Read the interview with Phil Crowley, Assistant General Counsel with Johnson & Johnson.
ACC's comments to the Standing Committee examining changes to the Federal Rules of Evidence regarding proposed amendments to Rule 502 on limited waiver.
This article delves into the use of trade secrets to protect Artificial Intelligence (AI) and the unique challenges to trade secret protection presented by AI in general.
This program will review how to manage a defensible records retention and data management program, considerations related to disposition of items that are not required to be kept by law or policy in the normal course of business and how to effectively manage legal holds when they come into play.
So your CEO has finally recognized that the company needs a compliance program, and naturally turns to you, the lawyer. Where do you start? How do you determine that you've identified the compliance risks, complied with all the applicable laws and regulations, and adequately addressed the risks? This session will describe the essentials of a compliance program including risk assessments, policy development, communications, training, establishment of controls and monitoring and testing of controls. Presenters will offer firsthand experiences (some positive) and best practices, incorporating MRCP 3, A-C privilege, MRCP 1.16 and MRCP 1.13 for ethics.
This program will review the management of compliance along the spectrum of management compliance, from legal and voluntarily adopted standards, to areas where business partners or outside organizations pressure companies to meet certain standards while weighing the costs against use of non-renewable resources (slavery, child labor, etc.) in the name of corporate social responsibility. Is it possible to create a proper and workable integration of the two efforts? Can it be within the compliance office or a joint effort of two or more corporate units?
This is a sample confidentiality agreement between a Missouri corporation and its recipient.
The author discusses a case involving a contract with an anti-modification clause, and how "always" can come to mean "sometimes."
This chart contains common statutes of limitations for all 50 states, expressed in years.
Back by popular demand, this is your opportunity to catch up on the highlights of this year’s employment law developments and to hear about the issues likely to be important in the next year. Our panel of experienced employment law experts will give particular attention to recent and highly anticipated US Supreme Court developments, as well as any significant international developments.
This guide addresses key labor and employment laws in a number of global jurisdictions. Items addressed include family/medical leave of absence, employee drug testing, equal employment opportunity/nondiscrimination, and legal obligations in regard to employee termination.
This short article gives an overview of the advertising and marketing laws in the Netherlands.
An easy reference guide to employee non-compete agreements across borders. It sets out the key considerations to take into account when drafting, updating and enforcing non-compete agreements and restrictive covenants in different jurisdictions in Europe, Africa, and the Middle East.
This is a sample business conduct policy.
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