This is a sample development and license agreement.
This article delves into the Consultation Conclusions on Proposed Enhancements to the Open-ended Fund Companies Regime (OFC) and Further Consultation on Customer Due Diligence Requirements, published by Hong Kong’s Securities and Futures Commission. Issued on 2 September 2020, the Consultation Conclusion, the Consultation Conclusion highlights different enhancements to be made to private OFCs.
A checklist of cloud computing with the company as the supplier.
The author contrasts two health clubs — one is focused primarily on maximizing profits while the other is focused primarily on helping people live healthier lives— as a way to illustrate that an organization’s defined purpose can have a profound impact on every aspect of the business.
The role of in-house counsel around the world, and particularly in Asia, is becoming more and more difficult with each passing year. Technology is constantly evolving, while data volumes are increasing, and data sources are becoming more complex with cross-border cloud-based platforms and the prevalence of mobile devices in the everyday corporate environment.
This is a sample limited copyright license agreement.
Innovation and the Legal Profession - presentation held in Melbourne 22 March 2017.
The author discusses a case in which clever language determined a court's ruling on the termination payment between two parties under contract.
This short article introduces approaches to management and leadership, and argues that a change in strategy may lead to better results.
This is a brief outline of recent environmental, social, and governance (ESG) developments, together with links to additional materials.
A review of how recent changes to Brazilian bankruptcy law affect the ability of electric power concessionaires and licensees to address financial problems with judicial reorganization.
This is a sample tuition reimbursement agreement outlining the terms associated with it.
Are you facing the inevitable reality that the world of the paperless legal file is around the corner? Looking for cost-saving opportunities and measurable and quantifiable efficiency and productivity gains? This presentation, applicable to any size legal office will address these opportunities, as well as explore the benefits gained by proactively moving to an electronic legal file environment. Faculty will share their first–hand experiences in how their offices created a document management policy, developed workflow processes to create, scan and save electronic documents, instituted document naming conventions, and secured hardware appropriate for their office needs. Panelists will also describe steps taken to develop and deliver training to all users at different degrees of technology skills levels and to effectively implement the transition. The ethical permissibility, and limitations of electronic file sharing and storage, and considerations when crafting a document retention and destruction policy that is compliant with the applicable. Professional Responsibility Rules will also be explored.
This is a sample mortgage and security agreement.
The interview you never thought you would read: Aristotle and Steve Hughes sit down to discuss the state of in-house counsel presenting and speaking in 21st century America. Read on to find out what he has to say about presenting with a goal and making sure that what you say is of benefit to your audience.
A detailed agreement between a company and its members regarding the general operations of the corporation.
On 6 March 2014 Law no. 12/2014 was published. This Law amends, for the second time, the legal regime of municipal services of public water supply, urban waste water treatment and urban waste management, which was approved by Decree Law no. 194/2009, 20 August, and first amended by Decree-Law no. 92/2010, 26 July.
This resource provides a guide to Non-disclosure agreements for non-legal departments.
This article explains the importance and specifics of board training.
This report analyzes best-practices shared by general counsel participants during the 2015 Lex Mundi Summit in Amsterdam.
Technology Trends Summary Example
The story of corporate compliance in 2017 is one where large corporations are being increasingly challenged about their conduct. Learn more about the impact this can have on you and your department.
This is a sample promissory note between two Delaware limited liability companies.
A sample settlement proposal submitted by a mediator to the conflicted parties.
An ACC interview with Carol Ann Petren, Executive Vice President and General Counsel of CIGNA. Hear Petren's views on opportunities for women to advance in the legal field, the importance of delegating work, and tips for organizing your legal department.
Since December 17, 2014, the U.S. and Cuba have reestablished diplomatic relations and discussed sensitive issues, like claims for expropriated property. For American companies seeking to do business in Cuba, however, the US continues to maintain a comprehensive embargo against Cuba, and Cuba remains a socialist state with a restrictive, government-run economy. The program will provide: An overview of the Cuban embargo regulations (what has changed, what remains in place); Advice on navigating the Cuban embargo regulations, including implementation of compliance programs; Information about Cuba’s foreign investment rules and government hierarchy; Expert insights into the realities of doing business with “Cuba, Inc.”; and Current investment trends, opportunities and risks.
Take it up a level! When it comes to licensing rights to music and video, ensure that you are covering all of your legal bases. This advanced session will offer hypotheticals and practical guidelines on how to assess your company's needs and secure the requisite permissions, clearances and licenses. From music licensing — American Society of Composers, Authors and Publishers (ASCAP), Broadcast Music, Inc. (BMI), and the Society of European Stage Authors and Composers (SESAC) — to movie and TV licensing — Copyright Clearance Center (CCC) and Motion Picture Licensing Corporation (MPLC) — this panel will examine the current public-performance licensing world and offer tips for the "what, when and how." This is one informative panel you don't want to miss!
This white paper redefines the relationship between the Chief Compliance Officer and the General Counsel.
This is a sample industrial lease agreement for the state of Illinois.
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