903 - Out of Sight, Out of Mind? Structuring Outsourcing Agreements in India & Asia-Pacific
What do clients really think about the legal department? Get the scoop on what clients like and don’t like about working with lawyers, their view of in-house counsel as budget managers, and their perceived value of in-house counsel crossing over to the business side.
This article uses the experience of one law department to show how integration with the business teams--an active philosophy of being closer to the business--can replace the dreaded corporate staff moniker with status as an integral part of the operating business.
SEC Amicus brief Pacific v. Mayer (PIMCO v REFCO) filed 8/6/09
The 2013 ACC Value Champions share how they achieve strong alignment between business clients, inside and outside counsel through leading management practices including pricing, collaboration and continuous improvement. This will be an interactive session, so bring your own questions and concerns.
This presentation will discuss why successful project management is essential for innovative organizations, help you understand the primary characteristics of projects and the criteria for success, and focus on how the environment, stakeholders, schedule, cost and quality requirements impact the definition of deliverables.
This article addresses the reality that whether you outsource mostly in-house activities or activities that are going to move from a law firm to a different kind of provider, eventually what gets unbundled has to be re-integrated.
As a manager, you’re expected to deal with a difficult employee proactively and effectively. If you’re unable to manage a difficult employee adequately, you may be viewed as part of the problem or an ineffective manager – labels that can be hard to escape and can have lasting impact on your career. Prepared by WeComply Inc, this ACC guide (InfoPAK) examines in part, strategies and suggestions for dealing with difficult employees.
As we all navigate the new ‘normal’ in the post-COVID-19 world, one major adjustment has been the ‘new’ workplace, aka our homes. This article profiles four in-house counsel and shares their experiences of working from home and their tips for getting through this challenging time.
In 2016, employers should expect to see US Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) fines that are as much as 80 percent higher than in the past as a result of a budget provision signed into law by President Obama that will significantly increase OSHA fines for the first time since 1990. Fines will place greater emphasis on getting OSHA compliance right. In this program, OSHA experts will address the agency’s new penalties and provide a checklist for specific compliance steps that employers can use to better insulate their companies from those penalties. Presenters will address OSHA’s increased focus on new recordkeeping and reporting responsibilities; temporary works; Voluntary Safety and Health Program management guidelines; workplace violence; and joint employer responsibility.
ACC Board Chair Bill Mordan discusses the one word describes that best in-house lawyers: credibility.
When hiring in-house counsel, make sure to share the "3 C's" with candidates during the interview process: compensation, culture, and career development.
ACC Repsonse to White Paper of the Committee of Experts on a Data Protection Framework for India
US-recognized attorney-client privilege<br />may not be respected in all jurisdictions, especially during the chaos of a dawn raid. Protect your privileged documents with this checklist.
This article summarizes the legislative framework for the protection of personally identifiable information (PII) in Spain.
Five trends that may affect your career in 2013.
Does the general counsel fit in your CEO's group of trusted companions?
ACC Chair Bill Mordan offers advice and resources to counsel who want to turbo-charge their exposure to the world of corporate law.
It is only when we don’t have anything to prove that we stop pretending to be something we are not.
This is a sample request for contract review or preparation.
Getting the Deal Through is delighted to publish the ninth edition of Arbitration, a volume in our series of annual reports, which provide international analysis in key areas of law and policy for corporate counsel, cross-border legal practitioners and business people.
Getting the Deal Through is delighted to publish the ninth edition of Arbitration, a volume in our series of annual reports, which provide international analysis in key areas of law and policy for corporate counsel, cross-border legal practitioners and business people.
The respondents overwhelmingly question the integrity of their leaders and perhaps with good cause. The survey reveals that many employees would accept fraud and corruption in the work place in order to survive the current economic storm and indeed senior management are even more likely than rank and file to condone activities such as cash bribes and financial statement fraud.
604 - Advanced Settlement Techniques & the Use of Mediation & Arbitration to Resolve Disputes
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