Learn about the risks of not using care with the language in contractual bonuses.
This program originally aired on March 7, 2023. Please note that the on-demand format of this program is not eligible for CLE/CPD credit.
ChatGPT and other human-language information models promise to revolutionize how we interact with technology and information. Like any new innovation, the use and misuse of ChatGPT and other AI programs pose serious questions about companies' legal, privacy, data and security initiatives.
This Wisdom of the Crowd (ACC member discussion) discusses, in a US context, whether to ask a terminated employee to sign a separation letter ahead of termination and another agreement for severance and release at the end of the transition period, or to combine both items in one document. This resource was compiled from questions and responses posted on the forum of the Employment & Labor Law ACC Network.
This Wisdom of the Crowd, compiled from questions and responses posted on the Employment & Labor Law Forum, addresses companies that permit advanced vacation and retrieving negative vacation balances from employees that leave the company.
This report presents results on a subset of respondents from the Association of Corporate Counsel’s Chief Legal Officer (CLO) 2013 Survey, published in January 2013. A total of 1,104 individuals from 36 countries participated in this survey to provide a global outlook of CLOs worldwide. This report provides results and analysis of respondents from Canada (n=50) as well as demographic information, such as staffing, budget changes, revenue and more, while also exploring intangibles such as CCLOs’ top legal and business concerns for the past 12 months and their anticipations for the future.
This is a sample purchase and sale agreement, for the sale of land and other rights and assets, by a seller company to a buyer Limited Liability Company (LLC).
It is only when we don’t have anything to prove that we stop pretending to be something we are not.
710 Conflicts of Interest in the Corporate Environment
This paper continues to focus on Europe, which has long viewed the privacy of personal information and data as a fundamental right.
Understand the force majeure implications of the Ukraine conflict (and related sanctions) for contracts.
Learn about risks with trading in green electricity based on the practices in China.
Discusses whether internet tools, meant to make information more accessible, have affected and altered our cognitive abilities.
Sometimes the best way to enhance ones management abilities is to study mistakes that are most frequently made and why. This article contains some common pitfalls and how they can be avoided.
This Quick Overview seeks to clarify industrial property (a type of intellectual property) protection in Brazil , specifically the case of item I of Article 2 of Federal Statute 9279/96, related to the grant of patents of invention and utility models.
This article uses the experience of one law department to show how integration with the business teams--an active philosophy of being closer to the business--can replace the dreaded corporate staff moniker with status as an integral part of the operating business.
"the "Getting the Deal Through" reference guide for M&A professionals"
This brief resource presents top ways you and your legal department can integrate with your company and act more like a business unit.
This document seeks to bring together the previous work done by the Working Party of EU Data Protection Commissioners established under Article 29 of the Data Protection Directive1 into a more comprehensive set of views covering all the central questions raised by flows of personal data to third countries in the context of the application of EU data protection directive (95/46/EC). It is organised according to the system provided for international transfers of personal data set out in Articles 25 and 26 of the directive. (The text of these articles is attached as Annex 2).
This article examines industry changes resulting from an automated workforce and identifies future trends.
Senior executives today move freely from team to team. Talent moves quickly, jumping across companies and across industry lines. And we should not be shocked.
The author discuses the international implications of Dodd-Frank and other multinational investigations on in-house counsel.
This is a state by state medical testing background checklist.
Being a procrastinator is not part of our true identity; it is only a habit we have when it comes to delaying work. But are you willing to break this routine, no matter how familiar it is?
Chinese people can be very indirect in expressing what they want. When you offer your Chinese guests tea, it is not unusual that they say no in the first instance and agree to have some when you ask them the second time.
Lead the Way Columnist Whitnie Wiley stresses the importance of being self-aware and intentional about the pursuit of your goals.
The key is to give yourself sufficient time between receiving the stimulus and choosing the response.
The Peter Principle, authored in 1969, is now out of print. But in this column, Bill Mordan re-examines the truths behind the theory which asserts that "in a hierarchy, every employee tends to rise to his level of incompetence."
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