This Wisdom of the Crowd (ACC member discussion) addresses concerns and tips for managing attorney-client privilege in an open office environment, under US law. This resource was compiled from questions and responses posted on the forum of the Law Department Management and Small Law Department ACC Networks.
A candid and thoughtful discussion regarding the role that the general counsel (GC) has in managing the heightened level of ethical scrutiny as it applies to the “C-Level” suite. Included in this review will be the challenges that the office of the general counsel faces in balancing the role of ethical counselor to the members of the executive management team and the GC’s fiduciary responsibility to the board of directors. We will review recent “C-Level” ethical transgressions and debate appropriate courses of action as they relate to preventing ethical breaches and dealing with the consequences once they have occurred.
This Quick Overview addresses the European perspective on the mandatory use of national languages in contractual documents.
Cybersecurity touches every aspect of consumer and corporate culture today. Preventing, preparing for and responding to data breaches in real time is a chief concern for individuals, corporate leaders and government regulators. Download the 2015 ACC Foundation: the State of Cybersecurity Report, underwritten by Ballard Spahr LLP, and learn what more than 1,000 corporate counsel say about their cybersecurity experiences, role and practices. The full report includes industry and regional trends, common preventative tactics, lessons learned from those who experienced a breach (including how the breach occurred and who was affected), the impact of regulatory requirements, insurance decision making and coverage information, and managing risk through outside support such as forensic and outside counsel retainers and more.
In this multi-jurisdictional guide, explore an overview of key legal issues, rules and developments regarding Financial Services disputes across a range of jurisdictions.
In-house counsel are constantly called to manage the many challenges that come across their desks while remaining compliant in a scenario of ever increasing regulations. General Counsel and Chief Legal Officers from leading international companies will gather at this dedicated forum to share innovative and forward thinking ways to address their evolving roles. Come to this session if you would like to gain insights into the complexities and challenges some of your in-house colleagues are dealing with or if you would like comfort that you are not alone in tackling such matters.
Insurance claims made in the wake of a disaster must be done quickly, but carefully, to maximize a company's recovery. Learn the best ways to document damage and claim the proper type of loss for maximum insurance coverage, and gain tips on working with an insurance broker and risk manager.
Publically Available Provisions" with source, that the Session team may use as beginning points in their discussion of contractual language.
While the nearly comprehensive U.S. embargo on trade with Cuba remains and will require an act of Congress to be eliminated, the U.S. government has issued another round of measures further easing the U.S. sanctions and export control restrictions against Cuba.
This program material covers how technology can improve service and drive actionable analytics.
In this tumultuous landscape, it's important that in-house counsel build strategies to protect the companies. This article answers ten questions regarding events and event planning during Covid-19. This article was originally published in June 2020.
This Social Media Policy sets forth the policies of the company and its subsidiaries and affiliates or entities, on the permissible and proper use of and participation in Social Media.
In the digital age, more organizations find themselves facing the complicated world of privacy and data ownership when user data crosses the US border. This presentation will examine the major regulations governing personal data overseas, provide an issue-spotting checklist and include an overview of the Binding Corporate Rules developed by the European Union Article 29 Working Party.
With the complexity of many legal situations today, the best team to solve the problem may not work in one organization, but across many. This session is designed to help you create and lead a collaborative team with members from competing law firms, consulting groups and non-legal providers. In this session, you will discover how competitive collaboration has led to success for legal department leaders. A team of experts will offer insight and criteria on the type of engagements that lend themselves to this approach; how to get people with competing interests to collaborate effectively; how to deal with conflicts if they arise; and how to plan for seamless delivery and desired results. Case studies, tools and templates will augment the interactive presentation.
As companies get creative about their financial solutions, the concept of taking business to off-site legal professionals is becoming more popular. This article discusses the development of legal outsourcing, its benefits and the information you need to decide if it’s the right move for your business.
The National People Congress passed the Personal Information Protection Law ("PIPL") in China, effective November 1, 2021. This resource is an overview of the PIPL, including significant challenges it poses to companies' personal data practices.
The US Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) and US Department of Justice (DOJ) have announced plans to monitor employers’ use of artificial intelligence (AI) tools in hiring decisions that may discriminate against applicants with disabilities. On May 12, 2022, both agencies issued guidance outlining areas for concern regarding the use of AI in hiring decisions, which provide some insight into their intentions for litigation.
This article addresses recent intellectual property (IP) cases from US courts, and provides insight on how to avoid pitfalls when licensing IP.
The purpose of this resources is to discuss common hotel management agreement provisions and concepts in the United States. The authors will touch upon one or more topics which sparks a "I've always wondered why that is the way it is but nobody has taken the time to explain it" reaction with you. The hope the discussion goes some way to demystify the topic.
The 10-part series will cover the following topics:
1. Why is the manager's fee based on hotel's revenue and profit and not some other basis?
2. Why do some agreements provide that the manager is the owner's agent and some do not?
3. Why does the owner employ most or all of the hotel employees (and not the manager)?
4. What is the risk/reward relationship between an owner and manager?
5. Why does the owner indemnify the manager?
6. Why do we need a non-disturbance deed between the owner, manager and financier?
7. Why the need for an area of protection?
8. Why is the owner usually prevented from selling the hotel to one of the manager's competitors?
9. Why does the manager impose restrictions on the owner's ability to finance the hotel?
10. What is the importance of brand standards?
The definition of property in Portugal follows that of other continental legal systems based on Roman law and the French Civil Code, encompassing not only freehold but also other rights of guarantee and of acquisition. Therefore, the definition of property includes full possession and exclusive use and disposition. Read this article to learn more.
A review of the state of real estate in Portugal and recent trends in 2013.
This is a sample stock purchase agreement involving a Delaware company.
This chart is a questionnaire on the regulation of recall campaigns of defective produces in Argentina, Brazil and Chile.
Corporate privilege has been eroded on several fronts. Lawyers operating in the current legal climate must be keenly aware of the corporate privilege's potential limitations and take steps to minimize them. Here are thirteen steps to cope with corporate privilege erosion.
Financial Management Worksheet for Budget Build-up with Initiatives
What legislation is applicable to insolvencies and reorganisations? What criteria are applied in your country to determine if a debtor is insolvent?
What legislation is applicable to insolvencies and reorganisations? What criteria are applied in your country to determine if a debtor is insolvent?
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