This guide addresses key labor and employment laws in a number of jurisdictions.
It's a misconception that you can use and not credit certain images on Wikipedia for your own use. This can lead to a violation of terms with the artist/uploader. Learn how to avoid this issue by adhering to the following guidelines.
Supply Chain Transparency and Liability for Commercial Lawyers - presentation held in Melbourne 2 March 2017.
While market research firms consistently predict spectacular growth in year-on-year spend on cloud-based technology, intellectual property issues in the cloud continue to be one of the "cloudiest" legal areas for customers and suppliers alike. In this alert the authors identify some of the possible IP hot spots (with a particular focus on UK copyright issues), and offer suggestions to mitigate risk in what is a very rapidly evolving area of law.
Sample form required for foreign entities acquire newly issued stock in Korea.
This comprehensive guide provides an overview of several topics of interest including national/state restrictions imposed on ownership of real estate, the taxes that are levied in each jurisdiction, and reporting requirements globally. This guide is part of the Lex Mundi Global Practice Guide Series which features substantive overviews of laws, practice areas, and legal and business issues in jurisdictions around the globe.
Use ten lessons drawn from corporate counsel scandals to do your job better.
The purpose of this research is to understand how organizations qualify and quantify the financial risk to their tangible and intangible assets in the event of a network privacy or security incident.
This article is a detailed account of the Affordable Care Act. The following materials were submitted on August 28, 2013. New regulations, guidance, FAQs, and announcements may be issued after August 28, 2013, which may alter the content of some of this article.
Discusses how your corporation can contribute to political campaigns without running afoul of federal or local law.
To provide an organization for the promotion and the improvement of the common business and professional interests and responsibilities of attorneys who are engaged in the active practice of law on behalf of organizations in the private sector and who do not hold themselves out to the public for the practice of law. (ACCA’s bylaws) 1997 marks ACCA’s 15th anniversary. The story of ACCA’s founding commemorates the history of the organization and views from current leaders chart its future
This article takes you through the most important considerations confronting in-house counsel in a typical grand jury investigation, including how to preserve the attorney-client privilege at each step and ensure that employees are aware of their rights when dealing with the government, while avoiding any conduct that could be construed as obstruction of justice.
This survey addresses issues including staffing, departmental organization, hiring plans, cost accounting, expectations for the coming year, changes to the role of the CLO, managing outside counsel, and firm demographics. Additionally, the survey focused on the relationship of the CLOs and GCs with outside counsel through questions that explored alternative fee arrangements and challenges brought with the economic downturn.
How do in-house counsel deal with ethically sensitive situations before they rise to a legal risk? Panelists will examine real-life ethical issues anonymously submitted by participants and examine ethical risks and possible solutions. Audience perspective and participation is welcome! While not limited to an examination of the Model Rules of Professional Conduct, this session will discuss selected rules in the context of the scenarios presented such as MRPC 1.6 (Confidentiality of Information); 1.13 (Organization as Client); 4.1 (Truthfulness in Statements to Others).
Managing legal cost has become a core expectation for Law Departments, rather than a defining indicator of value contribution. The next evolutionary phase is strategically supporting the business in the accomplishment of its goals and objectives.
"the "Getting the Deal Through" reference guide for M&A professionals"
As legal situations are in a constant state of flux because of the topical nature of the issue mandatory national law and current case law should always be complied with when using the clauses.
Germany is the provides a number of real estate investments of companies and private individuals. This form provides some insight as to how to navigate real estate investments in Germany for in-house counsel.
This is a list of select Morrison & Foerster publications on cases from the Supreme Court's 2014 term in the United States.
In the Netherlands, business owners have to request the advice of the Works Council (OR) well in advance of a merger of takeover decision. If the business owner fails to make the request for advice timely, the Enterprise Chamber may require him or her to withdraw the decision. Therefore, it is crucial to follow the advisory path correctly and consult the works council well in advance. But what does "well in advance" mean?
This is a sample consulting agreement between a company and consultant.
This article discusses key processes, issues and tips regarding employment litigation in several jurisdictions around the world.
The September 2017 amendments to the Patented Medicines (Notice of Compliance) Regulations introduced a new scheme for pharmaceutical patent linkage litigation in Canada. That scheme is now much closer to the United States' (US) Hatch-Waxman scheme, but with remaining key differences that are explained in this chart.
This policy brief will inform you on ESMA details for investors and general counsel alike.
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