Over 55% of IT decision makers state targeted Phishing attacks is their top security threat. In fact, 92% of all malware is delivered by these emails. These emails are difficult. The messages are intended to spark the recipient’s emotion and/or sense of urgency to reply back. The emails appear to be from a legitimate sender. There are numerous ways to educate your users to watch for the signs of a Phishing attack. Be sure to listen to the recording of this presentation to learn more about the phishing scams and a new rising threat for these attacks called the Account Takeover Attacks. Here are some tips for preventing and managing phishing attacks.
In this article, key questions are answered by leading practitioners regarding health care, pharmaceutical, and medical device industry laws and compliance in Italy.
This intensive discussion will focus on related-party transactions entered into by a hypothetical multinational company and how you can recognize transfer pricing issues that arise from transactions involving goods, services and IP. Learn how to resolve common transfer pricing problems that arise before and after an IRS examination.
In this Top Ten, in-house counsel will ten important points to consider when employers want to recruit people from states that are not part of the European Union (EU) or of the European Free Trade Association (EFTA) to work in Switzerland.
This Quick Counsel outlines how to hire, train, develop objectives for, and supervise a records management & information governance team.
Provides a sense of the issues that you need to consider in a document retention policy and discusses the pitfalls associated with any document retention policy (or the absence of one) and some ideas of how to proceed.
Three Party Escrow Service Agreement for Canada
Most large organizations use email disclaimers: wording carefully crafted by lawyers, automatically inserted at the end of every email. This article discusses what the disclaimers actually do.
Company-wide training: It sounds good on paper and is theoretically designed to improve your staff's knowledge and performance. But long after the hours are completed, the booklets are shelved and the notes are misplaced, how much will you and your colleagues be able to recall from that hour or so of company training? Find some realistic solutions to making that information stick.
The challenge for most legal departments today is daunting: Do it more, do it quickly, do it with fewer in-house staff, and, above all, keep costs down. Many law departments have come to appreciate that the cultivation of a staff of nonlawyers is as important-if not more important-than staffing corridors of offices full of JDs with sterling credentials. It's a lot less expensive, too.
This guide provides corporate counsel and international practitioners with comprehensive jurisdiction-by-jurisdiction guidance to trade mark laws and regulations around the world.
These Rules and Regulations provide participants (regulated persons) in the capital market with more precise notice of what is expected of them, what conduct will be sanctioned and also promotes fairness and equality of treatment among similarly situated persons.
An intellectual property (IP) and information technology (IT) due diligence request list for use in connection with an M&A transaction. This request list is designed for IP specialists and is specific to IP and IT-related issues. This Standard Document has integrated notes<br />with important explanations and drafting tips.
This InfoPAK (now known as ACC Guides) gives a succinct overview of merger control, regulatory framework and regulatory authorities in Singapore.
Five years into the highly touted DuPont Legal Model and its Convergence Program, DuPont’s primary law firms (PLFs) and suppliers reflect upon their experiences in working under the program.
This article introduces six strategies to expand the legal department's organizational impact.
This is a sample Intellectual Property (IP) due diligence checklist in a corporate acquisition, for the analysis of the seller's IP assets and related matters.
On 16 December 2022, the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) published a notice confirming the Collective Investment Schemes (Individually Recognised Overseas Schemes and Miscellaneous Amendments) Instrument 2022 ("CIS 2022") became effective 1 January 2023. CIS 2022 introduces changes to the ‘s272 regime’ contained in Financial Services and Markets Act 2000 (“FSMA”) for recognising overseas collective investment funds. The Collective Investment Schemes sourcebook (“COLL”), the Decision Procedure and Penalties manual (“DEPP”) and the Glossary of definitions of the FCA Handbook are amended.
An overview of the process necessary to enter corporate litigation. Includes guides to preparing for litigation, litigation holds and internal discovery, outside litigation counsel, conducting effective investigations for litigation or government reviews, paying for litigation, and settlement.
The EU AI Act is hotly anticipated as being a benchmark AI law that other jurisdictions might look towards when developing their own laws (much like GDPR has become a standard upon which some other countries’ own laws are based). First, much like the GDPR in terms of impact, the EU AI Act will have an extra-territorial scope, extending to providers and users of AI outside the EU where the output is used in the EU. Secondly, the Act does lay down fixed penalties for certain infringements of the Act, the highest fine being 30,000,000 EUR or 6% of a company’s total worldwide annual turnover (3% in the case of an SME or start-up) for non-compliance with the prohibitions of AI practices.
In this ACC Guide, learn the components of an effective records management program, and the steps required to execute a schedule once developed. This ACC Guide presents global strategies for the in-house counsel or other team members tasked with starting, updating modernizing, or simply improving their company’s records management program.
This ACC Guide, sponsored by Blank Rome LLP, provides in-house counsel with an overview of commercial insurance issues that may arise in the United States.
Learn about the UK government's plans to formulate and improve right and opportunities for ethnic minorities in the United Kingdom.
This sample agreement is drafted under English law as a starting point for use where a supplier company wants to appoint a distributor to sell the supplier company's products in a particular country or territory.
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