This survey addresses issues including staffing, departmental organization, hiring plans, cost accounting, expectations for the coming year, changes to the role of the CLO, managing outside counsel, and firm demographics. Additionally, the survey focused on the relationship of the CLOs and GCs with outside counsel through questions that explored alternative fee arrangements and challenges brought with the economic downturn.
This program identifies key considerations for providing legal advice to business clients in nonprofit organizations. It is important for business clients to understand that a not-for-profit designation does not mean that the organization should behave differently than a for-profit company. Additionally, when counseling business clients, in-house attorneys may need to assist them in seeing the "little" picture. Areas covered will include: risks associated with receipt of donated goods, services and real estate; conducting due diligence analysis of vendors/suppliers; brand/intellectual property protection; and costs and risks associated with new ventures or risky activities.
As legal situations are in a constant state of flux because of the topical nature of the issue mandatory national law and current case law should always be complied with when using the clauses.
Germany is the provides a number of real estate investments of companies and private individuals. This form provides some insight as to how to navigate real estate investments in Germany for in-house counsel.
After a 40-year history of negotiations, it is expected that the Unified Patent Court (UPC) will soon become a reality in Europe. The UPC will have jurisdiction for litigation relating to the new Unitary Patent and the European Patent granted by the European Patent Office. Attend this session to hear the latest on this groundbreaking development, and its implications for obtaining and defending patents in Europe.
This is a list of select Morrison & Foerster publications on cases from the Supreme Court's 2014 term in the United States.
In the Netherlands, business owners have to request the advice of the Works Council (OR) well in advance of a merger of takeover decision. If the business owner fails to make the request for advice timely, the Enterprise Chamber may require him or her to withdraw the decision. Therefore, it is crucial to follow the advisory path correctly and consult the works council well in advance. But what does "well in advance" mean?
This is a sample consulting agreement between a company and consultant.
This memorandum analyzes key trends regarding diversity in corporations' boards of directors.
Schaeffler v. United States, Brief for Amicus Curiae, Association of Corporate Counsel in support of Petitioners-Appellants
This is a template for a business plan for the creation and management of a new legal department.
Appendix B to the 2012 Corporate Counsel University Session 700- Adding Value: Strategic Planning and Demonstrating Success. It contains a template for business plan creation.
The September 2017 amendments to the Patented Medicines (Notice of Compliance) Regulations introduced a new scheme for pharmaceutical patent linkage litigation in Canada. That scheme is now much closer to the United States' (US) Hatch-Waxman scheme, but with remaining key differences that are explained in this chart.
This sample Privacy Impact Assessment is a generic template for use where the laws of EU Member States apply to the relevant data processing activities.
This sample privacy impact assessment is a tool that can help businesses to identify the privacy (personal information) risks associated with a particular product, service, project, or other activity.
This policy brief will inform you on ESMA details for investors and general counsel alike.
This is a sample marketing services agreement.
This Quick Counsel addresses The Right of Regret in the Brazilian Consumer Code which provides the Consumer the prerogative to withdraw from the purchase of a product or hiring a service that has not been held in a physical store.
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