In January 2023, the UK's Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) published its much awaited consultation on its Draft Guidance on Horizontal Agreements. The CMA clearly indicated that it proposes to take advantage of its post-Brexit freedom and to depart from the position on this issue taken by the European Commission as set out in its Draft Guidance on Horizontal Agreements, and to take a more radical and permissive approach to the role competition law has to play in supporting environmental sustainability initiatives.
611 - Supporting the CFO & Finance Function at Your Organization
This Wisdom of the Crowd (ACC member discussion) addresses whether certain provisions that limit the parties' obligations to indemnify are enforceable under US law. This resource was compiled from questions and responses posted on the forum of the New To In-house ACC Network.
Given the current level of uncertainty in the legal profession, it would be prudent to proactively consider potential future career paths. Whether you would like to remain in-house, move to an outside firm or even open your own practice, you should weigh the pros and cons of each before choosing a path you may regret later.
Explore strategies for effective compliance with US sanctions and export controls affecting trade with China.
This Risk Alert provides summary observations from OCIE’s examinations of registered broker-dealers and investment advisers, conducted under the Cybersecurity Examination Initiative, announced April 15, 2014.
Let’s face it: legal disputes take longer than they should — leading many to turn to Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) strategies to ease the process. But do ADR practices (e.g., arbitration and mediation) present a viable solution to inefficiency?
In the not-so-distant past, a plaintiff could sue a multinational company in any jurisdiction where it conducted significant business. However, recently, the US Supreme Court has sought to narrow the scope of permissible jurisdictions in an attempt to curtail the onslaught of litigation. In preparation for this new view, law departments both big and small can benefit from understanding how future disputes may be impacted.
This edition of the Canadian Briefings contains: an in depth look into how the legal department at the Royal Bank of Canada handles internal investigations, a review on Canada's new two stage merger review process, a look at privacy laws and regulations around the globe and a Canadian Roundup with a focus on the concept of service.
This ACC guide, sponsored by Kilpatrick Townsend & Stockton LLP, provides an overview of some of the protection frameworks for data and software.
This article is a review of the public competition enforcement in Switzerland.
Five years into the highly touted DuPont Legal Model and its Convergence Program, DuPont’s primary law firms (PLFs) and suppliers reflect upon their experiences in working under the program.
A litigator turned ADR convert talks about the very strong merit behind this style of problem solving. It just may benefit your client, your department, and your career. And no, you won’t look wimpy for suggesting it to your boss.
An overview of ERISA and issues in health and welfare plans.
In global business, pace, demand and innovation are constantly increasing. This is pushing in-house lawyers to be more flexible and engaged. In this article, your legal team can learn how to build a focused department and deliver value to your company.
Attorneys offer litigation predictions so their clients are able to make informed decisions. When coupled with unrealistic expectations, however, a prediction might be mistaken as an assurance of outcome. Make sure your client understands the value and limits of litigation predictions, or else you might be as popular as the local weatherman.
Tools & Solutions for Doing Your Job Better in November 2007
This is a sample company privacy policy.
Discusses how to maintain a company's financial integrity in a time of crisis by developing a strong FCPA compliance system, and analyzes the case of Monsanto Company that demonstrates how a company can use its financial predicament to ultimately build a best practices compliance program centered around meeting, and at times even exceeding, their legal obligations.
Learn about Dubai's new regulation of virtual assets, Law No. 4 of 2022 on the Regulation of Virtual Assets in the Emirate of Dubai (the “RVA”).
The legal department at McDonald's adds to the bottom line by investing in the community through a diversity pipeline project.
ACC Chair Bill Mordan offers advice and resources to counsel who want to turbo-charge their exposure to the world of corporate law.
This paper explores the approach taken by courts in Bermuda and other jurisdictions in connection with issues and questions regarding transfer of trusteeship.
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