Learn about the risks of not using care with the language in contractual bonuses.
Learn about risks and opportunities in the use of AI in due diligence.
Taking a cue from the popular TV show 24, the Health Law Committee plans to solve a US Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) breach in 90 minutes. In this interactive session, panelists will take on various roles, like CEO, CIO, security officer, privacy officer, compliance officer and general counsel, as they take the audience through simulated breach scenarios involving protected health information. Garner substantive information and practical tips for managing HIPAA incidents and data breaches as the speakers are challenged in real time to address the details provided by attendees.
This is a sample human resources handbook.
This report deals with conflict of interest, focusing solely on broker-dealers, the entities the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) regulates.
This policy's goal is to provide positive user experiences to a company's visitors and followers via social media platforms, and strive to always do so in a manner which is respectful and responsible.
Read this article to learn methods that one legal department has used to add to the bottom line, practice tips, and action items to devise your own strategy for controlling costs.
Understand the force majeure implications of the Ukraine conflict (and related sanctions) for contracts.
Learn how Turkey governs data transfers - both domestically and cross-border.
Learn about risks with trading in green electricity based on the practices in China.
Mass tort litigation defendants need to have each other’s backs — the common interest privilege allows them to communicate securely, pool resources and drive down costs, promoting fairness for the parties and in the court. This article ad- dresses the murky law of various jurisdictions, and offers key joint defense concepts that are applicable everywhere.
Some countries have either banned or are proposing to ban the use of certain ingredients and flavours on the basis that they make risky products more appealing. Learn how this could affect your company’s brand.
Learn about potential hazards and opportunities for borrowers and lenders with regard to ESG.
Learn about the latest developments in greenwash claims and challenges in enforcement in the United Kingdom.
Learn about requirements of new bill (SB 1162) in California on reporting of pay.
Learn about Personal Data Protections Law in coming into force in February 2023.
Chinese people can be very indirect in expressing what they want. When you offer your Chinese guests tea, it is not unusual that they say no in the first instance and agree to have some when you ask them the second time.
This checklist will help you examined all the non-benefits considerations for the workplace in a Post-Roe world.
Learn about New Zealand's Personal Data Protection Law, ratified in October 2022.
Learn about the state of data transfer laws and regulations in China and takeaways on developing trends.
Learn about post-Covid privacy issues and takeaways for employers in recent Canadian court cases.
Learn about key trends and considerations around ESG policies in business supply chains.
Learn about the importance of liquidators in Hong Kong and recent increased scrutiny of them in their courts.
Learn about Nigeria's legal treatment of employees who resign in anticipation of disciplinary proceedings.
This guide is part of the Lex Mundi Guides to Doing Business series which provides general information about legal and business infrastructures in jurisdictions around the world.
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