This is a sample e-Discovery services agreement.
This summary of the 2024 ACC Law Department Compensation Survey provides high-level results of key in-house compensation metrics and employment trends in the in-house legal profession.
This Wisdom of the Crowd, compiled from responses posted on the Compliance and Ethics forum addresses how to handle customers who want your organization to be bound by their individual Codes of Conduct.
This Wisdom of the Crowd (ACC member discussion) was compiled from the questions and responses posted by the Litigation Network on their Forum. This discussion addresses whether lost profits are direct or indirect damages and, if direct, what are the appropriate methods of calculation in the United States and in the United Kingdom.
This is a list of supplemental resources for the session.
The last three board meetings were ugly, but at least that maverick director is gone. He was nothing but trouble, always challenging management and questioning my legal advice. What? He has filed suit to enjoin the proposed acquisition, and he wants immediate discovery of my legal advice to the board? Preposterous! That's privileged, and he is not the privilege holder, the corporation is. He's out of luck. Or is he?
John Villa discusses the applicable rules concerning ex parte interviews with your employees
The design and operational failures of the federal insurance exchange and comparable failures of a number of state exchanges will generate contract disputes and litigations. Read on for more information.
This session will focus on the creation of a strategic plan that establishes the law department as a creator of value in addition to delivering superior service of core legal functions. Starting with how a legal department can create strategy that delivers a financial benefit to the company, as well as moving the function to becoming a cost-neutral function, and in some circumstances, a positive financial contributor to the company. The program will review different law department structures and current trends in how to optimize your structure, align with your business, build an inclusive law department, and assess how to optimally source and staff work internally for different tasks to achieve your strategic goals. This program is designed to benefit every corporate attorney, from the entry-level associate to the experienced general counsel, as it argues for a less traditional perspective of the legal department within the modern corporate structure.
In parallel to the handling of legal cases in daily operations, every legal department has knowledge management on the top of its agenda. In an international legal department, an accurate response tailored to the company needs may make the difference between success and failure, noting the difference in needs and resources between small and large departments that are centrally or internationally located. These aspects will be elaborated and opinions will be exchanged in an interactive workshop that will bring new ideas and practical solutions to in-house lawyers.
This resource describes the release and impact of the Arrangement Concerning Mutual Assistance in Court-ordered interim Measures in aid of Arbitral Proceedings by the Courts of the Mainland an of the Hong Kong Special Administration Region. The success of applications submitted under the terms and requirements of the Arrangement have made it a compelling reason for parties, irrespective of origin, to select Hong Long as the seat of arbitration if they are doing business with parties in China Mainland.
On Feb. 5, 2013, broad amendments to the Corruption of Foreign Public Officials Act (CFPOA) were tabled in the Senate through Bill S-14. This article addresses the six major changes to the CFPOA that will result if Bill S-14 is enacted into law as presently drafted.
In his final Career Path column, Mark Rolleig shares his leadership lessons and rules for career success he’s learned over the years.
In this column, the author makes three suggestions for adding value to your small law department.
Technology and collaboration tools are always changing. In-house counsel need to make it as easy as possible for business people to understand what it means to comply.
In an effort to protect personal data, Turkey has instituted sanctions that set out general principles to protect data and punish those who violate the law.
This article provides insight into amendments made to the Work Health & Safety Act 2011 (Qld), which was amended previously to provide for the offense of industrial manslaughter. It was later amended in 2020 to cover the resources sector including coal. The piece also provides analysis and key issues for the 2020 amendment of the law.
This resource presents a series of visuals on the state of legal operations and perspective of individuals currently in a legal operations role based on ACC surveys published throughout 2023.
This guide provides corporate counsel and international practitioners with comprehensive jurisdiction-by-jurisdiction guidance to product liability laws and regulation.
Topics covered include causation, defenses and estoppel, procedure, time limits, remedies, and costs/funding.
Getting the Deal Through is delighted to publish the ninth edition of Arbitration, a volume in our series of annual reports, which provide international analysis in key areas of law and policy for corporate counsel, cross-border legal practitioners and business people.
In recent years, organized labor has employed aggressive campaign strategies and innovative techniques designed to catch unwary employers off guard. The National Labor Relations Board also has launched new initiatives that impact all employers. The information provided in this InfoPAKSM can assist in-house counsel seeking to improve a company’s ability to avoid or survive a corporate campaign, make necessary changes to comply with the National Labor Relations Act, and enhance an organization’s overall human resource posture.
Discusses practical issues that relate to the relationship between litigation and arbitration to enable you to select the proper dispute resolution mechanism.
This guide covers common issues in restructuring and insolvency, including issues that arise when a company is in financial difficulties, restructuring options, insolvency procedures, and cross-border issues.
An overview of software copyrighting.
The purpose of this Guidebook is to help the law departments of life sciences and medical devices industry, their affiliates and business associates, clinical researchers (CROs), and third-party vendors focus on the cybersecurity and IP asset protection issues in an accessible and practical way.
710 Conflicts of Interest in the Corporate Environment
The Public Company Accounting Oversight Board recently issued its long-anticipated rules on auditor independence issues and the relationship with the company's independent auditor. The authors give tips on how you can keep your audit committee up-to-date and on the straight and narrow.
Wage-hour lawsuits are growing, and lawyers are jumping on claims that can result in multi-million dollar judgments and settlements. It is important for employers to understand the federal and state regulations and laws to avoid facing lawsuits. This article is a guide on some of these laws and regulations, shedding light on the need for employers to fully grasp them.
This is a sample mutual non-disclosure agreement where the parties are contemplating business and technical discussions concerning a possible business combination.
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