Smart companies plan, measure results and demonstrate success. The legal department within those companies needs to follow suit. Demonstrating to your client that you add value is critical. This program will teach the in’s and out’s of strategic planning and effective metrics development that will help you demonstrate your department’s successes and show your boss how you add value to the company’s bottom line.
This InfoPAK (now known as ACC Guides) provides a practical guide to joint ventures, including practice notes and standard documents for cross-border deals with detailed drafting notes highlighting the main legal, commercial and negotiating issues in the United Kingdom.
Do the various companies in the United States stand together in terms of federal legislative and regulatory efforts to harness market forces in reducing carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions? The answer is not intuitive, primarily because of the enormous disparity in GHG emission inventories among companies. California utilities, for example, with one of the lowest CO2 inventories in the country, may find themselves on the short end if federal cap-and-trade policy allows tradable rights based on historic CO2 emissions — a starting point that would benefit utilities in coal-burning states. The panel will begin with a brief primer on cap-and-trade basics, and then launch into a debate on the key issues companies will have to work through as they help shape federal cap-and-trade policy for GHG emissions.
Overview of perfection and priority of security interests in Canada.
Eighth edition of the Getting the Deal Through Anti-Corruption Regulation Guide, a volume that provides international analysis for corporate counsel, cross-border legal practitioners and business people.
This article outlines the key benefits of a ride share service, including car and driver verification, GPS tracking and cashless transactions in the United States.
Lessons learned from devising programs to reduce products liability can point the way to creating effective information security policies.
This is a sample company services and license agreement.
This is a sample services agreement between a company and an insurance broker, for the provision of services as insurance broker and/or risk management consultant.
Another technological management gadget to add to the efficient law department’s toolbox.
Nominations Sought for ACC's Board of Directors - ACC and Altman Weil Release Results of 2003 Chief Legal Officer Survey - Have an Interest in Judicial Elections? - More Valuable Insights from the 2003 ACC/Serengeti Managing Outside Counsel Survey - New to In-house: The Running Man - Shoveling Smoke: Professional Standards: Beyond Conduct Rules
This sample consulting agreement sets forth the terms of the Consultant’s consulting relationship with the Client.
A panel of seasoned attorneys will examine the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA) and antitrust policies (drafting, implementation, etc.) in small law departments; and will address other policies companies should have in place from a general compliance standpoint.
Knowing the law is key to serving your clients. Knowing why people behave the way they do and your own strengths and weaknesses in dealing with them can make you successful. Research has shown that some of the very skills that make us technically competent as lawyers actually hurt our ability to work with other people well and move our careers forward. A panel of experts will tell you how to harness your emotional intelligence, how to measure it and how to improve it.
International borders have been coming down for some time providing even more opportunities than ever before for international work. Do you have an adventurous spirit? Find out if you can afford to take the risks involved in redefining your career to serve internationally.
In the past few years, there have been headline-grabbing government investigations of foreign companies in the European Union (EU) and China. A number of these investigations relate to anti-trust, anti-bribery and corruption matters. It is critical for the legal departments of companies operating in the EU and China to be prepared for these sorts of investigations, ensuring that the business can react quickly and deal successfully with the government inquiry at a very tense and stressful time. The panel will look at the reasons for government investigations in the EU and China, what in-house counsel need to do to prepare their companies for the possibility of a government investigation (including the dreaded dawn raid) and provide practical tips for dealing with government investigations in the EU and China.
A European in-house counsel compares life and work as an in-house counsel in the U.S.
Discusses the Akzo decision and its effect on communications between in-house lawyers and their business clients.
The European Commission recently adopted a legislative proposal package that introduces several changes on payment services in the European Union and, in accordance with the European Commission, seeks to improve competition by opening up payment markets to new entrants, thus fostering greater efficiency and cost-reduction.
With the AIFMD now in force, we thought it would be helpful to cover some of the questions we are frequently being asked across all of Ashurst's offices.
Which scenarios should a company investigate and which should it ignore? Who should conduct the investigation? What should the goals be? How should interviews be conducted? This evaluation is a mix of practical and legal considerations. The session will analyse the numerous aspects to be taken into account when facing an alleged violation of internal policies or local law.
What legislation is applicable to insolvencies and reorganisations? What criteria are applied in your country to determine if a debtor is insolvent?
"the "Getting the Deal Through" reference guide for M&A professionals"
This supplement includes articles concerning cross-border relations, M&A in Canada 2006 year in review, and insights from Dan McCarty, CLO for Imperial Tobacco Canada.
Here are Top 10 things that covered businesses interacting with Californians should consider as the California Privacy Rights Act (CPRA) as the effective date draws near.
This Wisdom of the Crowd (ACC member discussion) addresses how to dispute bills with outside counsel, under US law. This resource was compiled from questions and responses posted on the forum of the New to In-house ACC Network.*
ACC Australia's profiles of women in-house counsel celebrates and showcases their extraordinary journeys. In this article, our members share their personal and professional growth, challenges they faced, and "advice to their younger self", learning from growing.
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