This InfoPAK (now known as ACC Guides) provides a Q&A which gives a high level overview of the key practical issues including the level of activity and recent trends in the Australian market.
Briefly cover the main employment issues and regulations you need to keep in mind; Discuss the basics of addressing employment issues such as ADA and accommodation, overtime pay, FLSA classification compliance and leave, and training staff on key employment issues; and Cover emerging issues such as social media, diversity programs, genetic information discrimination, class action waivers and more.
Many companies lack a formal process for contract administration. Many others have a contract process which is in need of updating or improvement. This program session will review the lifecycle of contracts and highlight ways to develop and improve a company’s formalized contracting process. This session will emphasize practical tips that can be used to implement a contract management system and enforce up-to-date contracting policies, including who should be responsible for running the process, how contracts should be routed within the organization, signing authority, electronic contract management systems, monitoring contract compliance, and record retention.
This issue discusses alternative dispute resolution in Europe.
This InfoPAK (now known as ACC Guides) provides a Q&A that gives a high level overview of the main trends and significant deals in Canadian construction plans.
This is a sample HIPAA policy and procedure document for organizations to give to employees.
A chart that outlines Organizational Options for Specific/Isolated Events and the advantages and disadvantages to consider.
This memorandum briefly sets out the rules which apply to counterparties categorised under EMIR as "non financial counterparties" ("NFC"). It is not however designed to describe in detail the clearing mechanics or the consequences on daily valuation at market price and thus of potential margin calls.
The draft guidelines for applying US antitrust laws to merger investigations depart from prior guidance and seek to roll back decades of legal precedent on merger enforcement. In this Client Alert, Latham attorneys highlight the key takeaways and the most significant developments in the new guidelines for companies considering strategic M&A opportunities.
Last month, the Delaware Court of Chancery and the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), each analyzed the response of the McDonald’s board to allegations of serious misconduct by the company’s most senior executives. As a result, non-director officers may face liability for failing to properly oversee the corporation’s affairs and ignoring “red flags” within their “areas of responsibility.” To learn more read this article developed by Latham & Watkins.
In an interview with Jeffrey Paquin, he explores the nature of law department management. Using his experience, Paquin reflects on what the purpose of management is and highlights its practical aspects.
Many have discussed the topic of selecting and retaining quality outside counsel, especially as it relates to efficient litigation. Here, the author explores this topic, with a focus on the law firm qualities that in-house attorneys should be looking for during this process.
Discusses ACC's response to and position on the FAS 5 Exposure Draft, and what proposed amendments to the FAS 5 ACC has put forth.
Provides a chief operations counsel's top ten law department leadership principles.
What legislation is applicable to insolvencies and reorganizations? What criteria are applied in your country to determine if a debtor is insolvent in the Cayman Islands?
How will that contract you just drafted stand up to the scrutiny of a judge or jury? Each year, some of the largest jury verdicts in the United States are awarded in breach-of-contract cases. In this program, faculty will discuss lessons learned from trying contract cases to help you evaluate, prepare for, and win contract-related litigation. Topics will include unique issues that arise in trying contract claims; how commonly used contractual clauses can backfire at trial; minimizing risk in contract drafting and negotiation; restricting application of fiduciary duty and the implied covenant of good faith and fair dealing; third-party vendor liability; and damages.
In the past 50 years women’s legal status has improved all over the world. But many laws still make it difficult for women to fully participate in economic life - whether by getting jobs or starting businesses. Discriminatory rules bar women from certain jobs, restrict access to capital for women-owned firms and limit women’s capacity to make legal decisions. Gender differences in laws affect both developing and developed economies, and women in all regions.
Guidance on mergers and acquisitions in Portugal. Includes warnings when dealing with M&A's, recent developments, and legal analysis of the underlying law.
This guide discusses the economic and financial framework, foreign investments incentives, formation of corporations, limited liability companies, branch offices, labor laws, taxes, immigration laws, distributors, dealers and agents in Paraguay.
This InfoPAK (now known as an ACC Guide) provides a "question & answer" guide to corporate crime, fraud and investigations in Switzerland. This guide gives a high level overview of matters relating to corporate fraud, bribery and corruption, insider dealing and market abuse. In addition, it summarizes money laundering and terrorist financing, financial record keeping, due diligence, corporate liability, immunity and leniency, and whistleblowing.
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