This guide includes case studies that demonstrate how value approaches can hold rich potential for small in-house legal departments, in a variety of scalable and replicable ways.
If an employee is injured or injures another person as a result of consuming alcohol at an employer-sponsored event, the employer may face liability claims. Read this article to learn how you can minimize your company's potential liability.
Almost every in-house counsel understands the need for some sort of intellectual property due diligence plan to protect company assets, but not all corporate lawyers recognize the significance of IP assets in a wide range of corporate transactions. Read this article for a three-step process that will show you how to develop a plan now that can provide accurate and fast-turnaround assessments later.
Non-technical (i.e., corporate social responsibility) risks are a major concern for all corporations. In response, in-house counsel must actively promote collaboration and innovation with regard to conflict management and dispute resolution. Not only will this cut down on litigation, but also will pave the way for the next generation of legal professionals.
Learn about Conditional Fee Agreements (CFAs) and their introduction in Singapore's Legal Profession (Amendment) Bill.
Learn about parent company liability and class actions in Scotland related to climate litigation.
Learn about class arbitration developments in Canada and how it differs from developments in the US.
Learn about the UK government's intention to expand corporate accountability for compliance with financial crime requirements.
Learn about privacy rights and information protection provided by South Africa's Protection of Personal Information Act 4.
Learn about the Mauritian Data Protection Act 2017 provisions on data transfer and portability as compared with GDPR.
Learn about the how environmental, social, and governance considerations affect four stages of M&A transactions.
Learn tips and pitfalls regarding advertising in connection with the 2022 Football World Cup in Qatar.
The ACC Australia Ethics Handbook V4 has been developed by a committee of in-house peers and provides a range of practical information, scenarios and case studies to help guide your approach to ethical issues as they arise. We encourage you to review the document and revisit it frequently to help navigate the evolving ethical complexities of in-house legal practice.
This article shows reputational risks in high exposure litigation, rising above the noise.
This guide presents jurisdictional overviews on public procurement contracts in jurisdictions around the globe.
Learn about ESG (environmental, social and governance) issues in this introduction to the related concepts and jargon being used.
Learn 11 legal issues UK contractors should pay attention to in 2022.
This White Paper is part of a series of Latham & Watkins publications highlighting significant developments under Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA) and outlining some of the major workstreams that foreign financial institutions must complete in order to comply with FATCA.
Effective management of international work assignments requires careful planning and attention to both United States’ and the host country’s laws. There is often so much to consider that little thought may be given to how an LGBTQ individual or family will be treated once the transfer is completed. But this cannot be overlooked.
This InfoPAK is intended to provide law students and recent graduates with information about the role of in-house counsel and how to pursue a career in this field.
This article contains tips for becoming your own best career advocate.
Could people’s identities be verified by a unique biometric? And would all transactions be recorded on blockchain? Tech Toolbox Columnist Gregory Stern hypothesizes what the not-too-distant future might hold.
ACC's Career Path columnist Bill Mordan reviews the tortuous 360-review in the July/August 2016 issue.
This sample provides step by step instructions when setting up the protection of personal data in a new context of risk.
This article focuses on three areas that affect a legal career path in the 21st century.
Sample table and list laying out objectives for a project, assigning priorities, and establishing a monitoring schedule.
Add social media to the growing list of corporate worries. More than three-quarters (77 percent) of lawyers recently surveyed by Robert Half Legal said they are concerned about the legal implications of employees using social media for business communications within their companies.
This quick reference guide provides overview of state attorney general enforcement powers and trends.
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