The role of advocate is one of great responsibility and requires a strong understanding of what needs to be done in order to affect change. New laws and potential changes to existing laws impact in-house counsel's ability to work effectively. Alberto Gonzalez-Pita has been working, along with ACC, on behalf of the in-house community, and its ability to serve the client, for years.
Canadian M&A activity was moderate in 2013. The weakened natural resources sector, which had helped Canada outperform other economies through the recession, contributed to an overall drop in M&A levels as the total number and aggregate value of Canadian deals, and Canada’s share of global M&A, decreased. However, powered by a strong domestic economy, Canadian companies’ outbound M&A strengthened relative to inbound acquisitions and the U.S. was again by far the most popular target country. Against that backdrop, we answer some frequently asked questions on Canadian M&A and discuss the trends that Blakes sees unfolding in 2014.
This article addresses the Fraud Section of the Department of Justice's issuance of a Foreign Corrupt Practices Act Enforcement Plan and Guidance in 2016 that includes a one-year pilot program to formally incentivize corporations to self-disclose potential FCPA issues, fully cooperate with DOJ in the investigation of those issues, and remediate any corruption issues identified in an internal investigation in the United States.
This article summarises the legislative framework for the protection of personally identifiable information (PII).
With China's pending entry into the World Trade Organization, continued reports of software and internet music piracy in Asia, and the ease with which pirated goods can be trafficked via the internet, protection of intellectual property rights abroad should concern any company conducting business in China.
“Can we do it?” “Should we do it?” “How can we justify budgeting for it?” and “Can we rely on it?” are questions that your product development or marketing team may ask you prior to launching a product or service.
The overall costs and burdens of ediscovery for any company can be hefty to say the least. When companies "de-duplicate" only within the records of individual custodians, they often end up paying lawyers twice to review the same document from multiple custodians. This adds significant cost for the company and frequently raises serious ethical issues.
For US-based companies that hire foreign nationals or send US citizens to work abroad, there are laws, regulating bodies and cultural ideologies to pay attention to in order to avoid costly litigation. Businesses that are new to foreign employment should examine their practices to ensure compliance at home and abroad.
This is a sample convention center agreement between City and Corporation.
This is a sample channel license agreement.
What legislation is applicable to insolvencies and reorganisations? What criteria are applied in your country to determine if a debtor is insolvent?
This is a sample lease agreement between tenant and landlord.
This article is a review of anti-trust in Asia-Pacific.
The Legal Ops Investor
A landlord's version of a tenancy agreement for residential premises.
What legislation is applicable to insolvencies and reorganisations? What criteria are applied in your country to determine if a debtor is insolvent?
This is a sample employee handbook.
This InfoPAK explores the case law and best principles for handling workplace investigations into employee claims of harassment and other alleged improper treatment in light of the defense provided in Faragher v. City of Boca Raton and the shield that is the attorney-client and attorney work product privileges. This InfoPAK is meant to provide an overview of the Faragher defense (especially in light of recent developments in case law) as well as the salient privileges, and then provide employers with insight on the best practices for protecting the Faragher defense as well as, where possible, the privileges, while proactively addressing employee concerns.
This is a sample lease agreement between landlord and tenant.
The business landscape is experiencing an unprecedented period of globalization. Domestic enterprises now outsource internationally on a large scale and establish partnerships in far-flung locations where business terms may be advantageous. These companies must deal with unfamiliar laws and operational standards. In tandem with this push to globalization, employers find their business operations and ethics scrutinized more closely both domestically and abroad.
What legislation is applicable to insolvencies and reorganisations? What criteria are applied in your country to determine if a debtor is insolvent?
This article provides a guide to the legal framework of the capital market in Switzerland.
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