem desirable, possible risks associated with production and importation of drugs and ingredients is cause for major concern. If your company lacks appropriate training and oversight, it could face civil and criminal penalties, and product liability litigation. This article analyzes current regulations, potential liability and the steps manufacturers should take to protect themselves.
This article summarises the legislative framework for the protection of personally<br />identifiable information (PII).
Getting the Deal Through is delighted to<br />publish the ninth edition of Arbitration, a<br />volume in our series of annual reports,<br />which provide international analysis in<br />key areas of law and policy for corporate<br />counsel, cross-border legal practitioners and<br />business people.
These are sample rules and guidelines for communicating company-related information via social networking forums whether used in or outside the workplace.
This is a checklist of some best practices for implementing a diversity and inclusion program.
How to get the most out of your battery life (and what to do with it when it's gone to the big recycling center in the sky).
These guidelines can help you identify issues related to open source software and what to do if you decide to use open source code at Company.
This is a sample corporate employee handbook for under 50 employees.
Over the past year, ACC has compiled data from over 2,000 in-house counsel to better understand why women enter, stay, and leave the in-house profession.
This is an employee policy for appropriate use of social media and related rules and prohibitions.
This article argues that the path of Chinese land reform better fits a “bundle of sticks” than “law of things” view of property rights. It also examines the recent policy developments following the third plenum of the 18th Congress of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and finds that policy makers have stuck to the stick by stick approach.
Learn about several aspects of compliance with state laws and regulations, including labor and employment aspects to setting up operations in a state, including minimum wage issues, IC v employee and "founder's syndrome;" and regulatory aspects, including sales tax exemptions, lobbying and campaign finance regulations.
This InfoPAK (now known as ACC Guides) gives a succinct overview of restraints of trade, monopolies and abuses of market power in the Netherlands.
This Wisdom of the Crowd, compiled from questions and responses posted on the Intellectual Property, IT, Privacy & eCommerce, and Small Law Departments eGroups, addresses issues involving software license agreements and digital contracts in general. The issues discussed include acceptance of software license agreements, requirement of acceptance and click-wrap agreements.
This article talks about giving substance to implementing change and seeing that each process that a department takes on is an opportunity for improvement.
Understand what comprises an effective compliance program; Understand how organizations with international business units or markets may need to address language barriers and cultural issues when it comes to codes of conduct, compliance training, investigations and remedial actions; Learn to implement and maintain effective monitoring mechanisms and audit plans, which pose ongoing challenges for in-house counsel whose compliance hat is often one of many in their closet; Discuss the implications of compliance reporting channels, e.g., reports to the general counsel/chief legal officer vs. reports to the chief compliance officer; and Learn the nuts and bolts of rolling out and maintaining an effective global compliance program.
This Wisdom of the Crowd, compiled from responses posted on the Intellectual Property and Small Law Department eGroups, addresses issues arising from contract clauses granting Buyer a license to use products he/she bought.
This InfoPAK (now known as ACC Guides) provides a high level overview of matters relating to practical issues concerning oil and gas and power including, the domestic oil and gas and electricity sectors, rights to oil and gas, electricity generation and renewable energy, oil and gas health and safety and the environment, and electricity transmission, distribution and supply in Australia.
There has been significant growth in the number of in-house lawyers in Australia over the past decade, with the in-house profession now representing the fastest growing segment of the Australian legal sector. The ACC Australia Graduate Profile Handbook traces the legal careers of several young ACC Australia members, details how they arrived at their first in-house counsel role, and offers key lessons learnt in these roles. Based on excerpts from the handbook, this article outlines tips and lessons from these graduates’ in-house journey.
The European Union Directive 95/46/EC on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and the free movement of such data was adopted on October 24, 1995 and entered into force on October 25, 1998. The Directive provides a regulatory framework for the use and disclosure of personal data in the EU. This lists the terms used in the Directive.
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