Best Practices in Risk Assessment - presentation held in Sydney 17 May 2018.
This is a sample sales agreement where the Hotel agrees to hold the space listed in the agreement on a tentative basis.
Two sample resumes that could be used as models when you are applying for a new job.
The ability to effectively manage<br />outside counsel is essential to the success of in-house lawyers. Learn tips on selecting, evaluating, comparing, and retaining the outside counsel that best suit the organizational needs of your company, developing lists of providers and criteria for preferred legal service providers and specialized firms, implementing alternative billing models, and using legal project and process management techniques with your outside counsel to streamline your engagements.<br />
With the US Department of Justice (DOJ) collecting record corporate fines this year, your board asks if your company’s compliance is up to par. How do you respond? How do you gauge your program? This session will analyze the DOJ’s Federal Sentencing Guidelines for the Prosecution of Business Organizations, set out your minimum requirements, and lay out best practices that you can implement. This will cover leadership, risk assessments, policy development, communications, training, establishment of controls, and monitoring and testing of controls. Presenters will offer firsthand experiences (both positive and negative) and best practices for building and maintaining your compliance program.
EU data privacy laws make the collection of Electronically stored information (ESI) and its transfer out of Europe challenging. The session will begin with a brief update of U.S. case law focusing on cross-border discovery generally, and then turn to a discussion of Privacy by Design ("PbD"), which has become the gold standard for privacy protection in the 21st Century. This discussion will cover examples of how PbD has been operationalized and used to address the challenges presented by EU data privacy laws. The session will then cover Europe's acknowledgement of Canada's stringent privacy laws which make it a unique base for e-discovery collection, analysis and review. By collecting ESI from European employees into Canada, and then culling down/reviewing ESI in Canada to identify responsive email and documents, organization can minimize the amount of ESI for which they must obtain consent from employees for transfer to the U.S.
The AIA introduced a variety of provisions that affect patent litigation, including four new post-grant proceedings adjudicated by a new Patent Trials and Appeal Board to challenge the validity of a patent. This article discusses trends in how patent ligation is approached and conducted in this new landscape.
Getting the Deal Through is delighted to publish the ninth edition of Arbitration, a volume in our series of annual reports, which provide international analysis in key areas of law and policy for corporate counsel, cross-border legal practitioners and business people.
Getting the Deal Through is delighted to publish the ninth edition of Arbitration, a volume in our series of annual reports, which provide international analysis in key areas of law and policy for corporate counsel, cross-border legal practitioners and business people.
The COVID-19 pandemic has led many employees to work remotely. In light of statistics from Australian authorities, this article explores how this context increases the risk of data exposure and Intellectual Property (IP) loss or theft.
Discusses available options when your company sees its stock price go down, then receives a class action alleging securities fraud, and it sounds like plaintiffs' counsel is getting, and using, confidential information from one of your employees—a corporate mole.
According to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, staffing firms added more than 786,000 jobs to their payrolls from June 2009 to July 2012. There are many reasons for the growth of this particular industry. Temporary help services provide flexibility and a way to avoid overstaffing. Learn the legal ins and outs of hiring temporary workers.
Government contractors have been increasingly met with scrutiny, particularly since ex- government officials often go to work in that sector. Several legislative and regulatory initiatives have been implemented in order to prevent conflicts of interest on the part of government contractors. Given the current climate, it is more important than ever for those seeking a bid to identify, address and mitigate these “conflict of interest” issues.
In this article, in-house counsel can learn more about investing in businesses based in New Zealand and developing commercial relationships. This resource was published by Meritas in May 2019.
This ACC Guide (formerly known as an InfoPAK) provides the reader with a general overview of the economic conditions in four pertinent Latin America countries: Colombia, Mexico, Panama, and Brazil.
With the explosion of high technology, communication is getting faster, but not necessarily better. All employees who use company computers, telephones and stationery should be trained to think defensively about the legal consequences of what they write or say. Formulating an effective document and e-mail management policy can reduce the risk of costly litigation.
China has seen dramatic economic growth and accompanying legal reforms in recent years, and many companies are now seeking patent protection for their products and technologies in the country. This article provides a basic comparative overview of patent litigation in the United States and China, highlighting their most significant differences.
Analysis of the nature of antitrust infringements, the rationale of company
liability for antitrust infringements, and the possible positive and possible negative effects of compliance programmes.
These retention guidelines are designed to provide transparency on PRUSA’s expectations regarding the provision of legal services by external counsel.
Hewlett-Packard's sample checklist for a new attorney onbaording, education and development program.
A sample agreement between a company and a vendor. The company may be/has been awarded GSA delivery orders for supplying information technology products and services to U.S. Government Agencies and other organizations eligible to use GSA sources of supply. The company does not have the vendor products and services desired by the government on its GSA FSS contract, and as authorized, vendor and the company desire to team their GSA FSS contracts.
Read the interview with Phil Crowley, Assistant General Counsel with Johnson & Johnson.
This article delves into the use of trade secrets to protect Artificial Intelligence (AI) and the unique challenges to trade secret protection presented by AI in general.
This program will review how to manage a defensible records retention and data management program, considerations related to disposition of items that are not required to be kept by law or policy in the normal course of business and how to effectively manage legal holds when they come into play.
So your CEO has finally recognized that the company needs a compliance program, and naturally turns to you, the lawyer. Where do you start? How do you determine that you've identified the compliance risks, complied with all the applicable laws and regulations, and adequately addressed the risks? This session will describe the essentials of a compliance program including risk assessments, policy development, communications, training, establishment of controls and monitoring and testing of controls. Presenters will offer firsthand experiences (some positive) and best practices, incorporating MRCP 3, A-C privilege, MRCP 1.16 and MRCP 1.13 for ethics.
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