This is a sample computer, email and internet use policy.
Most attorneys will face serious personal problems during their careers that could affect their professional and personal lives. State bar associations have assistance programs to help attorneys.
This Top Ten provides tips on how to prepare for, and navigate successfully, big litigation that may be key to the survival of the company.
This Top Ten lists the provisions pertaining to enforcement of competition law in India.
Legal knowledge isn't everything when you're in-house counsel. In this article, learn how the development of non-legal skills can really boost your career.
Office Depot sample of a request for proposal for intellectual property legal services. Includes a Master Services Agreement and Outside Counsel Engagement Guidelines.
Contract playbooks help the legal department, executive team, and sales understand which contracts are acceptable and which contracts the company will walk away from. This article walks through the process of creating a contract playbook.
Boost your in-house career with this ACC-curated selection of career-focused resources.
Lawyers hate strategic planning, but the author argues that such plans allow you and your department to learn how, and with whom, to interact for peach performance. Peter Drucker is a demigod in corporate circles. Learn how to apply his management principles to your law department.
The ACC/ACC Foundation DEI Maturity Model has been designed for use by legal departments around the world to benchmark maturity of their efforts regarding diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI)
As a Chief Legal Officer (CLO), how do you mobilize corporate stakeholders around Environmental Sustainability and Governance (ESG) issues? The United Nations Global Compact’s Sustainable Development Goal 16 offers a framework to articulate key ESG goals within and outside your organization.
In this brief overview, learn how a no-deal Brexit will impact legal privilege in your communications with outside counsel.
This brief resource (Top Ten) outlines ten reasons to consider hiring an independent contractor rather than a full-time employee.
Practical guidance for in-house counsel in preparing for and overseeing electronic disclosure.
This Quick Overview examines how break-up fee provisions may limit risks associated with business negotiations in the United Kingdom and France.
This Top Ten article addresses ten common mistakes that parties make during negotiations.
In representing the interests of their company, in-house counsel may expose themselves to personal liability and risk. This brief resource provides ten issues in-house counsel in Australia should consider.
This article discusses tips to ensure that a document retention policy protects your company in the case of litigation, is compliant with current laws, and is cost-effective.
This Wisdom of the Crowd (ACC member discussion) addresses hiring foreign contractors in the U.S. This resource was compiled from questions and responses posted on the forum of the Small Law Department ACC Network.
Many US states have adopted laws restricting an employer's ability to prohibit employees from possessing firearms. Employers should be aware of these top ten points when considering policies prohibiting their employees from possessing firearms during work time or on the employer's property.
This Top Ten covers do's and don'ts to help anticipate and avoid situations where some clients might unintentionally create obstacles when negotiating and closing deals. These principles could be applied to any client, around the world.
Many complex and large lawsuits end up in mediation. However, because of various characteristics of securities class actions, including the law and procedures that are applicable to securities claims and the way the insurance is generally structured, it is difficult to manage mediations of these cases. This article discusses some of these challenges.
Once it is determined how liability needs to be limited in a contractual agreement, an attorney should take careful steps to ensure the limited liability provision is actually enforceable. This article discusses ten ways that your drafting of limitation of liability provisions may be ineffectual and unenforceable.
This short article summarizes some of the most common errors made by commercial landlords and their property managers in the United States when they find themselves dealing with a defaulting tenant.
French Parliament advances draft law that would introduce legal professional privilege for in-house counsel.
As an emerging country, Brazil has many economic incentives to foster privacy rights policy on the Internet and following such vocation, the country approved Law No. 12,965, of April 23, 2014 (the "Marco Civil"), regulated by Decree No. 8,771, dated May 11, 2016 (the "Marco Civil Regulation").
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