This QuickCounsel highlights concerns that big data projects could result in illegal exclusion of certain groups, such as low income populations, from benefits made available to others.
This Wisdom of the Crowd, compiled from responses posted on the IT, Privacy & eCommerce Forum addresses a carveout for Intellectual Property infringement within the limitation of liability in the United States.
This quick overview (QuickCounsel) describes how the U.S. Food and Drug Administration ("FDA") regulates the pre-marketing process for drugs and medical devices, and the steps that must be taken to obtain FDA authorization to market these products.
This article a addresses when an employee can be dismissed with immediate effect, how to effect the dismissal, and the consequences of an employee challenge.
A good reputation is precious, both in the corporate world and your private life. However, after a dispute a reputation can be damaged quickly by social media content and negative information on the Internet. This article shows what you can do to prevent this.
This article addresses when non-directors are permitted to represent a legal person and what the consequences are when unauthorized representation occurs in the Netherlands.
This article discusses how to protect your reputation on social media.
This article discusses which body of a Dutch limited company (BV or NV) is permitted to appoint or dismiss a director and the consequences of the dismissal decision.
Employers’ should be aware of the brave, committed, yet sniffling, sick, and ultimately contagious worker who has the flu and chooses to come to work. An employer has a duty under the Occupational Health and Safety Act1 (the “OHSA”) to “take every precaution reasonable in the circumstances for the protection of a worker” (s 25(2)(h)). Permitting a sick employee to continue working may compromise your duties to your other staff. It may also subject your company to financial liability under the OHSA and unwanted inspections by the Ministry of Labour. Flu season is in full swing and if you do not take preventative measures to protect your workers from an illness in your workplace, your workers may take matters into their own hands.
Many non-U.S. companies which own U.S. subsidiaries prefer to operate in such a way as to avoid jurisdiction in the U.S. courts. In order to minimize the chances of becoming a defendant subject to jurisdiction in the U.S. courts, there are certain steps – a checklist of Do’s and Don’ts – that foreign parent companies can take.
This brief article presents tips for drafting exoneration or limitation of liability clauses in contracts.
A claim to repair defects or an entitlement to compensation can become prescribed under Dutch law. This article addresses how you can prevent this by interrupting the limitation period.
Planning on a merger, acquisition or division of (part of) a business in the Netherlands or any other EU country? Then be aware of the EU law which sets out the strong position of employees in case of a transfer of undertaking.
This article summarizes the legislative framework for the protection of personally identifiable information (PII) in Spain.
This paper is a presentation by the ACC Houston Chapter on software audit.
The data protection bug bit India<br />largely due to the huge outsourcing business that India has seen in the<br />last two decades. This article contrasts the 1995 EU Directive, which aims to protect personal data and facilitate free movement of data, with the 2009 Indian DP Amendments, which regulate the collection and use of personal data.
The session will cover important recent US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) developments since the 2015 ACC Annual Meeting. The program will review significant enforcement actions and trends as well as recent SEC developments related to the Volcker Rule, shareholder proposals, and the rule for pay ratio disclosure. This program will also examine those sections of the Dodd-Frank Act that matter most to corporate and securities lawyers in their day-to-day practices, including providing advice to management and board members. The session will review the network of regulations that have been adopted pursuant to those sections and report on the status of regulations not yet adopted by the SEC. This will be a fast-moving program; come equipped with a working knowledge of the Securities Exchange Acts of 1933 and1934.
This article addresses how the management of a company has to consult the works council with respect to a number of important decisions.
Situated in the heart of Europe, Switzerland is a top location for data centers and cloud services. In Switzerland, privacy and data protection are respected both by law and in practice. Learn more about why Switzerland is such an attractive location.
This article shows how reasonableness and fairness play a crucial and special role in Dutch law.
This guide highlights the fact that there is currently significant variation in pension provision throughout Europe, suggesting homogenisation, for the moment at least, remains some distance away.
Colombia is a democratic nation that bases its real estate sector activity under the principle of respect for property rights, which are limited in accordance with the Constitution of 1991, the law and the prevalence of the common good. Colombia has developed local powers and responsibilities to regulate land use and its development for the purpose of political centralization and administrative decentralization. Learn more about the authority the government has over the management and use of land, particularly as it relates to environmental obligations and rural development.
This article describes how in case of an attack by hackers or accidental loss of personal data, companies can still keep calm and take the appropriate actions in order to mitigate the loss and damage.
When most organizational leaders think of diversity initiatives, they tend to think of racial, gender and cultural diversity. Another aspect of workplace diversity that almost every organization has, but remains largely overlooked by most organizations today, is generational diversity.
A dizzying array of US state and federal laws address consumer protection, and any number of state and federal agencies have authority to investigate alleged consumer-protection violations and initiate enforcement actions.
This sample follows daily progress on an employee's projects.
This article explains that UAE laws on Personal guarantee are slightly peculiar and Sharia Principles are inherent in its application at the courts.
This resource contains perceptions of business-to-business arbitration by corporate counsel.
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