What legislation is applicable to insolvencies and reorganisations? What criteria are applied in your country to determine if a debtor is insolvent?
This article explains boilerplate provisions for long form agreements.
During this economic slow down, many companies are, and will be forced to, reduce their headcount, often in large numbers, to cut costs. A well-conceived and well-executed reduction in force (RIF) can help management meet its cost reduction goals, greatly limit the risk of litigation, and focus the company's remaining employees on the critical challenges that lie ahead. This presentation will discuss the critical role in-house counsel can play in advising management and the Board on the legal and regulatory frameworks that govern a RIF, in helping managers develop and document lawful rationales for selecting employees who will be included in the RIF and in designing a severance and communication program that exits employees in as dignified and productive a manner as possible.
This Quick Overview discusses how businesses must be prepared to handle the risks and consequences of storing large quantities of customer and client personal information digitally in the United States.
As athletes and other public figures use their careers to bring awareness to social movements and other world events such as the Charlottesville tragedy, the implications of social movements on employee relations remains a hot topic that poses challenging issues for employers related to diversity, inclusion, and free speech. This Quick Overview shows a few of those related topics and some practical suggestions of ways employers can address these issues in the workplace in the United States.
The role of advocate is one of great responsibility and requires a strong understanding of what needs to be done in order to affect change. New laws and potential changes to existing laws impact in-house counsel's ability to work effectively. Alberto Gonzalez-Pita has been working, along with ACC, on behalf of the in-house community, and its ability to serve the client, for years.
This article addresses the Fraud Section of the Department of Justice's issuance of a Foreign Corrupt Practices Act Enforcement Plan and Guidance in 2016 that includes a one-year pilot program to formally incentivize corporations to self-disclose potential FCPA issues, fully cooperate with DOJ in the investigation of those issues, and remediate any corruption issues identified in an internal investigation in the United States.
If your company is involved in a merger, acquisition, or joint venture, and one of the businesses involved has activities in Europe, be careful. The European Union (EU) recently put into effect new and tougher rules governing mergers. We guide you through the maze of an EU competition review with this article.
With China's pending entry into the World Trade Organization, continued reports of software and internet music piracy in Asia, and the ease with which pirated goods can be trafficked via the internet, protection of intellectual property rights abroad should concern any company conducting business in China.
“Can we do it?” “Should we do it?” “How can we justify budgeting for it?” and “Can we rely on it?” are questions that your product development or marketing team may ask you prior to launching a product or service.
The overall costs and burdens of ediscovery for any company can be hefty to say the least. When companies "de-duplicate" only within the records of individual custodians, they often end up paying lawyers twice to review the same document from multiple custodians. This adds significant cost for the company and frequently raises serious ethical issues.
There are many approaches a legal team can take to build a culture of diversity and inclusion. Clerkships are one avenue. This article discusses how a well-structured 1L diversity clerkship program can add value to an in-house team. Not only do clerkships highlight a company’s commitment to diversity, but they also build a talented pipeline of professionals that can enhance a company’s brand for years to come.
This article, developed by Latham & Watkins LLP, reviews how the SEC proposals track EU requirements in certain respects, but differences in content and scope could leave advisory firms with increasingly complex compliance challenges. Learn more about the ESG Disclosure Requirements proposed in this article.
This is a sample convention center agreement between City and Corporation.
This is a sample channel license agreement.
This guide provides an overview of the legal framework for food safety in China.
The following agreement is applicable for a small company doing business with a larger company.
This is a sample employee handbook.
The policy conclusions expressed in this report address the mechanisms of public corporation governance in the United States, with particular emphasis on the role of lawyers. The aim of the report was to examine public corporation governance mechanisms to determine how they might be modified in ways that would enhance corporate responsibility.
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