The Copyright Office recently declared that it will not grant protection over AI-generated works, upholding its longstanding rule that non-human authors cannot own copyright. At the same time, the Office is well aware that AI technology is changing everything. This Resource from Seyfarth explores some of the recent developments in AI generated art.
General counsel from leading companies in the United States and Europe came together at ACC's 2010 Annual Meeting during the General Counsel Roundtable, and mused about their evolving roles and how they fulfill their responsibilities. In an environment of increasing regulations, the roundtable stressed the importance of transparency, innovation and forward-thinking.
This is a sample employee handbook.
What you need to know about how the U.S. Supreme Court's decision in Circuit City could affect the enforceability of your ADR clauses in employment disputes.
This article, developed by Latham & Watkins LLP, reviews how the SEC proposals track EU requirements in certain respects, but differences in content and scope could leave advisory firms with increasingly complex compliance challenges. Learn more about the ESG Disclosure Requirements proposed in this article.
This webcast provides listeners with an understanding of the significance of trade unions and work councils in Europe, and an overview of the influence and legislative practice that affects trade unions and work councils and therefore employers in European countries.
Legal Technology Survey Summary Results Excel
The following outline is intended to provide a short overview of some of the issues discussed at the "Law Departments Adding Value: Structuring and Managing Outside Counsel Relationships and Beyond" conference on March 12, 2009. Includes advice on budgeting, fee structures, staffing and development, communication, and leveraging knowledge.
This Wisdom of the Crowd, compiled from questions and responses posted on the Small Law Department eGroup and the WMACCA Chapter eGroup, addresses the issues of acquiring insurance for in-house counsel, specifically covering malpractice protection, insurance prices and policies and additional resources.
The mobility of the workforce can be a downright menace for companies whose competitive edge depends on proprietary information, and whose doesn’t these days? If you think an employee agreement is sufficient protection against your client’s trade secrets walking out the door with departing employees, you may be wrong. David A. Schwab, of Medshares Management Group shares his secrets for preventing proprietary information from decamping to competitors.
This is a sample software subscription and services agreement.
Meaningfully bridging cultural divides requires more than taking a brief predeparture course in etiquette. Cultural education is a continuous process that often requires real attitudinal change, for which the payoff can be immense.
Merger review at the US antitrust agencies considers, as the 2010 Merger Guidelines put it, “any reasonably available and reliable evidence.”
Discusses ACC's response to and position on the FAS 5 Exposure Draft, and what proposed amendments to the FAS 5 ACC has put forth.
This is supplemental bibliography for the session.
This resource presents the leading practices of legal departments that leverage dedicated legal operations staff to manage the business aspects of Legal. Through profiles of 11 legal departments, it conveys who leads the legal operations function, relationships between general counsel and their legal operations leaders, reasons for the legal operations function, how it functions, its scope and impacts.
This article concerns the dismissal of a contempt motion related to FCPA allegations against Wal-Mart
Briefly cover the main employment issues and regulations you need to keep in mind; Discuss the basics of addressing employment issues such as ADA and accommodation, overtime pay, FLSA classification compliance and leave, and training staff on key employment issues; and Cover emerging issues such as social media, diversity programs, genetic information discrimination, class action waivers and more.
This is a sample HIPAA policy and procedure document for organizations to give to employees.
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