John K. Villa discusses work product protection 25 years after Sporck v. Peil
This guide, initially published in 2020, reflects on the remote adjustments of working environments within the COVID-19 pandemic and looks forward at the ever evolving laws and regulations surrounding remote work. The push for employers to embrace remote work remains strong, but there are many factors to consider in this shift.
This social media policy concerns the ethical rules that must be followed by all company personnel participating in social media to keep the company from violating these rules.
Preliminary findings of a five year perspective on the progress of women and visible minorities in senior leadership roles in the Greater Toronto Area (GTA).
This article lays out the steps you need to develop, maintain, and enforce a records management program and helps get your corporate house in order.
This guide is part of the Lex Mundi Guides to Doing Business series which provides general information about legal and business infrastructures in jurisdictions around the world.
Discusses how to realize some of the many benefits, including reducing legal costs, improving quality in legal services, producing better legal outcomes and restructuring relationships, that flow from strategic management ideas to legal functions.
This article discusses how corruption is one of the critical challenges multinationals face when doing business in China, and how pharmaceutical companies and the healthcare industry have been hit hard by the Chinese anti-corruption campaign.
No one can anticipate every bump in the road. If you take each crisis in stride, however, you can use the experience to prepare for the future. For instance, a career resilience plan can shorten recovery time and aid in transferring skill sets from one career path to another. Learn seven key components of any career resilience plan.
This is a sample application for approval of Binding Corporate Rules for Processors.
This report spotlights top legal and business concerns weighing on CLOs in Canadian legal departments. CLOs from the region identified emerging trends, business priorities, budget, staffing changes, and more. Nonmembers have the exclusive opportunity to receive the report for free by joining ACC today.
In this article, learn key features of healthcare compliance programs in the United States.
This article exposes in-house counsel to the possibility of non-administered arbitration, explaining the potential benefits — saving cost and time — and addressing concerns regarding the alternative. Read this how-to guide to pursue non-administered arbitration resources.
The legal departments of Levi Strauss & Co. and Pfizer Inc. have respectively implemented innovative programs with outside counsel to provide better value and results: Levi’s “global partnerships” and Pfizer’s “legal alliance.” Find the key elements and success stories of each department’s program.
This course is intended to increase your awareness and understanding of internal controls — what they are, why we have them, and how they affect your day-to-day job responsibilities.
This course will help you understand (1) the significance of our records; (2) how to create accurate records that won't be easily misconstrued; and (3) when records are to be retained and when they are to be disposed of or recycled.
How do you determine what needs to be done to improve value and efficiency, by whom and how? And how can you ensure that new initiatives stay on track and deliver results? Change management tactics -how to get from analysis to action, unleash the potential within the organization to see and act on ways to do things differently, and build momentum.
The pressure is on to run legal departments more like businesses - applying analytics to sharpen focus, deploying technology to automate processes, thoughtfully cultivating talent to meet department needs, unbundling legal services, applying disciplined approaches to managing external resources and consciously continuing improvement.
A brief checklist of the more common topics covered in confidentiality agreements, followed by an analysis of the variations, considerations, and typical seller and buyer positions. Also includes sample language for use in drafting confidentiality agreements.
While working with outside counsel, the Fannie Mae legal team considered ending its relationship with them, as they were frustrated by their subpar performance and communication. However, by implementing simple quality-control practices, the in-house counsel preserved the client/firm relationship, without compromising efficiency in the process.
Around the globe, corporations are overwhelmingly looking to close the diversity gap. However, a disparity remains between the growth of gender and racial diversity — with gender diversity growing at a faster pace. By decoding this phenomenon, in-house counsel can better understand the impact of this shift, and adapt processes to reap the benefits of having a truly diverse work force.
This article addresses the issue of whether in-house attorneys who serve as a member of the business team and help craft the business plan should sign some form of written restrictive covenant similar to agreements senior business leaders or sales management typically execute.
Have you read Roberta Katz’s new book Justice Matters: Rescuing the Legal System for the Twenty-first Century yet? Here’s a preview based on her well-received address to participants of the 1998 Legal Leadership Summit.
This Information Security training course will explain an Information Security Policy and will help you (1) recognize what information should be protected, (2) handle that information appropriately, and (3) recognize security breaches and know how to report them. (Licensed for use in classroom settings only and not for distribution in any form.)
In 2002, with the enactment of the new Brazilian Civil Code, the Brazilian Commercial Code lost much of its relevance and content, since the rules that regulated business activity were largely incorporated into the new Civil Code. More importantly, the changes introduced by the Civil Code in corporate law brought uncertainty and changes to known concepts and rules. Due to the controversy this has generated, the Brazilian Congress has recently been discussing a new Commercial Code. This article discusses the latest version of the Code, which has been released for public consultation.
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