This program originally aired on March 20, 2024. Please note that this program recording is not eligible for CLE/CPD credit.
Presented by:
Justin Rand
Managing Assistant General Counsel
Novo Nordisk Inc.
Amelia Lancaster
Gilead Sciences
Vinita Kailasanath
Sora Park
Philipp Roos
Principal Associate
This is a sample letter of agreement between a hotel and organization.
A panel of experts will discuss the contract clauses that most often cause disputes, even if the disputes are not over large dollar amounts. These disputes can occur for a variety of reasons, such as ambiguity in the contract language, or a requirement for the business to make exceptions to how it normally operates. The panel will provide a list of clauses that often create contract disputes or misunderstandings, and offer guidance on how to use the negotiation stage to avoid future disputes. The panel will also discuss strategies for working with internal clients to make sure the contract's requirements are realistic and complied with by all parties.
This is an extensive sample contract focused on engineering and design services between two entities.
This Quick Overview discusses how businesses must be prepared to handle the risks and consequences of storing large quantities of customer and client personal information digitally in the United States.
This is a sample guarantee agreement between a company as guarantor and a bank as guarantee trustee.
This is a sample employment agreement for an executive in a limited liability company.
This is a sample guarantee agreement.
This is a sample guarantee agreement.
This Litigation Tip of the Month provides helpful guidelines for drafting effective, enforceable liquidated damage clauses.
in this interview, Brad Nielson, Shell's general counsel for Global Litigation, discusses Shell's innovative, value-focused approach to litigation and matter/spend management, including pricing, training, and the use of project management tools not only to keep matters on track, but importantly, to prevent future litigation.
ACC Comments to Arizona Supreme Court regarding amendments on pro bono services by in-house counsel
This case law is an order instituting administrative and cease-and-desist proceedings pursuant to Sections 203(e) and 203(k) of the Investment Advisers Act of 1940 and Section 9(b) of the Investment Company Act of 1940 and notice of hearing.
This is a sample severance agreement setting out the terms of the benefits provided by the employer in exchange for a general release of claims.
Trademark License Agreement (Turkey). Published 2015, republished 2023.
To evaluate employment status, courts commonly rely on one of three tests: the common law agency test (right-to-control test), the economic realities test, or the hybrid test. While the state-law tests vary to some degree from state to state, this table focuses on the tests applied under federal law.
This resource from Seyfarth Shaw LLP discusses the appropriate considerations and actions concerning the FDIC for those with loans in a Bridge Bank.
This article discusses different aspects of LPO provider selection, including location, casting your net broadly enough, making your selection based on robust criteria, and taking into account possible obstacles to success that have more to do with your own organization than the potential provider.
This is a sample parent guarantee agreement between a parent guarantor and a trustee guarantee.
This is a sample key employee agreement.
Property License and Option Contract (Canada)
This is a sample employment agreement between the company and the President of its subsidiary.
This is a sample capital equipment purchase agreement.
This is a sample employment agreement between the company and its employee.
Outsourcing company services that require sensitive data to third parties does not relieve your organization of liability. Far from it — entrusting sensitive data to a vendor can increase your risk of a data breach and drive up the associated costs of the fallout. However, if you conduct due diligence and verify that your vendor can handle confidential information with care, you bolster your company’s defense if a breach occurs due to the vendor’s negligence.
A discussion about transitioning from private practice to that of a corporate legal department.
template novation agreement from Australia
This is a sample consulting agreement between a company and an independent contractor.
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