Selected cases and materials related to limitation on liability.
This Risk Alert provides summary observations from OCIE’s examinations of registered broker-dealers and investment advisers, conducted under the Cybersecurity Examination Initiative, announced April 15, 2014.
This article discusses the Hong Kong Competition Commission's announcement of its intention to issue a Block Exemption Order in relation to certain agreements between liner shippers.
This Wisdom of the Crowd (ACC member discussion) addresses whether certain provisions that limit the parties' obligations to indemnify are enforceable under US law. This resource was compiled from questions and responses posted on the forum of the New To In-house ACC Network.
Patent claims by non-practicing entities (NPE's) have been at the center of debate among federal and state legislators for the past few years. The articles discusses the emerging role State AGs have begun to play in prohibiting bad-faith patent infringement claims.
As a result of the Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health Act (HITECH), many businesses which weren’t subject to the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) are suddenly struggling to understand their requirements and responsibilities under HIPAA. For example, the session will cover requirements and responsibilities related to negotiating contracts, accepting liability, providing indemnity and complying with federal requirements. This session will also discuss Business Associate Agreements: who is subject, what a subject entity is required to do (and what they’re not required to do), and what that means for their business –– especially if the business isn’t actually in the healthcare field. This includes an understanding of what should and shouldn’t be in the agreement; what may seem to be boilerplate should be carefully examined. A basic understanding of HIPAA requirements will be helpful for this session.
Until recently, document retention policies and advice by in-house counsel on their application were hardly front-page news. The unfolding events in the Enron/Andersen story illustrate how document retention policies and advice by in-house counsel concerning their application can become the subject of intense scrutiny if the destruction of documents and advice on the destruction occur when government investigations and litigation are either threatened or pending.
Five years into the highly touted DuPont Legal Model and its Convergence Program, DuPont’s primary law firms (PLFs) and suppliers reflect upon their experiences in working under the program.
Regulatory compliance continues to be a key issue for US energy companies. With an ever-changing regulatory landscape and stepped-up enforcement in some areas, it is more important than ever for in-house counsel to ensure proactive compliance with the various regulations governing the energy industry. This panel will provide timely updates, best practices, and advice from the experts on North American Electric Reliability Corporation, US Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, and US Commodity Futures Trading Commission compliance.
This guide discusses the economic and financial framework, foreign investments incentives, formation of corporations, limited liability companies, branch offices, labor laws, taxes, immigration laws, distributors, dealers and agents in Paraguay.
Russia is among the top six fastest growing economies in the world, so it is easy to understand why companies are looking to invest there. From its steady economic growth to its low corporate tax rate, there are many opportunities when it comes to investing in Russia. However, there are also many risks involved. Learn the advantages and disadvantages of exploring M&A opportunities in Russia.
Three Party Escrow Service Agreement for the United Kingdom
Tools & Solutions for Doing Your Job Better in November 2007
This is a sample company privacy policy.
Discover Lou Faber's unique way of maintaining a work/life balance through poetry.
Learn about Dubai's new regulation of virtual assets, Law No. 4 of 2022 on the Regulation of Virtual Assets in the Emirate of Dubai (the “RVA”).
This article focuses on the challenges involved in the discovery phase of litigation when dealing with foreign companies. Understand what obstacles can impede the discovery process and what legal measures, if any, may be taken to avoid these complications.
This article introduces six strategies to expand the legal department's organizational impact.
Goal oriented decision making can sometimes lead to ethical pitfalls and failures. In this article, in-house counsel can learn some tips about how to avoid a narrow focus that can lead to untenable positions.
This brief overview (Quick Counsel) describes common mistakes customers and service providers make, and should be aware of, when negotiating cloud services agreements (but is not meant to be an exhaustive list).
Smart contracts are receiving significant commercial attention — and for good reason. They have the potential to transform businesses and deliver significant cost savings by automating and streamlining processes. Smart contracts are software that has the ability to perform aspects of a contract autonomously. Depending on a range of factors, they may sometimes amount to binding contracts in the legal sense or otherwise affect legal relations between parties. When used in combination with block chains or distributed ledgers, smart contracts have the ability to move value or information between parties without the need for human intervention. This session will discuss what smart contracts are, their potential impact, and the legal, regulatory and consumer protection issues relating to their use.
This InfoPAK (now known as ACC Guides) provides a practical guide of data protection rules and principles, right to access personal data or object to its collection in Switzerland.
There’s plenty of opportunity for commercial entities to capitalize on the benefits of open source software. Experts predict that within four years, more than 80 percent of all commercial software will contain open source components. Are you, as a key player in your company’s legal department, familiar with the pitfalls associated with its uncontrolled use?
Learn about the UK government's plans to formulate and improve right and opportunities for ethnic minorities in the United Kingdom.
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