Germany is the provides a number of real estate investments of companies and private individuals. This form provides some insight as to how to navigate real estate investments in Germany for in-house counsel.
After a 40-year history of negotiations, it is expected that the Unified Patent Court (UPC) will soon become a reality in Europe. The UPC will have jurisdiction for litigation relating to the new Unitary Patent and the European Patent granted by the European Patent Office. Attend this session to hear the latest on this groundbreaking development, and its implications for obtaining and defending patents in Europe.
Selected cases and materials related to arbitration.
This is a list of select Morrison & Foerster publications on cases from the Supreme Court's 2014 term in the United States.
In the Netherlands, business owners have to request the advice of the Works Council (OR) well in advance of a merger of takeover decision. If the business owner fails to make the request for advice timely, the Enterprise Chamber may require him or her to withdraw the decision. Therefore, it is crucial to follow the advisory path correctly and consult the works council well in advance. But what does "well in advance" mean?
This is a sample consulting agreement between a company and consultant.
Many of us deal with compliance related to local governments and the politics that go along with it. Whether in connection with simple zoning and land use issues, massive public–private partnership deals or regional development agencies, a general counsel who ignores the impact of the local political environment does so at their company's peril. Knowledge of the law is one thing; being able to navigate the political waters is an entirely different one. In a mock public-hearing format using headlines and video from recent media, a diverse panel will conduct a highly interactive session to demonstrate the pitfalls of working with local government and offer practical solutions.
The September 2017 amendments to the Patented Medicines (Notice of Compliance) Regulations introduced a new scheme for pharmaceutical patent linkage litigation in Canada. That scheme is now much closer to the United States' (US) Hatch-Waxman scheme, but with remaining key differences that are explained in this chart.
This policy brief will inform you on ESMA details for investors and general counsel alike.
ACC Amicus Brief - Wells Fargo v. US
This is a checklist when paying final sick leave.
An examination of the crucial attorney-client privilege and work product doctrine, including building confidentiality into your contracts, unilateral disclosure by an attorney, limited waiver, and electronic attorney-client communications.
February 15, 2007
This is a sample marketing services agreement.
This Quick Counsel addresses The Right of Regret in the Brazilian Consumer Code which provides the Consumer the prerogative to withdraw from the purchase of a product or hiring a service that has not been held in a physical store.
Knowledge management is more than efficient organization information sharing. It requires permanent KM personnel, implantation of collaborative technology, buy-in from management, and the integration of KM processes into the daily organizational life. The more prosaic and "in the flow" KM initiatives are, the ore likely they are to succeed.
In this guide, explore what corporate sustainability means, and practical guidance on how General Counsel and support and lead corporate sustainability efforts.
This is a sample power purchase agreement where the Company is the lessee or owner of the property and desires to make a portion of such property available to Provider for the construction, operation and maintenance of a solar powered electric generating project, and to purchase from Provider the electric energy produced by the project.
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