In this brief article, employers in the United States that are grappling with "Bring Your Own Device" (BYOD) issues can find helpful tips and advice to resolve any problems.
This article includes the ten best practices and tips for evaluating an LPO provider.
Checklist for filing out an SEC Form 10-K. Includes timeline of information to collect and filings.
This is an ABA Commission on Ethics 20/20 report to the House Delegates on Rule 5.5: Unauthorized Practice of Law
In an effort to bridge the gap between traditional law firm structures and the needs of the newest generation of attorneys, MCCA recently conducted a survey of young attorneys. Here, the results of the survey, including thoughts and insights about the practice of law as seen by this generation of lawyers.
This sample outlines the guidelines to use when corporate blogging.
The author reflects on an ancient Chinese folktale, and how our perception of luck and success shapes our careers.
The right to be forgotten, Weltimmo, Safe Harbor, the General Data Protection Regulation. These are just some of the landmark privacy developments that came out of the EU in the past year. These rulings fundamentally affect the way businesses collect and use individuals' personal data, not just in the EU but worldwide. In this session, leading privacy experts will discuss how European privacy regulation has evolved and the key actions businesses need to take now to ensure they stay on the right side of the law and avoid attracting the huge fines that Europe will soon introduce. A must-see session for anyone grappling with EU data protection rules!
Read Laura Stein's first Chair's Message in ACC Docket on mentoring, grooming, and fostering good relationships in your in-house legal department.
This article discusses protecting you and your business in Puerto Rico when sales taxes are owed.
ACC is actively listening to the thoughts and concerns of the membership. What is in-house counsel dealing with this year? Read Richard White's perspective on how ACC can help you do your job better.
This article addresses concerns about increased length and cost in international arbitration and how participants can take advantage of international arbitration's flexibility.
Legal entities in Mexico can be subject to the variable capital stock regime. This article is an overview of the corporate legal requirements to consider.
Columnist Karen M. Redford offers advice and discusses techniques for improving client service.
Some of her most effective strategies and techniques for improving the quality of client services.
This is the AIPLA report of the economic survey 2015, prepared under the direction of Law Practice Management Committee.
Karen Wiwchar, the vice president of legal at H&R Block Canada, Inc., and the first president of ACC’s Alberta Chapter, is a lifelong resident of Calgary who wants to see her hometown shine. Besides a few years spent in neighboring Saskatchewan, where she earned her LLB (Canada’s equivalent to the JD) from the University of Saskatchewan, Wiwchar has been a fixture in “The Stampede City.”
In this increasingly connected world, an international cyberattack is no longer a possibility but an inevitability. The difference between success and catastrophe in defending against international cyberattacks comes down to not just preventing them, but responding quickly and appropriately when one does occur. In-house counsel must be prepared to work with internal clients to anticipate potential consequences of an international cyberattack, mitigate the risks of an attack, and implement an agreed strategy that effectively deals with the business and legal risks. This session will give in-house counsel the tools to have constructive conversations with their company's business leaders and technical teams to ensure that their program for dealing with international cyberattacks fits the needs of the company and the customers it serves and addresses the company's legal obligations relating to the attack.
What legislation is applicable to insolvencies and reorganisations? What criteria are applied in your country to determine if a debtor is insolvent?
This panel will discuss copyright compliance as it relates to social media in an interactive session, asking the audience to evaluate scenarios involving employee use of social media for sharing information or obtaining third-party content for use in marketing or promotional campaigns. The session will combine a review of recent regulatory and legal opinions on the topic from around the world with a candid look at situations encountered everyday by in-house IP counsel. The session will include tips and tricks to help you determine whether content on social media is free to use and share, using examples from YouTube, Google Images and Flickr, among others. This session promises to be fun as we take a look at the use in a corporate setting of music, movies and text obtained by unsuspecting employees from social media sites.
One topic activists are not bringing to the table is diversity, even though more boards than ever want a mix of women and men as well races and nationalities.
At first, the move in-house may seem like a honeymoon for both the lawyer and the legal department. Of course, the glamour eventually wears off and reality sets in. Avoid the presumptions and know what it takes to become an invaluable asset to the company.
Discusses the importance, challenges, and benefits of business partnering and includes business partnering examples.
Need to know what your staff is doing when they’re on company time but away from the office? GPS systems are standard-issue features on virtually all vehicles and PDAs, yet few employers are using the technology to monitor company activity or property. This article explains how employers can implement GPS tracking without infringing on individual privacy rights.
The Association of Corporate Counsel (ACC) Australia Trends Survey examines the practices, trends and changes in the in-house legal profession. Conducted annually, the ACC Australia Trends Survey is issued to all members currently working in-house, with the 2016 survey gathering responses from 303 in-house counsel operating in Australia.
It's a misconception that you can use and not credit certain images on Wikipedia for your own use. This can lead to a violation of terms with the artist/uploader. Learn how to avoid this issue by adhering to the following guidelines.
This resource is part of the Lex Mundi Guides to Doing Business and provides a guide to investing in the Dominican Republic and provides information about the country, the laws that regulate its economy and society, and the Dominican investment climate.
This resource provides an overview of the important issues involved in the leasing of commercial real estate projects, including the transferring of taxes payable on creation or assignment of a lease, legal restrictions limiting the maximum term of a lease, and restrictions on the transfer of ownership of real properties subject to a lease.
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