Recently, sophisticated prioritization algorithms, called technology-assisted review software, have made ediscovery more efficient and cost-effective. But are these programs right for risk-averse in-house lawyers? Is its technology defensible and scientific, and how do courts view it? This article addresses these questions.
Some would argue that finding the right people is paramount to outlining strategies and tactics. When running a legal department, however, perhaps that order should be reversed: First, what ... then who. With discipline and commitment, legal departments can achieve significant cost savings and operational efficiencies by implementing this approach.
Banks, brokers and insurance companies are often affiliated, but doing business with affiliates creates some inherent conflicts. Panelists will address how to identify, disclose, mitigate and otherwise manage these types of conflicts as well as address the rules of professional responsibility and ethical considerations.
Discusses how to apply a commitment to diversity to global legal teams today.
Whitnie Wiley discusses the importance of making a plan for our careers to achieve our goals.
For small law department lawyers, doing non-legal tasks comes with the territory. The author stresses the importance of unplugging from the never-ending litany of “to do” tasks and connecting with a partner, friend, child or parent.
ACC members answer the following questions: Do we need malpractice coverage to protect ourselves against claims of clients, shareholders and third parties, or is D&O enough? How do the policies work, what do they cost, and how does one justify the cost?
Competition with distributors: when do principals and agents compete? - presentation held in Sydney 9 March 2017.
Tools & Solutions for Doing Your Job Better.
In this multi-country guide, learn about the rules on marketing alternative investment funds in Europe.
In the not-so-distant past, a plaintiff could sue a multinational company in any jurisdiction where it conducted significant business. However, recently, the US Supreme Court has sought to narrow the scope of permissible jurisdictions in an attempt to curtail the onslaught of litigation. In preparation for this new view, law departments both big and small can benefit from understanding how future disputes may be impacted.
How are good compliance and due diligence programs the safeguard of a successful company? They protect against potential legal liability and financial hardship. They preserve the sanctity of a corporate reputation. There's another upside to this type of programming: done correctly, it can also cut company costs.
This Global Data Breach Notification Guide is a resource for companies to benchmark the ever expanding range of global breach notification requirements.
As more companies reach across borders, in-house counsel must juggle ethical rules from different countries and avoid ethical problems. Does one country respect the attorney–client privilege or legal professional privilege that other countries offer? What happens when in-house lawyers and their clients work in different countries? And how can lawyers make sure that they have authorization to practice in all of the countries where they need to advise clients? Discover the answers to these ethical questions and others, to better navigate the globe.
Australia has been through a remarkable period of tort reform. Major reforms of the liability system have been implemented in an extraordinarily short period of time, compared to the usual slow pace of legislative change. If you are a prospective defendant, you should be aware of some important consequences of these changes when facing litigation in Australia. The old rules and assumptions regarding the value of a claim may not necessarily apply.
The straight line may result in the shortest distance, but it is not always the best path. Your company wants to sell its products in Nicaragua, but learns it is less expensive and burdensome to import its products through Guatemala. How about setting up an insurance underwriter in the European Union? Most people think London would be the best location, but setting up the underwriter in Malta, with less cost and regulation, can get your company started and running more quickly. A panel of experts will discuss different approaches on how to enter international markets by using international treaties and agreements.
As a manager, you’re expected to deal with a difficult employee proactively and effectively. If you’re unable to manage a difficult employee adequately, you may be viewed as part of the problem or an ineffective manager – labels that can be hard to escape and can have lasting impact on your career. Prepared by WeComply Inc, this ACC guide (InfoPAK) examines in part, strategies and suggestions for dealing with difficult employees.
With acute attention from the legal department, a company’s knowledge assets can grow to become one of its greatest strengths — instead of one of its greatest areas of risk.
This is a sample supplier security requirements and expectations.
This article addresses the financing challenges for private equity buyers in carve‐out acquisitions.
This article explains how in-house counsel can advise their clients who desire to terminate international distributors and agents.
This article encourages Boards and CEOs to raise awareness about how businesses can support the rule of law, and promote collective action in engaging governments to advance the rule of law.
Your company has just announced it will be filing for reorganization under chapter 11. First, take a deep breath. Now what? You and your team have a staggering amount of work to accomplish in a short period of time, without any guarantee of success or even employment upon completion. Plan appropriately and your company’s story might not end at chapter 11.
In Hong Kong, employment contracts or HR policy must state clearly what amounts to sufficient disclosure over the acceptance of advantages and any outside remuneration, including moonlighting, and who has the authority to approve it. Training and awareness of relevant policies and approval authority are vital, as is a mechanism for declaring outside work.
A big part of your new job as an in-house attorney will be advising the business people of legal risks. Some of these business people will be good teammates, some bad, and some well...let's just say that your job will be much easier if you can identify potentially troublesome personalities and effectively deal with them. Learn some of the common problematic personality profiles to help you identify teammates who might require tailored attention.
More than a year has passed since Canada overhauled its trademark legislation and acceded to the Madrid Protocol, making it easier than ever to protect trademark rights in Canada. In this IP update, you will learn some of the key reasons why international brand owners should consider designating Canada in international trademark applications.
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