This May 2020 article describes changes that were made to Australia’s foreign investment laws. These alternations were necessary in light of the coronavirus pandemic, so they could better safeguard Australia’s national interests.
This sample agreement is intended for use in business-to-business arrangements. The agreement is drafted on the basis that the Customer will pay the Supplier (i) a fixed fee for development of the website, with payments staged across the development phase, and (i) a monthly fee for hosting services.
In addition to traditional legal requirements for advertising and marketing, getting your message out to customers through social media presents new and unique legal challenges for marketers and lawyers alike. The fast-evolving environment of social media requires constant attention and creative solutions, often in unfamiliar circumstances. The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) and other governmental agencies, as well as industry groups such as the Digital Advertising Alliance (DAA) and Online Publishers Association (OPA), have issued ground rules and best practices for online and mobile marketing and advertising. Each social media platform has its own contractual requirements regarding promotions, sweepstakes, sharing and other popular marketing techniques. Join this fast-paced journey through the tricky legal terrain of advertising and marketing in social media and be sure to IM, text, share or tweet along the way!
This sample agreement is intended for use in business-to-business arrangements. The agreement is drafted on the basis that the Customer will pay the Supplier (i) a fixed fee for development of the website, with payments staged across the development phase, and (ii) a monthly fee for hosting services.
This article discusses the purpose of the National Energy Retail Law (NERL) in Australia.
This “how to” session will include all the information that is needed to successfully facilitate speed to market for your retail business in compliance with the harmonisation legislation coming out of the EU, including the consumer directive, cyber security and electronic signature directives, and data privacy, which have been designed to ensure that consumers are protected and can transact securely online.
These are the current and official company social computing guidelines, which are reviewed periodically so that they may evolve to reflect emerging technologies and online social tools.
Increased online trading between the United States and Europe has also heightened the need for increased caution in matters of privacy and data protection. And while there are no hard and fast rules about ecommerce between the two unions, the smooth sailing of trans-Atlantic transactions may become a bit bumpy. Enter the EU Safe Harbor as a possible solution.
These Online Social Media Principles have been developed to help empower associates to participate in the new frontier of marketing and communications, represent the Company.
This decision by the High Court of Australia highlights the importance of carefully drafting reasonable endeavours clauses. Where it is commercially acceptable, it would be prudent for an obligee to seek to include express, specific and objective boundaries on the obligor's conduct.
These guidelines have been developed for all to follow whenever contributing to online social computing platforms where there are references to or a potential impact on the corporation.
This piece provides invaluable insight and advice into the steps one should take in order to prevent online scams, hacks and identity/financial theft. It highlights an overview of the right safety strategies to take, which focus namely on verifying the identities of people being interacted with and confirming the authenticity of e-mails and transfer requests.
An ACC online survey reveals in-house counsel’s professional challenges, future career plans, social media habits and more. The results provide intriguing insights into the work lives of corporate counsel around the globe.
This article contains the chapter covering Australia and information regarding enforcement, appeals and damages in that country.
This InfoPAK (now known as ACC Guides) provides a Q&A that gives a high level overview of the main trends and significant deals in Australian construction plans.
How does traditional copyright law apply in the online world? Read this article to discover the role of copyright law in the digital age and how you can use it to your company’s advantage.
This article provides a brief overview of ACC’s Guide to the ACC Value Challenge in Europe, a new online resource that addresses the concerns of corporate counsel in Europe.
In this article, in-house counsel can learn more about the pitfalls of social media and posting certain types of information. Australia's first defamation case involving emojis highlights complicated ways that a simple keystroke can impact your business.
The main objective of security of payment legislation operating in each state of Australia is to ensure continued cash flow to a contractor, even where there is an ongoing dispute about payment or a set-off claim by a principal.
This article outlines some of the rules which govern the screening process by which the Australian government considers foreign investment proposals, which they do on a case-by-case basis to determine whether a particular proposal in contrary to Australia’s national interests (or national security).
2014 is shaping up to be a big year for industrial relations in Australia. Now is the time to start thinking strategically about the year ahead and planning so that you can achieve your desired industrial outcomes.
This article is about The World Bank Institute and two partners planning to develop a free online platform for companies to report on sustainability across their global supply chains.
Bitcoin poses serious risks for inexperienced investors, but Bitcoin also promises a simpler, cheaper, private way to transact online, and advocates argue that Bitcoin can be a democracy and economy builder. This Top Ten will cover questions and issues surrounding this trendy virtual currency.
This is an online tutorial to help train your employees; publications to address particular data security challenges; and news releases, blog posts, and guidance to help you identify – and possibly prevent – pitfalls.
There has been significant growth in the number of in-house lawyers in Australia over the past decade, with the in-house profession now representing the fastest growing segment of the Australian legal sector. The ACC Australia Graduate Profile Handbook traces the legal careers of several young ACC Australia members, details how they arrived at their first in-house counsel role, and offers key lessons learnt in these roles. Based on excerpts from the handbook, this article outlines tips and lessons from these graduates’ in-house journey.
Check out this article by Foley & Lardner in response to an unprecedented move by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA or Agency) detailing a warning letter sent to, Inc. (Amazon), a fulfillment house, with respect to distributing over-the-counter (OTC) drug products that are in violation of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (FD&C Act).
In this article, in-house counsel will learn more about Legal Professional Privilege in Australia. Some areas that will be explored are: in-house counsel’s ethical responsibilities, employment contract tips, top tips for maintaining legal professional privilege, and internal education material.
ACC homepage poll results for the week of 9/19/2011 - 9/25/2011.
Manufacturers must be wary of new regulations and coordinated international efforts, especially the implementation of online databases, when it comes to consumer product safety. If your company isn’t prepared, it could face substantial sanctions for delayed reporting or recall compliance failures. Read this article to discover how Textron, Inc., proactively manages its reporting obligations.
Flight confirmations. Hotel reservations. Updated medical information for your doctor or a retail purchase. These online activities simplify our daily routines, both at work and play. However, such technical advances can come with a price: a cyber attack. Here, the authors provide in-house counsel with practical advice and tools to prepare for, and respond to, the cyber intrusions that are likely to come.
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