Build your own project management tool, modeling from this template providing an overview of terms and components and tabs to set up your schedule, workplan, teams, assignments and budget. From
ACC Value Challenge workshop, Legal Service Management, July 2010: (provided by Aileen Leventon, QLex
This is an outline for the session.
Managing legal cost has become a core expectation for Law Departments, rather than a defining indicator of value contribution. The next evolutionary phase is strategically supporting the business in the accomplishment of its goals and objectives.
A brief addressing the question of whether it is appropriate for the trier of fact to draw an adverse inference with respect to willful infringement when the attorney-client privilege and/or work product privilege is invoked by a defendant in an infringement suit.
Written Testimony
United States Senate Committee on the Judiciary
"Examining Approaches to Corporate Fraud Prosecutions and the Attorney-Client
Privilege Under the McNulty Memorandum"
October 18, 2007
This is a sample software license agreement.
Latham & Watkins provides an overview of how to best navigate the SEC's new "Clawback" rules. These include how to understand and apply the new rules, to new disclosure requirements and more.
Gain insights on how to make educated decisions as to who is best suited to manage or complete the work from a resource perspective. Learn how to prioritize work based on its strategic value or risk to the organization and source it to the appropriate internal and external resources based on that priority assessment.
This is a sample license agreement between company and licensee.
This is a sample severance agreement between an employer and an employee setting out the terms of separation.
Senior executives today move freely from team to team. Talent moves quickly, jumping across companies and across industry lines. And we should not be shocked.
This article presents five steps for corporate counsel to use for resolving ethical issues in the workplace.
Discusses the lessons to be learned from the Enron scandal and the many others that have occurred.
This short article addresses how a growing number of shareholder activist campaigns in the United States are being backed—often secretly—by long-term investors, which may be signaling a sea change in investor attitudes.
Are the convoluted indemnification clauses that have grown as they have been passed down through the ages necessarily the most clear? Read what Bob Feldman has to say about the topic.
This material focuses on how to speak to and with your business partner- the corporate client. Read more scenarios and answers to questions that arise in your corporate counsel role.
Counterparty risk is an inevitable component of any financial transaction. Organizations faced with a financially distressed debtor are wise to have defenses in place before issues arise. With proper protection in place, those organizations also have the opportunity to capitalize on the distress of the debtor. Arm yourself with the weapons that your organization will need to protect itself when dealing with an insolvent or bankrupt corporate group, as well as deal protection measures to consider when managing distressed merger and acquisition transactions in an international context.
We asked several Docket advisory board members and columnists to contribute their best career advice. In this article, their melodius chorus.
Read the musings of John Ross on his career stops and adventures.
Though legal and IT departments are now deeply intertwined, confusion and frustration between the two remains. Here’s how the groups can communicate and collaborate better.
In ACC Docket's October Tech Toolbox, columnist Gregory Stern gives recommendations on various practices for short-form, long-form, and collaborative writing.
Effective storytelling is essential to connecting with your audience or, in many cases, your colleagues.
Kenneth Cutshaw underscores the importance of LPO in this must-read article.
The columnist discusses the growing trend of outsourcing legal services, especially in India.
In the context of social media use in the workplace, the author contends that it is a fallacy to think that there is a line between business and personal because business is always personal.
The author discusses her Texas A&M University experience and how it relates to civic responsibility.
This article is on shaping a clawback policy on incentive and equity compensation to address reputational risks.
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