This resource contains helpful charts and graphs concerning SOE and the value of disputes.
Since 1 January 2013 much heavier penalties have been in force for violations of the Foreign Nationals Employment Act [1] The fine for employing illegal workers has been raised by 50%, from €8,000 to €12,000 per employee. Businesses that commit repeated violations face closure for up to three months. The Cabinet also wants to tighten the conditions under which non-EU nationals can work legally in the Netherlands and submitted an amendment proposal for the Wav to the House of Representatives for this purpose last year.
ACC Whistleblower Protection Paper September 2018 in the European Union.
Increasingly, multinational corporations are conducting internal investigations to assess civil and regulatory risk, particularly in light of increased regulatory scrutiny. Because they face civil and regulatory risk in multiple jurisdictions, those investigations must also be conducted in multiple jurisdictions. Jurisdictions have different rules relating to internal investigations, such as privilege, employee interviews and disclosure obligations. This session will discuss how to conduct a cross-border internal investigation effectively and the pitfalls that may await in-house counsel.
This briefing is the first in a series that will look at legal aspects of the Solvency II regime and their implications for firms. It considers the legal framework of Solvency II, how near each element of the framework is to completion and what needs to happen next, how Omnibus II has changed the previously published regime, the transitional relief that firms can expect to get from 1 January 2016, and how Solvency II will be applied to insurers and reinsurers in the UK.
"the "Getting the Deal Through" reference guide for M&A professionals"
The Stark Law has promulgated complicated regulations for transactions involving payments to physicians. All facets of the healthcare industry also face on a daily basis the shadow of government prosecutors focused on violations of the federal anti-kickback statute. These laws involve both criminal prosecution and civil liability, and in-house attorneys have at times been prosecuted as individual defendants. Enforcement is expanding to cover individual physicians as prescribers of company products and providers of services to companies, such as consulting and clinical investigator services, and to physician ownership of medical device distributors. Looming over healthcare companies and individuals is the potential to be debarred from participation in Medicare, Medicaid & other federal health care programs. In addition, in-house counsel need to be aware of obscure state laws on the issues of physician self-referral prohibition and anti-kickbacks. This program will discuss the government’s new enforcement trend and mechanisms that in-house counsel can employ to reduce these risks.
This is a list of additional course materials dealing with the energy industry.
This article focuses on a shift in the billable hour paradigm and how law firms and clients must look forward and focus on the outcomes that are desired, rather than looking backwards at the cost of production. The billable hour has diametrically opposed functions for both sides in the relationship: (1) unit of production and (2) basis of profitability. Not until both sides understand that you can't have the same unit serving dual purposes, will they truly understand alternative fees and value-based relationships. This article delves into what is required to establish a new model for law firm economics.
<p/>This ACC Value Challenge resource is part 2 of a 3 part series. To view the other resources in this series, please click here:</p>
<p class=><a id=CP___PAGEID=1365185| href=/legalresources/resource.cfm?show=1365185>ACC Value Challenge: Facing Up to the Challenge - The Case for Change (Part 1)</a></p><p class=><a id=CP___PAGEID =1365213| href=/legalresources/resource.cfm?show=1365213>ACC Value Challenge: Facing Up to the Challenge - The Transition (Part 3)</a></p>
This is a sample computer, email and internet usage policy.
Results can be multiplied when you put together any combination of in-sourcing, unbundling, alternative legal service providers, process improvement, value-based fees and technology.
In this QuickCounsel, we explain clauses and their existence in certain contracts that are usually based in informal social protocols or customs. We hope that this resource will help with drafting these clauses by providing examples and advice.
This Wisdom of the Crowd, compiled from questions and responses posted on the New to In-House Forum, addresses the systematic steps that an in-house counsel should take when a company is served with a new lawsuit.
For in-house legal departments, relationships with Outside Counsel are integral to overall management of matters and outcomes. A solid relationship creates synergy and partnership; a dysfunctional one creates frustration and typically increases costs. One of the most common tools to enhance client/firm relationships is setting effective Outside Counsel Guidelines (OCGs). Read this article written by Brenda Hansen, Sr. Legal Operations Consultant, Epiq Legal Business Advisory, for tips on drafting effective and impactful Outside Counsel Guidelines.
Read Todd Silberman's insights on the balance between work and life. Do we live to work or work to live?
This article contains five tips for freshening up your legal resume right now.
This article examines industry changes resulting from an automated workforce and identifies future trends.
Despite the CLO’s best efforts, Legal is almost always viewed as a cost center within the corporation. What are the most effective ways that you as a CLO can continuously prove your value to the company, what metrics do you use to do it, and how do you get the company to see the cost savings that result from early and regular consultation with Legal?
This is a sample personnel policy concerning corporate credit card use.
Career Path Columnist Bjarne P. Tellmann discusses the various types of diversity that a company needs in order to succeed.
In his final Career Path column, Bjarne P. Tellmann shares how to embrace change — no matter how daunting.
Work-life balance is not about having equal energy for all parts of our life. Instead, it's about taking care of yourself and identifying your priorities.
"To sharpen the saw," sometimes it's important to learn, play, and rest before tackling your to-do list.
Though most businesses avoid using this particular word, Business Ethics Columnist James A. Nortz argues that it should be synonymous with "ethics."
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