Nationwide's sample Agreement for outside counsel billing and staffing policy.
Learn about the UK's proposed regulatory framework as outlined in it's policy paper "A pro-innovation approach to AI", published in March 2023.
The purchase of residential property in Singapore is governed by the Residential Property Act (RPA), which also regulates foreign participation in housing developments. The Controller of Residential Property (the Controller) is in charge of the administration of the RPA.
The purpose of this paper is to summarize briefly the considerations leading to the currently proposed amendments for Delaware’s appraisal statute, Section 262 of the Delaware General Corporation Law (“DGCL”).
An overview of various strategies and tips to make law departments more efficient and effective. Includes surveys of in-house counsel covering various metrics of efficiency, cost, and satisfaction.
In this session presentation from October 2016, strategies for effectively managing trade credit risks are discussed and examined.
This article describes the advantages of a virtual network, offering former in-house counsel with children a way back into the workforce as part-timers for the benefit of corporate legal departments.
Read a short recap of key ESG developments in 2022 in Europe, the United States, Canada, Japan, Germany, Norway, and The Netherlands.
Learn about changes that the ONCA has on not-for-profits since it came in effect in October 2021.
Corporate crises, by their very nature, can severely disrupt a company and jeopardize its future.
Florida's "Stop WOKE Act” (HB7) restricts employers from requiring diversity training that “espouses, promotes, advances, inculcates, or compels [employees] to believe” certain prohibited concepts related to race, color, sex or national origin." While Florida's law is the first of its kind, there is speculation that other states could adopt similar legislation in the future.
As Chief Legal Officer, how can you help your organization build trust, especially during a time of crisis? In this article, learn more about how you can increase focus on social good, support the safety of your employees and stakeholders, and engage in proactive policies that will support staff while working remotely.
Declaratory judgment jurisdiction law is not what it used to be. Recent changes have complicated patent license negotiations but this article, which presents viewpoints from both sides of the issue, investigates protective measures that attorneys can take to both minimize risks and maximize chances of benefiting from the newly reformed law.
This Report provides an analysis of corruption within the EU’s Member States and of the steps taken to prevent and fight it. It aims to launch a debate involving the Commission, Member States, the European Parliament and other stakeholders, to assist the anti-corruption work and to identify ways in which the European dimension can help.
A panel of experienced international in-house lawyers will discuss the legal support areas on which legal department members in international offices should focus on in order to partner effectively with the business team. They will address optimizing the process for providing legal services, identifying future legal support requirements and implementing legal cost-saving initiatives.
Ever find yourself in need of a friend (of the court, that is)? ACC is your advocate in the public arena on issues affecting your ability to practice law as an in-house counsel. In this article, the Board Policy Committee chair outlines ACC’s stances and how the association can help you and your client.
Research shows that highly engaged teams significantly outperformed those in the bottom quartile. Here’s how to increase collaboration and find the leaders who will drive the cause.
This is a sample agreement between a hotel and company.
The last time one of your employees left you for greener pastures, you couldn't say enough wonderful things about her to potential new employers. But this time is different. Where is the line drawn between giving an honest evaluation of an employee and defamation of character? Discover what you can say about employees (and to whom) without landing yourself in hot water.
This article focuses on the three stages of crisis management: the immediate stage, when you manage short-term effects; the intermediate stage, when you manage litigation and other collateral consequences and the final stage, when you evaluate long-term effects and put the crisis behind you.
Global business leaders provide unique strategies for how the in-house counsel of today can be better prepared to become the in-house counsel of tomorrow.
Learn about Belgium's new tax regime for expats, which came into effect on January 1, 2022.
These are sample social computing guidelines regarding blogs, wikis, social networks, virtual worlds and social media.
This panel discussion will focus on what falls within the scope of a conflict of interest, both legally and ethically; how conflicts should be managed generally; and the special challenges of handling them in a global environment where there may be differing views as to what constitutes a conflict of interest. The panel will also address conflicts in the context of government work including the rules and regulations applicable to government contractors and former government officials moving into private industry.
Learn about the how Canadian copyright law will influence the development of generative AI and how it is used by business.
Learn about risks and opportunities in the use of AI in due diligence.
The Swedish parliament passed a bill which implements the EU directive (2019/1152) on Transparent and Predictable Working Conditions. This directive was introduced with the objective of raising employment standards throughout the EU with more transparent and predictable conditions of work. Based on these changes you should update your employment contract templates and also your HR guidelines where relevant.
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