Part I of this article briefly reviews the changes to the United States patent system in the past 35 years. Part II discusses the pendulum swings between perceived overprotection and perceived underprotection and the concerns lawyers have raised in both directions. Part III presents evidence of the resilience of the patent system. Part IV offers some possible explanations for this surprising result.
ACC amicus - Paterno v Penn State
Amicus brief on privilege protection
This resource contains information and recommendations on the socially responsible view of 'green lease clauses'.
Reconciling the interests of retirees with those of secured creditors is challenging both legally and practically.
Organizations are oftentimes quick to designate a legal counsel as the conscience of the company. But are we? And should we be? Just how separate should legal and compliance be? This session will scrutinize the dynamic of the in-house lawyer who simultaneously serves as the company’s ethics officer. Are the roles of lawyer and ethics officer symbiotic — or potentially conflicting? Our panel will evaluate the pros and cons, the risks and the benefits, of wearing both hats along with such related practical issues as budgetary considerations, lines of report, and relations with HR and internal audit.
As companies expand throughout Africa, legal departments must be prepared for new needs and risks. This article highlights how to address legal challenges specific to the continent.
An ACC interview with Carol Ann Petren, Executive Vice President and General Counsel of CIGNA. Hear Petren's views on opportunities for women to advance in the legal field, the importance of delegating work, and tips for organizing your legal department.
Some agency regulators or enforcement authorities will request your client’s privileged communications. This session will explore the circumstances under which your business runs the risk of that exposure and how your company can respond. The panel will discuss how regulators and enforcement authorities now approach privileged communications; what the approaches imply for how in-house counsel should communicate with their clients; and from the perspective of an enforcement authority, what options in-house counsel have in responding to requests for privileged information.
This report comes at a time when many employers are unclear about their obligations under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). In particular, companies struggle to understand when a leave of absence is a necessary and reasonable accommodation vs. when other actions can or should be taken.
This multi-jurisdictional guide covers common issues in pharmaceutical advertising laws and regulations.
Topics covered include advertisements to healthcare professionals, gifts and financial incentives, hospitality and related payments, and transparency and disclosure.
This guide explores blockchain and cryptocurrency laws and regulations worldwide with expertise across 30 jurisdictions.
This guide covers legal issues, rules and developments regarding foreign direct investment regimes across 30 jurisdictions.
This article discusses patent transactions in the life sciences in Switzerland.
For most corporate law departments, 2020 will be remembered as a year where everything was turned on its head. Law department leaders had previously helped guide their departments through recessions, sales shortfalls, and restructurings, but never a global pandemic. However, the after-effects of 2020 will likely contain as many positives as negatives; and, if department leaders are smart, it should act as a catalyst for accelerating the change agenda in 2021 and beyond.
Lawyers hate strategic planning, but the author argues that such plans allow you and your department to learn how, and with whom, to interact for peach performance. Peter Drucker is a demigod in corporate circles. Learn how to apply his management principles to your law department.
Discusses practical, important steps to creating the legal function within your office as in-house counsel, making your transition into the company as easy as possible.
There is no “one-size-fits-all” approach to implementing a workable information governance framework and policies program in your corporate organization. This checklist is a generic guide that will need front-end thought and tailoring to fit each firm’s unique circumstances.
This article addresses the issue of whether in-house attorneys who serve as a member of the business team and help craft the business plan should sign some form of written restrictive covenant similar to agreements senior business leaders or sales management typically execute.
Have you read Roberta Katz’s new book Justice Matters: Rescuing the Legal System for the Twenty-first Century yet? Here’s a preview based on her well-received address to participants of the 1998 Legal Leadership Summit.
Can small companies and law departments successfully manage litigation costs with very limited resources? Absolutely. The ACC Value Challenge may prove valuable for larger departments, but discover how small companies and departments have found success in managing litigation with limited resources. What arrangements work? The program will provide 50 or more practical ideas for departments with limited resources.
Corporate diversity advocates highlight the ways in which they have created, implemented and enforced diversity initiatives within their own ranks and with outside service providers.
This resource is an overview on cartel regulations in Austria.
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