This report developed by Womble Bond & Dickinson surveys nearly 200 executives based across the United States. This elite group – 62% of whom hold C-suite titles – comprised decision-makers from company leadership and key departments including information systems and information technology, privacy and security, legal and compliance, operations and finance, and marketing in response to states set to effect stricter requirements around consumer privacy rights in 2023. Check out this resource to view the full report and find out if companies are prepared to meet the looming updated guidelines.
This Risk Alert provides summary observations from OCIE’s examinations of registered broker-dealers and investment advisers, conducted under the Cybersecurity Examination Initiative, announced April 15, 2014.
Until recently, document retention policies and advice by in-house counsel on their application were hardly front-page news. The unfolding events in the Enron/Andersen story illustrate how document retention policies and advice by in-house counsel concerning their application can become the subject of intense scrutiny if the destruction of documents and advice on the destruction occur when government investigations and litigation are either threatened or pending.
This presentation details how you can profit from your company's intellectual property assets.
Whitnie Wiley discusses the importance of making a plan for our careers to achieve our goals.
This InfoPAK (now known as ACC Guides) provides a high-level overview and practical analysis for public procurement issues and procedures in the United Kingdom.
When it comes to controlling ediscovery costs, in-house counsel often rely on one of two options: Let outside counsel handle it or settle the case. However, there is a third option that involves using internal resources and litigation support vendors. Read on to learn more about what this option entails, as well as recommendations for reducing future ediscovery costs.
As pressure continues to mount to reign in escalating healthcare costs, traditional adversaries are contemplating new alliances and consolidation strategies as potential solutions to control the almighty healthcare dollar. This session will examine a variety of issues and trends regarding payor/provider relations, including increased efforts to consolidate. This session will discuss the pros and cons of consolidation, including whether the US Federal Trade Commission may block proposed consolidations and whether consolidation is good or bad for industry, consumers, or employers. Faculty will also explore the various tensions among the multiple players and ethical considerations presented when payors purchase providers, such as whether ethical lines can be held without compromising other payor contracts and confidentiality.
During oral arguments in the 2006 Supreme Court case eBay Inc. v. MercExchange, LLC, Justice Anthony Kennedy asked, “Is the [patent] troll the scary thing under the bridge?” For many, the answer is yes. Fear no more: This article discusses legislation designed to rein in troll behavior.
This is a sample company privacy policy.
This Top Ten presents the Top Ten ways to leverage the environmental attributes of your consumer products without incurring liability with the US Federal Trade Commission ("FTC").
This article focuses on Boards and company leaders who are focused on the strategic growth of their enterprises have a responsibility to create and foster innovation, engagement, and profitability.
Selected cases and materials related to limitation on liability.
In this multi-country guide, learn about the rules on marketing alternative investment funds in Europe.
Rebecca Arvizu, senior counsel of Legal and Business Affairs for DTS, Inc. explains the most critical components in IP licensing based on her career experience.
This is a sample employment handbook.
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