The development of the cloud service model delivers business-supporting technology more efficiently than ever before. The shift from server to service-based thinking is transforming the way technology departments think about, design, and deliver computing technology and applications.
The reimbursement of education expenses in Brazil has been a controversial issue. Previous law stipulated that courses subject to reimbursement were professional qualification courses and were connected to the activities the employee performed at the company. This law did not deal with subsidizing the education of dependents. Recent legislation has changed some of these provisions. This article considers those changes and assesses their impact.
A letter informing the recipient that it has access to an irrevocable "standby letter of credit". Includes form of sight draft and form of written statement.
Apply these 10 helpful tips prepared by Saul Ewing LLP to protect your organization when drafting and negotiating contracts and license agreements.
Pfizer's consolidation of employment litigation and counseling to one firm, Jackson Lewis, and the value added, is described in this Value Practice resource.
A powerpoint presentation on 'Understanding Licensing Agreements' which includes basic information on copyright, licensing and trademarks.
Tired of being viewed as the official corporate deal breaker? Seeking understanding? Slip this article into the reading pile of your nearest business counterpart.
A sample letter from a company's human resources manager to a former employee reminding him/her of their continuing obligations to keep trade secrets confidential post-employment.
A chart with columns for long term results, 1 to 5 scale answer possibilities, and possible enhancements.
This article covers the issues that corporates should be thinking about now, and assess the likely impact of Brexit on different aspects of business following the United Kingdom vote to exit the EU which has caused significant market volatility.
This article addresses key aspects of Fintech and Fintech regulation in Brazil.
In 2004, The Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commission developed an “Enterprise Risk Management – Integrated Framework” that, to this day, has not been widely adopted. This article looks at the reasons behind this and offers advice to companies that do not regularly and thoroughly manage their enterprise risks.
The Smarter Legal Model, developed by Trevor Faure, helps legal departments increase coverage, improve compliance and increase client satisfaction — all for less cost. Ron Pol discusses Faure's model and the potential benefits resulting from its implementation.
Ron Pol discusses the different language cues used by CEOs and CFOs that might help identify an increased risk of deceptive financial reporting.
Legal Professional Privilege - session held in Perth 21 November 2016.
In her latest "My Take" message to Docket readers, ACC Board Chair Sabine Chalmer contends that if "content is king," then so is intellectual property.
ACC Board Chair, Patricia Hatler, describes how take to take the tough lessons of 2009 and apply them to the business of 2010.
Read this article to find out how grooming a successor can be a major steppingstone in your career development. In this article, Robert Half Legal, ACC's Alliance partner for legal staffing services, provides helpful hints to determine essential job requirements to consider, identify your prospective replacement, as well as the continued coaching and mentoring of said replacement.
This article examines the legal framework relating to marginal fields in Nigeria, as well as issues to consider when investing in marginal fields.
So many of the success stories involving early adapters to the ACC Value Challenge originated in big firms and big departments: where there are staff and budget that can be allocated toward process, management, and alignment, and where there is interested media to cover every move. But big firms and big departments are not where the story ends. Indeed, many of the most interesting stories are those yet "untold." Join us to examine what the ACC Value Challenge "World Tour" of small department and firm practices reveals about strategies, ideas, processes, metrics and innovation that work best in solo to small/medium-size shops.
These rules govern the procedure in all civil actions and proceedings in the United States district courts, except as stated in Rule 81. They should be construed, and administered, and employed by the court and the parties to secure the just, speedy, and inexpensive determination of every action and proceeding.
This article provides a brief overview of Canadian employment and labor law.
ACC Amicus - JJ Holland v Frederikson & Byron
This sample conflict of interest policy defines conflicts of interest; identifies classes of individuals within the organization covered
by this policy; facilitates disclosure of information that may help identify conflicts of
interest; and specifies procedures to be followed in managing conflicts of interest.
To access the other sample governance policies referred to in this cover letter, visit the following URLs:
- Whistleblower Policy:
- Document Retention and Destruction Policy:
- Policy on the Process for Determining Compensation:
- Joint Venture Policy:
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