This is a sample non-exclusive independent contractor agreement.
As legal departments expand their roles as business partners and compliance advisers, we have seen roles develop outside of the traditional attorney discipline. As with subject matter expertise, certain skills from other professions can assist the department to be more effective. This program will explore the strategic use of program managers, paraprofessionals, and other business experts to enable the delivery of legal services across the legal department and organization more broadly.
The session will cover important recent US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) developments since the 2015 ACC Annual Meeting. The program will review significant enforcement actions and trends as well as recent SEC developments related to the Volcker Rule, shareholder proposals, and the rule for pay ratio disclosure. This program will also examine those sections of the Dodd-Frank Act that matter most to corporate and securities lawyers in their day-to-day practices, including providing advice to management and board members. The session will review the network of regulations that have been adopted pursuant to those sections and report on the status of regulations not yet adopted by the SEC. This will be a fast-moving program; come equipped with a working knowledge of the Securities Exchange Acts of 1933 and 1934.
Learn how the US Federal Energy Regulatory Commission's policies and regulatory functions may change in the wake of the US Supreme Court's 2024 decision overturning the Chevron doctrine.
Word version of the sample Model Contract Clauses to Protect Workers in International Supply Chains, Version 2.0, developed by the Working Group to Draft Model Contract Clauses to Protect Human Rights in International Supply Chains American Bar Association Section of Business Law.
This is a sample sales agent agreement between a company and an agent to serve as the company's sales representative in a territory.
This is a sample non-compete agreement between two corporations where one corporation is a publisher.
Agreement for the financing, design, construction, and operation of a project. Includes provisions regarding financing, property developments, scope of works, program and progress, operation and maintenance, land, environmental protection, project monitoring, and other considerations.
This is a sample employment standards and practices employee handbook.
An extensive discussion on how to prepare and handle yourself at board meetings.
This article shows how continued growth across the GCC has given rise to more hiring of dedicated In-House Counsel.
This article deals with companies’ accountability for responsible employment practices in their global supply chains.
In this article, learn more about Iohann Le Frapper's journey through the in-house counsel world.
Unfortunately, no organization is immune from criminal conduct by employees, including management-level officers. This article discusses how to deal with suspected criminal misconduct by employees.
Why are General Counsels (GCs) being overlooked for board roles, even though many are company secretaries to their company’s boards of directors and have the most experience and exposure to the boards? In this article, find out more about how this happens and ways to move forward.
Provides guidance on how legal departments can leverage their company's internal knowledge in facilitating compliance and managing outside counsel. Provides specific examples of strategies applied when complying with the EU's REACH regulations.
This memorandum briefly sets out the rules which apply to counterparties categorised under EMIR as "non financial counterparties" ("NFC"). It is not however designed to describe in detail the clearing mechanics or the consequences on daily valuation at market price and thus of potential margin calls.
Trademark License Agreement (Switzerland)
This is a sample escrow agreement between a Licensor and Licensee where they have entered into one or more Product Specific Agreements.
This is a sample agreement which is an access license to supply telecommunications to tenant.
The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services has been quite active. Attend this session to learn more about the most recent changes in the law (stark, off-campus hospital services, etc.) and what in-house counsel can look forward to in the year ahead.
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