This country-specific question & answer formatted paper provide an overview of blockchain laws and regulations applicable in Hong Kong. This resource was published in 2019.
Overview of best practices in risk management. Includes discussion of enterprise risk, advising the board on risk, risk mitigation planning, cybersecurity, and third party risk from vendors and suppliers.
This is a sample employee handbook.
This article summarises the legislative framework for the protection of personally<br />identifiable information (PII).
This article discusses the MiFID II regime for access by financial institutions located outside the EU to EU customers and markets.
This agreement arises out of an investigation by the Division of Enforcement ("Division") of the United States Securities and Exchange Commission ("Commission") into possible violations of the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act and books and records and internal controls provisions of the federal securities laws by Ralph Lauren Corporation ("Respondent") from approximately 2005 through 2009 ("Investigation").
The enforcement actions provide early clues on how the SEC’s “risk-based data analytics” may flag public companies for investigation.
This is supplemental bibliography for the session.
A recent letter from 21 state Attorneys General to various asset managers demonstrates a focus on using antitrust and unfair competition laws to oppose ESG efforts. In this Client Alert, Latham & Watkins attorneys review the major enforcer and congressional statements over the past year that have raised antitrust and competition concerns with ESG initiatives; analyze how the AG Letter reflects a refinement of theories of harm under state and federal competition laws; and provide guidance to entities implementing ESG policies on how to minimize legal risks.
International Comparative Legal Guide - Cartels & Leniency 2024 covers common issues in cartels & leniency laws and regulations across 18 jurisdictions.
This is a sample agreement of sale with attached lease to purchaser.
This is a sample code of business conduct and ethics policy.
The purpose of this guide is to provide an overview of international and national anti-corruption regimes within an Asia Pacific context. It highlights how corporations should best approach anti-corruption compliance, transactional and third party due diligence and corruption investigations. It also examines related issues from anti-money laundering and whistleblowing regimes.
This article summarises the legislative framework for the protection of personally<br />identifiable information (PII).
There are positive rewards for teambuilding, but with hectic workdays, the concept is often only revisited during retreats or special events. This article discusses new ways of thinking about the concept and offers suggestions for bringing it into your office.
This article focuses on the main vulnerabilities and best practices in data protection - a view from the inside.
This sample is a ten-point checklist for avoiding and resolving workplace conflict.
How many times have you reviewed outside counsel invoices in shock at just how much two firm lawyers can cost? Do you find yourself wondering, 'Why do things have to be this way, and can I do anything else to lower the bills?' In the first installment of this three-part series, the author examines what it is about law firm organization and culture that truly drives up costs, and lays the foundation for the tools to revamp your relationship with your outside counsel that are discussed in parts two and three.
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